120 Mayfair RoadWarwick, Rhode Island02888
(401) 781-9242  stpeterschoolri.com

May 5, 2011

Dear Parents,

The month of May marks the beginning of many First Communions and Confirmations around the Diocese of Providence. Students from St.PeterSchool and Parish will be making their First Communion this coming weekend. Confirmation takes place on Sunday, May 8that 3:00 pm. We congratulate all our students and former students receiving these very special sacraments for the first time. May the special graces received keep them close to God at all times.

SUMMER SOLUTIONS: As we all know, children lose a great deal of what they have learned during the school year in the summer months. Summer learning is critical to the academic growth of all children. The recent research on summer learning loss is staggering and demonstrates that all students, regardless of income level, lose ground when not engaged in learning during the summer months. Therefore, I encourage all our parents to purchase Summer Solution Workbooks and make sure that their children work in them daily during the summer months. Many of our classes use Simple Solutions during the school year and find them very effective. Included in this week’s Friday Folder is a flyer with instructions on how to easily purchase these books on line. You will be able to purchase these books for $10.00 each if you use our school code PET02888 (indicated on the flyer)you will not be charged shipping and handling. Please follow the simple ordering instructions on the flyer. The last day to order books is June 6, 2011. The books will be delivered to the school before the last day of school (June 23rd) but you must place your order by or before June 6th!



ST. JUDE MATH-A-THON: The official total collected by St.PeterSchool for the St. Jude’sChildren’s Hospital was an amazing $2,298.00. St.PeterSchool parents and students are amazing. Special thanks go out to Mrs. Christine Desmarais and Miss Meghan Kane for coordinating this Outreach activity.

THE NED SHOW: Yo-Yos and other NED gear will be available for purchase until Wednesday, May 11th. A second order form is included in this week’s Friday folder.

LOOKING AHEAD: The Gaspee Arts and Crafts weekend will soon be upon us soon. We will be painting and decorating the pots on Monday, May 23rd. All children are involved in this activity so please make sure you have provided at least one clay pot for your child. The mouth (top) of the pot should be no smaller than 3.5 inches. There are many great sales so buy your pots now!! A flyer with more details is included in this week’s Friday Folder.

UNO DOUGH RAISER: Thank you to all who ate at or ordered from Uno Chicago Grill this past Thursday. St.PeterSchool appreciates your effort.

ARTS SCHOLARSHIPS 2011 AWARDS PRESENTATION: I am very happy to announce that Olivia Kaczmarzyk (Gr. 8)willbe receiving one of these prestigious awards on Monday, May 9th at the ProvidencePerformingArtsCenter. Textron Corporation sponsors the Arts Scholarships Awards Program. We send our congratulations to Olivia!

SCIENCE OPPORTUNITIES: Mrs. Unger will continue to offer a review of science concepts every Tuesday from 8:00 to 8:30 am throughout May for Grade 8 students. This is totally optional, and students are welcome to come to any or all sessions.

VOLLEYBALL: The next volleyball game will take place on Friday, May 6that Rejoice in HopeCenter at 6:45 PM and 7:45 PM against St. Augustine I and II.I had the pleasure of attending a game on Sunday, May 1st. I had no idea it was audience participation!! The ball often escaped the players and was caught by one of the spectators. Next time I think I’ll wear a helmet. Truly, it was a great deal of fun, fast moving and the team members seemed to be having a great time. Keep up the good work, Panthers!

PINEWOOD DERBY RESULTS: Benjamin Fontaine and Joshua Dean, Pack 4 Gaspee Plateau,were the 1st place winners in the March competition and participated in this final Pinewood Derby. The results of thePinewood Derby regionals held on April 9th at the ExeterWestGreenwichHigh Schoolare as follows: Benjamin Fontaine won 5th place out of 97 racers. Unfortunately,Joshua did not place in the end but stayed to cheer Ben on. Congratulations to both Ben and Joshua!

MAY PROCESSION: Please mark your calendars…this year our Crowning of Mary will take place on Thursday, May 26th at 2:00 PM. This was the time chosen by most of our parents when surveyed last year. I hope that many of you can join us for this very special tribute to Mary.

SPECIAL DRESS DOWN DAY: On Monday, May 16th we will have a very special Dress DownDay to benefit a relative of the Hopkins family, also a St. Peter Parish member, who has a rare, fataldisease. This disease is eventually physically debilitating leaving the child unable to speak, walk, read or eat without the use of feeding tubes. Most of the money from the Dress Down Day will go toward A-T research; however, I would also like to donate a portion of the money to the family to offset their many expenses. I would like to thank you for your continuing generosity to those in need.

TUITION CONTRACTS: Your Tuition Contract for the 2011-2012 schoolyearwas sent home on March 1st. The contract and $35.00 processing fee, if you will be paying in 10 or 12 monthly payments,WERE DUE ON TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND. Your re-registration process for next school year is not complete until we receive the signed contract along with the processing fee, if applicable. These signed contracts are mandatory for our billing process for next school year. We ask your cooperation in returning the contracts.

TUITION REMINDER: Tuition must be paid in full to be fully re-registered in St.PeterSchool. If your tuition is not current by June 1st the following will occur:

  1. Students in Middle School will not be allowed to take their exams
  2. The pre-paid Yearbook will be held back
  3. If you have re-registered, you will be put on a waiting list

Please honor your tuition contract commitment. This is how we pay our salaries and bills! Please call the school office if you have extenuating circumstances that need to be discussed.

TARGET RED CARDS: If you have a Target credit card or are thinking of getting a Target credit card, Target has a program called Take Charge of Education. You need only sign up once at Target.com/tcoe and put in St.PeterSchool ID #15656and every time you use your Target credit card St.PeterSchoolwill receive 1%of your purchase. It costs you nothing. Remember, you only have to sign up once on line, and then it is automatic. If your child graduates from St. Peters and goes on to another school, you can go back to the Target website and redirect your 1% to another school—or you can just leave it with us!! Thank you for considering this program.

Please continue to send in your EMPTY COMPUTER INK CARTRIDGES. Thank you to all who have been sending them in to school.



TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE SOON: VIP TICKETS--$10.00 (Limited Quantity Available)




May 7th First Communion 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM

May 8th First Communion 9:30 AMand 11:00 AM

Confirmation 3:00 PM

May 9th Dress Down Day for A-T

Preschool 4 Bake Sale

May 10th Grade 3 Ice Cream Sundae Party

May 13th Grade 7 Mass—Our Lady of Fatima and all mothers—10:00 AM

Have a wonderful weekend and a great Mother’s Day!


Joan Sickinger

