August 31, 2012
Hail the formation of Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist
Message of CC, CPI (Maoist) to the CC, CPN -Maoist
Comrade Kiran,
The Chairman,
The CC, CPI (Maoist) is sending its warmest revolutionary greetings to you and all the CC members and the entire rank and file of the CPN-Maoist on the formation of the new revolutionary party in Nepal after a prolonged internal ideological and political struggle against the opportunist and neo-revisionist leadership within the party who betrayed the Nepalese revolution and by demarcating and making a break with them.
Even while the Nepal Revolution reached the stage of strategic offense, the UCPN (Maoist) leadership assessed the national and international situation subjectively, took erroneous tactics which themselves led the party get bogged down in the quagmire of parliamentarianism with capitulationism uninterruptedly since end 2005. The opportunist faction that was dominant in the party rapidly went on taking modern revisionist positions including 12-point Agreement, 8-point Agreement and Comprehensive Peace Agreement etc thus betraying the cause of the Nepal people and causing enormous harm to the New Democratic Revolution. The revolutionary faction of the UCPN (Maoist) led by Comrade Kiran and other revolutionaries put up a fight against the neo-revisionist stands that harmed the interests of the Nepal oppressed masses and have split at various stages from the revisionist leadership. Our CC considers such splits resorted to by genuine revolutionaries demarcating from the neo-revisionist leadership and its erroneous right opportunist line as correct steps that would advance the revolution in Nepal and serve the interests of the oppressed classes and all oppressed social sections in Nepal. Our CC hails the formation of CPN-Maoist and offers its support and solidarity to the new party with Proletarian Internationalism. We wholeheartedly wish that your Congress scheduled to be held in February 2013 would be a great success and that it would be successful in adopting a correct ideological political line and path of the revolution and on this basis in uniting and consolidating all the genuine revolutionary forces in the country.
On this joyous occasion, we would like to put in a word which we learned from our own experience. The CPN (Maoist) and heroic people of Nepal waged Protracted People’s War (PPW) for seizure of political power, got steeled and strengthened in war and achieved great successes. But now for a long period of more than 7 years the PPW has been abandoned and the party and the people have been engaged in parliamentary, peaceful and legal activities. In such a backdrop, the great qualities that were gained due to PPW may have diluted significantly now. Even after the formation of the new party there is a possibility for dilution of revolutionary qualities due to working in a legal setup for a long period. So those have to be regained and sustained with correct ideological and political line, path of revolution, class struggle, conscious effort and practicing proletarian life style and work style. Ideological, political and organizational mistakes done during the internal struggle are to be identified correctly and rectified very seriously. The mistakes you realized and rectified while forming the new party give us good hope that you are advancing in this direction and we wholeheartedly hope that it would continue.
Revolutionaries may still be present in the neo-revisionist Prachanda-Bhattarai faction of the party, so your stand of continuing internal struggle and keeping the doors open till the Congress is correct. We feel that efforts must be put later too to unite the genuine revolutionaries and there should a scope for them to join the genuine revolutionary party. Some comrades had left the party beforehand and we hope that you would put efforts to unite with all such genuine revolutionary forces that have demarcated themselves from the neo-revisionists. This unity of all revolutionary forces on correct ideological and political line would be very necessary to isolate revisionists and to unite people in the larger interests of the revolution. As we are all aware any one country’s communist party cannot intervene in another country regarding the political line, strategy and tactics to be followed by the communist party there. But it would be necessary to hear and pay serious attention to the critical opinions/observations that would be placed before you by the International Maoist parties with proletarian internationalist spirit.
We sincerely hope that your new party would play its role in the liberation of the oppressed masses of South Asian people with International Proletarianism as before. Just a few years back Nepal was on the threshold of building a revolutionary base for the World Socialist Revolution and we hope the new party would continue to work to fulfill this task by putting efforts for advancing towards victory in Nepal. Still there is every possibility of capturing power in Nepal in a new manner in spite of great dangers. We hope that our two parties along with all fraternal Maoist parties in South Asia would put up a united, consistent and tough fight against Indian expansionism, imperialism and all kinds of reactionaries.
We hope that the new party would boldly uphold MLM, creatively apply it to the concrete new context and the nature of the society in Nepal, would oppose all types of revisionism, particularly Prachanda-Bhattarai modern revisionism in Nepal to fulfill the revolutionary aspirations of the proletariat and oppressed people of Nepal and the world.
We end this letter with the great hope that CPN-Maoist would uphold revolutionary traditions of the great oppressed masses of Nepal and Proletarian Internationalism and fulfill the dreams of thousands of great martyrs of Nepal revolution.
With Revolutionary Greetings,
Central Committee,
CPI (Maoist)