EChO Planning Template for 2017
- EnhancingChapter Outcomes EChO
- Use this template to organize your Chapter’s goals for the 2017.
- FIRST, Review the ‘Steps to Follow’ Instructions on Page 2 BEFORE completing your initial Submission
- If you’d like to be considered for a chapter recognition award, please check the box at the end of this form.
#1 Chapter Mission Statement / 10 PointsWrite your chapter mission statement in the space below.
#2 Elevator Pitch5 points
Provide a short summary of your strategy for the year.
#3 Goals and Objectives15 points
State goals and objectives in measureable terms. Goals should meet SMART criteria- Specific Measureable Actionable Relevant and Timebound.Minimum of 2 and Maximum of 6 Goals
Goal(s) / Success Metric
#4 Strategy/Tactics20 points
Strategy/tactics should outline the plan, strategy, or tactics you’ll use to reach the goals and objectives set.
#5 Progress15 points
Track your progress. Share challenges encountered, variations in strategy; and successes achieved
#6 OUtcomeS20 points
Share your accomplishments. Report on goal and success metric results. Also, what lessons did you learn?
Chapter Name:______Chapter Contact Name: ______
Primary Contact Phone: ______Primary Contact Email: ______
Check this box if you would like your RIMS Chapter to beconsidered for an EChO award.
(Choose ONLY ONE category).
Innovation- (Innovate RIMS by introducing a new method, idea, process, etc.)
Development- (Develop RIMS by executing procedures which increase membership and the member experience)
Engagement – (Engage RIMS by providing opportunities for participation and involvement)
Advocacy- (Advocate RIMS through increased visibility and outreach to your local community)
EChO (Enhancing Chapter Outcomes) Planning “Instructions” Sheet
STEP 1 Complete;
#1. Chapter Mission Statement
#2. Elevator Pitch (Usually, when spoken, 30 seconds or less to describe your strategy for the year.)
#3. Goals and Objectives for 2017-List up to a Maximum of 6 goals, Minimum of 2 goals required.
#4. Strategy/Tactics
STEP 2 RIMS will acknowledge receipt of your initial Steps submission without further comment.
Your RIMS Chapter now has a plan and you will endeavor to accomplish your Goals and Objectives by 12/31/2017
#5. Progress Completed by 12/31/2017
#6. Outcomes Completed by 12/31/2017
In order to complete the entire Award Submission process at the end of 2017, your RIMS Chapter will select ONLY ONEof the following Categories! Do Not Select more than One Category!15 POINTS
For the selected category note how your chapter goals align with category and describe the key processes, activities and resources used to achieve your outcome.
Innovation- (Innovate RIMS by introducing a new method, idea, process, etc.)
Development- (Develop RIMS by executing procedures which increase membership and the member experience)
Engagement - (Engage RIMS by providing opportunities for participation and involvement)
Advocacy- (Advocate RIMS through increased visibility and outreach to your local community)
In December 2017, RIMS will send you the respective Questions for your ONE specific Category with instructions for your Final Submission due in January, 2018.
IMPORTANT NOTE: RIMS understands that some Chapters may not operate on a Calendar Year January-December basis. Thus, if this applies to your Chapter, at your next Board Planning Session/Retreat, your Board with valuable input from your respective members would discuss STEP 1 (#1-4) for submission in 2018 and a possible Award in 2019.
OPTION 1; Wait until you have this meeting and add it as an Agenda Item
OPTION 2; Gather your Board together NOW to formulate a response by year’s end