Gregory-Portland Intermediate School Library
Nook Permission Form
My child ______may check out a Nook e-reader.
- My child and I will comply with the rules regarding use of the Nook.
- I agree as the parent/guardian to pay $70 for the Nook if the Nook is lost or damaged while checked out to my child and I will pay any late fees incurred if my childreturns the Nook late.
- I understand that the school’s general Acceptable Use Policy regarding electronics which I signed at the beginning of the school year applies to Nooks also and will be enforced.
Rules and Guidelines:
- No downloads of any kind are allowed.
- The check-out period is for 2 weeks. No renewals are allowed if there is a waiting list of other students who would like to check out a Nook. Even if a Nook is renewed, e-books borrowed through the public library system will expire after 2 weeks and it is possible that the borrowed title will not be available for renewal. (Please read Nook e-books promptly so you will have time to finish it before the Nook is due.)
- Overdue fines are $1.00 per day.
- Nooks must be turned into to the librarianor an adult library volunteer. Nooks should not be placed in the Returns box.
- All Nooks must remain in their cases at all times.
- Students should return the Nook to the library during the morning to recharge the battery and then stop by the library in the afternoon to reclaim the Nooks. Nooks left more than two days will be re-circulated to other patrons. (The battery will be recharged prior to each circulation. The battery should last 10-14 days if the students turn off the Nook after each use.)
- Nooks at school may be used only for reading. The pre-loaded Soduku and Chess games may be played at home.
- Students who have any currently overdue items or fines will not be able to check out a Nook. Nooks will go to the next person on the waiting list if you have an overdue.
Parent signature______
Phone #______Date______
Student signature______