English 7

Poetry Unit

Mr. Davis

Required: (students must complete both assessments)

Poetry Anthology75 pointsGame day: ______

Poem Analysis50 pointsGame day: ______

Poetry Terms Quiz25 pointsGame day: ______

Options: (students may select 1 of the following)

Poetry Presentation25 pointsGame day: ______

Poetry Poster25 pointsGame day: ______

The main elements of poetry are imagery, shape, sound, and meaning.

IMAGERYis the language that creates a concrete representation of an object or an experience.

Colorful Language is precise and lively words and phrases that help to create a clear picture.

Figure of Speech is language meant to be understood imaginatively instead of literally.

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing is written about as if it were another.

Personification is describing something which is not human as if it were human.

TheSHAPEof a poem is how it looks on the page.

Concrete poem is one with a shape that suggests its subject.

The SOUNDof a poem is created through the use of rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and repetition.

Rhyme is the repetition of sound at the ends of words.

Rhythm is the pattern of beats in a line of poetry.

Alliteration is the repetition consonant sounds at the beginning of words (wandering Willy)

Assonanceis the repetition of vowel sounds within words. (Peter Piper)

Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds anywhere in words (thirst of first)

MEANINGin poetry is created in many ways. The use of symbols appeals to emotion, and techniques such as dialogue and flashback can add meaning to a poem.

Poetry comes in two main forms: narrative and lyric.

A narrative poem is a verse that tells a story.

A lyric poem is highly musical verse that expresses the emotions of a speaker without telling a story.

Haiku is a highly specialized form of lyric poetry. It is a traditional three-line poem. It has five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

Free verse is poetry that does not use regular rhyme, rhythm, meter, or division of stanzas.


Poetry Anthology (75 points)

Level selected: ______Teacher signature: ______

Level 1: Create a poetry anthology that contains 5 original poems. Each poem is to be on a separate piece of paper. This must be typed.

Level 2: Create a poetry anthology that contains 10 original poems. Each poem is to be on a separate piece of paper with an illustration. The packet must have a creative front cover. This must be typed.

Level 3: Create a poetry anthology that contains 12 or more original poems. Present each poem with an illustration in a unique and creative way. This must be typed.

Poem Analysis (50 points)

Level selected: ______Teacher signature: ______

Select one poem that you have read or heard read during this unit. Your task is to analyze and evaluate the quality of the poem using terms from your notes.

Level 1: Select three or more terms to use in evaluating this text. For each term you must cite one example from the text. Present an analysis of the text in a 10-12 line written response. This must be typed.

Level 2: Select four or more terms to use in evaluating this text. For each term, you must cite one example from the text. Present an analysis of the text in a 20-25 line written response. This must be typed.

Level 3: Select five or more terms to use in evaluating this text. For each term you must cite two examples from the text. Present an analysis of the text in a 30 line written response. This must be typed.

Poetry Terms Quiz (25 points)

*More information will be given at a later time.


Poetry Presentation (25 points)

You are to pick a poem with a minimum of 10 lines. You will dramatically present your poem in front of the class. Creative and dramatic performances are encouraged.

Poem: ______Author: ______

Poetry Poster (25 points)

Select the 5 most important lines of the poem and write them on the poster. Glue or paste 5 images which match these lines. Write a short explanation of how each picture matches the excerpt.

“Poetry” by Nikki Giovanni

“How to Eat a Poem” by Eve Merriam

Metaphor: ______

Imagery: ______

Figure of Speech: ______

Reflection: ______

Using a metaphor, write a poem about how you feel about poetry:


“Filling Station” by Elizabeth Bishop

“A Deserted Barn” by Larry Woiwode

Imagery: ______

Irony: ______

Personification: ______

Reflection: ______

Using personification, write a poem about a place that is special to you:


“the/sky/was” by E.E. Cummings

Form: ______

Imagery: ______

Reflection: ______

Write a concrete poem. The shape of the poem should reflect its meaning.


“Blackberry Eating” by Galway Kinnell

Onomatopoeia: ______

Alliteration: ______



Using onomatopoeia and alliteration, write a poem about food:


“Forgotten Language” by Shel Silverstein

“Hector the Collector” by Shel Silverstein

Repetition: ______

Rhyme: ______


Write a poem that rhymes. Use repetition in your poem.


Write a reflection to the song “______.”



Write a poem about ______.


“The Lost Parrot” by Naomi Shihab Nye

Dialogue: ______

Symbol: ______


Write a poem about an animal or pet that includes dialogue.


“My Father’s Song” by Simon Ortiz

Flashback: ______

Assonance: ______


Write a poem about someone who is close to you. Use flashback to express a memory that comes to your mind when you think of that person.


“The Charge of the Light Brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Form: ______

Suspense: ______

Repetition: ______


Write a narrative poem about a current event. Include suspense in your poem.


“Corners of the Sky” Author Unknown

“Under the Apple Tree” by Diana Rivera

Form: ______

Metaphor: ______

Simile: ______

Personification: ______


Write a lyric poem about your favorite place to be alone. Use personification.



Haiku are poems that reflect simplicity and economy with a calm, contemplative mood.

Imagery ______

Reflection of the three haiku poems: ______

Write several haiku poems. Focus on simplicity and nature.

Line 1- five syllables; Line 2-seven syllables; Line 3-five syllables

