EL Reading 5
Teacher: Mrs. Bratton
Telephone: 328-5516
Room: 2-112
Edge-Reading, Writing and Language
Edge-Interactive Practice Book
You will need to have a notebook and binder for this class.
In this class you will focus on improving your academic reading skills. In order to be successful in high school, you must be a proficient reader. We will read literature from Edge Level B as well as a variety of non-fiction, short stories and novels. We will learn and practice reading strategies to help boost reading comprehension. We will practice oral reading fluency. We will sometimes integrate our reading with writing from your EL Writing 5 class, so you will be writing in this class as well.
1. Show respect for all persons.
2. Be seated and quiet when the bell rings.
3. Bring all books and materials to class.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Food and beverages (except water) are not allowed in class.
6. Cell phones and music listening devices are not to be used in class.
Consequences for misbehavior:
We will follow the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports) policies of Mayo High School, including conference with the teacher, phone calls to parent/guardian, and/or referral to administration.
100-90% A
Participation in class, quizzes, homework, written work and exams will all count toward your grade. Your final exam will count for 10% of your grade. You may check your grades on Skyward.
Homework must be completed and ready to hand in when you come to class. Late homework will earn a reduced grade. If homework is:
One day late, the score is reduced by 10%
Two days late, the score is reduced by 25%
Three or more, the score is reduced by 50%
If you are absent, and it is an excused absence, you will have two days to make up your homework. If the absence is unexcused, you will not receive credit for any homework or tests for that day. Your homework or test score will be a 0.
If you are absent or otherwise need extra help, I will be happy to help you. I will generally be available for a time after school, or we may be able to meet during my prep period. Ask, and we can set up a time that will work for both of us.
Roll will be taken as soon as class starts. If you are tardy by 10 minutes or more, you will be counted absent--unexcused.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you use someone's words or ideas in an essay or report without giving credit, you will earn a 0, with the chance to re-do. If you are copying someone's paper or test, you will get a 0 on that assignment or test.
The clothing and hat rules that are posted in the Mayo handbook will be enforced. Cell phone use is not allowed while class is in session, or during class work time.
Food, beverages (except water), and music listening devices are not allowed in class.