Constitution ForKorean Culture Club
Article 1
Club name: Korean Culture Club
Article 2Purpose
Share information and practices in Korean culture
AtKalani High School, we have Japanese and Chinese language classes where students learn the language and explore the respective country’s culture. Since there is no opportunity to take a Korean language class at Kalani, we intend to fill the gap to have a club where students are given the chance to explore Korean culture, language and food.
Article 3Membership and Fees
The Korean Culture Club will be open to all students with no racial, ethnic, nor GPArequirement to join. A membership drive will be held within the first month of the school year.
Members are required to:
- Pay $5.00 club membership fee
- Attend at least ½ of the monthlymeetings for each semester
- Earn 1 club service project credit per year
- Participate in all fundraising activities
- Excused absences will not be counted against the student
Failure to meet above requirements will result in termination from the club. They will be allowed to join again in the next school year.
The $5.00 membership club fee will be used to fund the costs for club activities like making Korean food or socials.
Article 4Executive Officers
- Lead the club to accomplish long range goals
- Develop future leaders
- Call club meetings, set meeting agendas (with approval of other officers) and run all club meetings
- Oversees Culture/Language and Culinary Committees
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA during the length of their term
Vice president:
- Be prepared to take on the responsibilities of the president if president is not able (president sick for a meeting or activity)
- Consult with president on plans and special work needed to be done
- If the president can no longer uphold their duties, the vice president will take over the position immediately for the remainder of the school year. New elections for a new vice president will be held within one month.
- Oversees Public Relations and Social Committees
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA during the length of their term
- Maintain financial records of the club (income and expenses)
- Presentyearly budget for all committees
- Oversees Fundraising and T-shirt committees
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA during the length of their term
- Keep record of club memberships and attendance
- Keep record of meeting minutes
- Complete paperwork for club activities
- Oversee Service Committee
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA during the length of their term
Club advisor(s):
- Make available their classroom for club meetings
- Chaperone off campus club activities
- Monitor quarterly GPA of officers
- Oversees Executive officers
Standing committees:
Each committee chair must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
- Culture/Language: research and share information of Korean culture and language at one monthly meeting, organize performances or showcases
- Culinary: provide/cook food for club members at one monthly meeting
- Public Relations: Coordinates publicity (posters, Falcon 40 broadcasts and ads, Edline) for all club activities and membership drive
- Social: organizes, plans and oversees club social activities, no more than 1 per semester (dependent on fundraising).
- Fundraising: Coordinate club fundraising activities (no more than 1 per semester)
- T-shirt: create and order club t-shirts, collect money, payments, etc.
- Service: organizes, plans and oversees service projects, maintains credit records for members (minimum of 2 projects per year).
Article 5Elections
Nominations for elected officers will be taken in March.
Campaign speeches will be presented in April.
Elections will be heldin May.
Elections will be conducted by secret ballot.
Installation of new officers will be the end of May.
The month of May will be transition for new officers into their new roles.
Note: officers may be elected within the first 2 months of the new school year if no election is held in Quarter 4 of the previous year.
Requirements to run for office:
- Must have a GPA of at least 2.5
- Self nominations will be allowed
- Candidates must be aexisting members with a minimum of one year prior membership
- Present officers can run for re-election for the same office for a new office
Article 6Removal from Office
- Two consecutive quarters or grade checks of a GPA falling below 2.5
- Fails to attend 1/2 of monthly club meetings
- Fails to attend 1/2 monthly officer meetings
- Fails to assist/attend service activities
- Fails to participate in fundraising activities
- Fails to fulfill assigned duties
- Meeting one or more of the above conditions will result in the officer being placed on probation.
- Probation period to be determined by advisor
- When on probation, student given a warning and monitored to see if they show improvement
- If improvement is not shown after probation period, then executive officer will be removed from office.
Article 7Amendments
Revision/Voting Procedure:
- If majority of the club members wish to revise the constitution, item must be put on the monthly meeting agenda for discussion.
- A secret ballot vote will be done to vote for changing or revising the constitution.
- If a majority of the club is in favor of changing the constitution, a mandatory meeting will be scheduled and held within one week to revise the constitution as a group.
- Voting on the new change will be done by secret ballot. A majority vote for “yes” will allow the change to the constitution to occur.
Meetings will be held at lunch on 2nd and 4thTuesday of the month
updated July 23, 2015
- Week 1- officer meeting
- Week 2- club
MonthlyClub Meeting Agenda: Every meeting may include the following agenda items:
- Committee updates
- Sharing of one Korean cultural or tradition (historical culture, language, dress, music)and/orpartaking of Korean food (lunch)
Officer Meeting Agenda: Every meeting must include the following agenda items
- Committee updates
- Plan for following club meeting agenda
- Progress on off campus activities, fundraising, and long range club goals
- Suggestions for improvement, Concerns
updated July 23, 2015