Montgomery County Schools
McNabb Middle SchoolCourse/Grade: American History/8th Grade
Unit Title: Historical Background
Common Core Standards / Date / DO
By the end of this lesson,
(Daily Learning Target) / Target Type
(K,R,S,P) / Vocabulary / Activity (ies) / Formative Assessment / Resources /
SS Literacy Standard
SS-08-5.1.2 / 1 / I can describe the role of citizenship, duty, and responsibility and patriotism in a democratic society. / K / duty, citizenship, responsibility, patriotism / 1) Bell Ringer (Geography Review)
2) Read and discuss the article by John McCain, “The Mike Christian” (Primary Source)
** SS Literacy Standard **
-Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
3) Brainstorm what it means to be a citizen with the rights and responsibilities guaranteed to all Americans. / Pondering Patriotism, Exit Slip: Compare and contrast a right versus a responsibility and provide an example of each. / “The Mike Christian Story”-Primary Source, “Pondering Patriotism” Brainstorming List
2 / I can explain the meaning of prehistory and history, and identify the time period relating to each.
SS-08-5.1.2 / K / prehistory, history, historian / 1) Bell Ringer (Geography Review)
2) Roger Kipling’s quote on Six Honest Men
**SS Literacy Standard**
-Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose.
3) Analyze the role of a historian
4) Read and complete a guide on the article, “Why Study History” by Joy Hakem.
-Discuss the article and guide
**SS Literacy Standard**
-Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose. / Reading guide / Ron Kipling’s Quote, “Why Study History” by Joy Hakem
3 / I can describe words related to the concept time in relation to a series of historical events.
SS-08-5.1.2 / K, R / B.C., B.C.E., A.D., C.E., annual, biannual, century, decade, era, millennium, score, timeline, prehistory, history / 1) Bell Ringer (Geography Review)
2) Andy Griffith “Andy Discovers America” (Review Day 2 material—Why Study History?)
3) Give students a list of terms that relate to time. Discuss their meaning and when
the terms are used.
4) Have students practice how time is divided by creating a human timeline (dates with a series of events) / Human Timeline (Assemble into the correct sequential order) / Andy Griffith “Why Study History”, Notecards
4 / I can describe words related to the concept time in relation to a series of historical events.
SS-08-5.1.2 / K, R / B.C., B.C.E., A.D., C.E., annual, biannual, century, decade, era, millennium, score, timeline, prehistory, history / 1) Bell Ringer (Geography Review)
2) Complete “Time” Questionnaire in groups
3) Discuss findings and review as a class using dry erase boards / “Time” Questionnaire, Dry Erase Boards (teacher will assess the class by level of accuracy) / “Time” Questionnaire, Dry Erase Boards
Common Core Standards / Date / DO
By the end of this lesson,
(Daily Learning Target) / Target Type
(K,R,S,P) / Vocabulary / Activity (ies) / Formative Assessment / Resources /
SS Literacy Standard / 5 / I can demonstrate my understanding of how time is defined by historical events.
I can identify the Five Themes of Geography. / K, R / B.C., B.C.E., A.D., C.E., annual, biannual, century, decade, era, millennium, score, timeline, prehistory, history, 5 Themes of Geography (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Region), push-pull theory / 1) Bell Ringer (Geography Review)
2) Time Vocabulary Quiz
3) Use Bell Ringers to review the 5 Themes of Geography and then discuss examples of each (i.e., reading a section of The Lorax
**students will identify examples of HEI and explain whether it’s a positive or negative effect)
**SS Literacy Standard**
-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. / Time Quiz, Geography Bell Ringers / Time Quiz
SS-08-4.1.1 / 6 / I can identify the influences the Greek and Roman civilizations made on the American culture. / K, R / inflation, mercenaries, feudalism, vassal, manor, self-sufficient, serfs / 1) Bell Ringer
2) Reading Guide (Textbook: Medieval Times to Today)
-Discuss what influence the Greeks and Roman civilizations had on the American culture.
-Read and discuss the fall of Rome and the worldwide affects that resulted in the rise of feudalism.
-Read pgs. 105-110 in Medieval Times to Today
-Chart then discuss the collapse of the Roman Empire and the need for feudalism. / Reading Guide / Textbook: Medieval Times to Today, Reading Guide
SS-08-5.1.2 / 7 / I can describe the events that led to the need for feudalism during the Middle Ages. / K, R / The Crusades, Muslim, Christian, Holy War, knights, King John, King Richard / 1) Bell Ringer
2) Continue to use Reading Guide (pgs. 117-121 in Medieval Times Textbook)
-Middle Ages
-The Crusades (Crusades Web) / Reading Guide, Crusades Web / Textbook: Medieval Times to Today, Reading Guide, Magna Carta (primary source)
SS Literacy Standard / 8 / I can explain the Magna Carta and how it led to limited government. / K, R / Magna Carta, Parliament, Age of Exploration / 1) Bell Ringer
2) Continue Reading Guide (pgs. 117-127 in Medieval Times Textbook)
-The Real King of England
-Magna Carta (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How)
3) Article on King John and the Magna Carta
**SS Literacy Standard**
-Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. / Reading Guide / Textbook: Medieval Times to Today, Reading Guide
SS-08-5.2.1 / 9 / I can describe the cause of the Crusades and why Europeans chose to explore once they ended. / K, R / duty, citizenship, responsibility, patriotism, B.C., B.C.E., A.D., C.E., annual, biannual, century, decade, era, millennium, score, timeline, prehistory, history, historian, 5 Themes of Geography (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Region), push-pull theory, inflation, mercenaries, feudalism, vassal, manor, self-sufficient, serfs, The Crusades, Magna Carta, Parliament, Age of Exploration / 1) Bell Ringer
2) Review and Unit Study Guide / Study Guide / Study Guide
SS-08-5.2.1 / 10 / I can identify explorers to the new world and how the press impacted the spread of ideas. / K, R / duty, citizenship, responsibility, patriotism, B.C., B.C.E., A.D., C.E., annual, biannual, century, decade, era, millennium, score, timeline, prehistory, history, historian, 5 Themes of Geography (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Region), push-pull theory, inflation, mercenaries, feudalism, vassal, manor, self-sufficient, serfs, The Crusades, Magna Carta, Parliament, Age of Exploration / 1) Bell Ringer
2) Unit One Learning Check (concept of time, geography, classical civilizations that influenced the Americas)
MC- 8 Questions
ORQ- 1 Question / Learning Check / Learning Check
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