Permission Slip

Museum of Science Boston

Field Trip

When: October 13, 2016

Time: Leave PCS around 8:30AM

Return to PCS around 5:30 PM

Cost: Students $20.00

Chaperones $20.00

The Price includes: Bus mileage, drivers, tolls, and admission to the museum (which includes many exhibits). **Due to scheduling purposes, there will be no refunds even if for some reason you or your child can no longer attend. **

Lunches: You can bring your own or purchase it from the food court.

Looking for Chaperones!

The Purple and Yellow Team teachers are happy to announce that we will be taking our first field trip, October 13th. We will be traveling to the Museum of Science in Boston and we are looking for chaperones. A perfect ratio would be for a parent to chaperone their own child and two to four other students. Just fill in the chaperone portion below and enjoy a wonderful day with your child. Yes, other relatives and family friends (must be 21 years of age and approved by the school) can also chaperone. Instructions and an itinerary will be sent home the day before the trip. **There will be a 20 chaperone maximum and will only be accepted on a first come, first paid basis. **

*** If there are any slots left, chaperones will need to commit with payment by September 30th***

Student Name: ______Phone # ______

has permission to go on the field trip to the Boston Museum of Science on October 13, 2016. I realize that my child will need transportation home at 5:30PM and that students will not be allowed to call for a ride that night, so a ride for them will be waiting.

Parent Signature______

**Please return student permission slips by Tuesday October 11th.

**______would like to be a chaperone for the trip.

(Please print name on line above)

Relationship to child ______Phone # ______