1. Please review ALL imaging and previous biopsies PRIOR to grossing any breast case.
  2. It may be helpful to draw out your own guide to assist when grossing
  3. Faxitron your breast to look for clips and calcs. Make sure the clip location(s) correlates with imaging.
  4. Place mastectomies into Faxitron with POSTERIOR surface down
  5. After sectioning your breast into levels, when evaluating the mass size, make sure the dimensions correlate with clinical findings (do not calculate the mass size based off the presence of a mass in certain levels, as this may give you an incorrect and overestimated size).
  6. If you receive a mastectomy with multifocal lesions, measure and document the distance between the lesions in your gross.
  7. Be descriptive in your cassette summary as this is useful when reviewing your slides the following day.
  8. Document level and location of your sections:
  9. Level 1- superior OR level 1- upper inner quadrant
  10. Level 13- parenchyma between lesion #1 and lesion #2
  11. Level 4- lesion #1 at closest approach to posterior margin
  12. Level 2- lesion #1 in relation to superior margin


Specimen collection time: The OR nurses record the collection time of all breast specimens in Beaker. This time indicates when the breast specimen has been removed from the patient. The OR staff will contact SurgPath personnel to pick up every breast lumpectomy and mastectomy to try and ensure the ischemic time is within the appropriate limits.

Ischemic time: Breast excisions/re-excisions/lumpectomies/partial mastectomies and all mastectomies (including prophylactic ones) are to be immediately (within 1 hour) weighed and placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) once received or picked up from the OR. Ideally, this task will be performed by the personnel/technician prior to accessioning the case. The time the specimen was placed in 10% NBF will be written on the specimen container and documented in Case Notes in Beaker. The collection time and the time the specimen has been placed in 10% NBF will be used to calculate ischemic time:

(Time tissue placed in formalin) – (Collection time) = Ischemic Time

Due to CAP-recommended guidelines for ER, PR, and HER2/neu (including FISH) testing, as much as possible, specimens should be placed in formalin within one hour after surgery. Furthermore, the breast tissue should be in contact with formalin for 6-48 hours, not to exceed 72 hours. Therefore, when a specimen comes in late on Friday, gross the specimen such that you identify the tumor and submit sections of the tumor for the Friday late processor. If the specimen is still very fresh, then please submit the remaining sections (including lymph nodes) during the weekend such that they’ll run on the Sunday processor.

When a specimen comes in on the weekend (occasionally on Saturdays), then please gross the entire specimen and submit sections for the Sunday processor. For such Saturday specimens, waiting until Monday to submit sections for the Monday processor will result in suboptimal testing conditions for breast biomarkers, since this will exceed the recommended 48-hour ideal formalin fixation time frame.


Note: The exception to this is when the requisition states 'Rule out Lymphoma' or a prior core needle biopsy diagnosis was reported as lymphoma. In these cases, call for a lymphoma work-up and DO NOT fix the breast tissue in 10% NBF.

Calculating formalin fixation times (Westwood):

Monday – Thursday calculate fixation time until 3am

Fridaycalculate fixation time until 2am

Saturday - Sunday calculate fixation time until 8pm on Sunday

Holiday weekends contact histology to ensure cassettes are

transferred from formalin and placed into alcohol so as not to exceed the formalin fixation time (6-72 hours). The tissue is in formalin for 2 hours on the processor, so please be mindful of accounting for this when calculating fixation times

Calculating formalin fixation times (Santa Monica):

Monday – Thursday 6:30 pm VIP load: calculate fixation time until 8:30pm

Late load: calculate fixation time until 3am

Fridaycalculate fixation time until 2am

Saturday - Sunday calculate fixation time until 8pm on Sunday


Faxitron image(s) must be obtained and uploaded into Beaker for the following specimen types:

1) All excisional biopsy/lumpectomy/partial mastectomy specimens in order to verify microclip(s) and/or microcalcifications

2) All mastectomy specimens

3) Consider Faxitron imaging paraffin blocks of needle core biopsies as needed for microcalcifications (when initial 3 H&E sections do not show calcs and specimen radiography showed calcs)

When an image is taken, an annotation of the patient’s name and surgical case number must be included in each image. Any additional annotations that are relevant to the particular case should also be included, for instance, measurement(s) and relationships of specific anatomic locations to lesion(s), size of tumor, area of calcifications, location of suspicious area(s), summary of sections, etc.

Image(s) should be uploaded into the case in Beaker; this must be noted in the gross description for billing purposes. (i.e., “A Faxitron image was taken of the specimen.”)

A PDF copy of the Faxitron user manual can be downloaded from the Resident’s Corner website:



  1. Count number of cores
  2. Measure lengths or range of lengths and average diameter of cores
  3. If specimen taken for calcifications, indicate how many cores are received in mesh bag/cassette and designate which cassette these cores are placed in, as they will most often contain the calcifications

Gross Template:

Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] are [number of core biopsies/color/size] measuring [aggregate/range]. The specimen is entirely submitted in [number of cassettes].

Total Ischemic Time: *** minutes

Total Formalin fixation Time: *** hours

Cassette Submission: All tissue submitted. Dictate as a RUSH case and ensure case has been accessioned with a BREAST PACKAGE (H&E x3 and unstained immune slides x3).



  1. Photograph all implants/expanders and indicate defects with probe
  2. Weigh, measure
  3. Document if intact, ruptured (measure size of tear), or deflated
  4. If NO defect identified please include “no defects are identified with firm pressure” in gross description
  5. Silicone vs saline; surface of implant- textured/smooth
  6. Describe attached capsule if present (weigh, measure, describe inner lining, and presence of calcs)
  7. Dictate any medical inscriptions
  8. Log into Gross Only log book as specimen may have medico-legal implications

Gross Template:

Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a ***g, ***x***x***cm [intact/ruptured/deflated] [silicone/saline] implant with the following medical inscription: “***.” The external surface is [textured/smooth/describe adherent tissue]. A gross photograph is taken. The specimen is for gross examination only.

Cassette Submission: Up to two cassette of adherent soft tissue (please remove last sentences in template). If no adherent soft tissue is identified, no sections are submitted (gross only).

-Log specimen into gross only log book



  1. Weigh in aggregate if fragmented
  2. Measure (range and aggregate)
  3. Document number of portions lined with skin (check for skin lesions/scars)
  4. Describe cut surfaces (masses, cysts, %fibrous and %fatty tissue)

Gross Template:

Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] are [number of portions] ranging from ***-***cm in maximum dimensions and aggregating to ***x***x*** cm. [number] of portions are surfaced with [pink-tan/unremarkable] skin. Sectioning reveals [describe cut surfaces]. The tissue consists of ***% tan-yellow adipose tissue and ***% white fibrous tissue. No lesions or masses are identified.

Cassette Submission: 3-5 cassettes (more if gross abnormality identified). Can include two sections of tissue in each cassette. Include skin with at least one section. If specimen is just breast skin you may submit one cassette of three representative cross sections.

A1 Fibroadipose tissue and skin

A2-A5Fibroadipose tissue



  1. Oriented margin
  1. Measure
  2. Ink new margin black and remaining surface blue
  3. Section perpendicular to new margin and longest dimension
  4. Describe cut surface and any grossly identifiable masses
  1. Un-oriented margin
  1. If fragmented- aggregate weight, measurement- embed uninked
  2. If intact- weigh, measure
  3. ink external surface
  4. section perpendicular to longest dimension
  5. describe cut surface and grossly identifiable masses

Gross Template:

Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is an [oriented/un-oriented] margin (re)excision with a suture indicating [new margin]. The specimen measures***x***x***cm in greatest overall dimension. Sectioning reveals [describe cut surfaces]. The specimen is entirely submitted sequentially from one end to the opposite end.

Ink Key:

Black- new margin

Blue- remaining surface

Cassette Submission: All tissue submitted. You can place up to 3 levels into one cassette. If additional margin is very large, consult with attending.



  1. Review patient’s pertinent history and imaging in EPIC in order to correlate with gross findings
  2. Weigh (fresh weight should be written on specimen container)
  3. Orient specimen (typically- long-lateral; short-superior)
  4. Measure (entire specimen, skin ellipse, and nipple if present)
  5. Faxitron (prior to inking) and look for microclip(s) and calcifications
  6. Please state in gross “A Faxitron image is taken to reveal…..calcs, no clips, clips present, etc)
  7. You may increase the magnification if the specimen is small enough to do so. Ask for assistance if needed.
  8. Ink specimen:

Blue- superiorPurple-medial

Green- inferiorYellow- lateral

Orange- anterior/superficialBlack- posterior/deep

** If un-oriented- ink entire margin black

  1. Serially section perpendicular to longest dimension and describe cut surface
  2. End margins will be further sectioned perpendicularly
  3. Measure lesion and give distance to all margins
  4. Submit one level per cassette. Bisect levels if needed.

Suggested sections for histology:

-If specimen is ≤ 5cm in greatest dimension- ENTIRELY submit

-You may consult with an attending if specimen is > 5cm

IDC/ Re-excision with close prior margins
(may have lumpectomy cavity) / Edges of lesion
Flanking levels
Lesion in relation to closest margins
End margins-perpendicular
Representative uninvolved parenchyma
Post neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAT)
Papillary lesion
No gross lesion / Levels with biopsy site/tumor bed/papillary lesion
*2 sections per 1 cm of tumor bed (NAT)
Flanking levels
End margins
Representative uninvolved parenchyma
Calcifications / All levels with calcifications
Flanking levels
End margins
Fibroadenoma / 1 section per 1 cm of lesion
Uninvolved breast if present (1-2 cassettes)

Gross Template:

Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is a *** gram, [oriented/un-oriented] [lumpectomy/wire-localized lumpectomy] with [indicate provided suture orientation]. The specimen measures ***cm (superior- inferior) x *** cm (medial - lateral) x *** cm (anterior - posterior).

The specimen is serially sectioned from medial to lateral into [number] levels to reveal [describe lesion-size/shape/distance to all margins]. The lesion is located in [note which level(s)]. [Describe site of metallic clip if present]. [Document hemorrhage, necrosis, calcifications within lesion].

The remainder of the uninvolved parenchyma is [tan-yellow, unremarkable] and consists of *** % tan-yellow adipose tissue and *** % white fibrous tissue. No additional lesions or masses are identified. A Faxitron image is taken. [The entire specimen/ Representative sections] is/are submitted.

Total Ischemic Time: *** minutes

Total Formalin fixation Time: ***hours

Sample Cassette Submission:

Lump ≤ 5cm

A1 Level 1 (medial margin), perpendicular

A2 Level 2 with lesion and calcification

A3-A4Level 3 with lesion and biopsy clip, bisected

A5Level 4 with lesion (lateral margin), perpendicular

Lump > 5cm with IDC and calcs

A1 Level 1 (superior margin), perpendicular

A2 Level 2, unremarkable parenchyma superior to lesion

A3-A5Level 3 with full cross section of lesion, trisected

A6Level 4 with lesion, biopsy clip, and calcification

A7 Level 5, lesion in relation to medial margin

A8 Level 6, unremarkable parenchyma inferior to lesion

A9Level 7 (inferior margin), perpendicular

Specimen Type:MASTECTOMY


  1. Review patient’s pertinent history and imaging in EPIC in order to correlate with gross findings
  2. Weigh (fresh weight should be written on specimen container)
  3. Orient specimen (typically- long-lateral; short-superior)
  4. Quadrants will be determined based on location of nipple
  5. Measure (entire specimen, skin ellipse, nipple, and axillary tail if present)
  6. Provide oriented dimensions of breast (ANT-POST; MED-LAT; SUP-INF)
  7. Medial-lateral dimension DOES NOT include axillary tail
  8. Measure axillary tail separately
  9. Check skin for scar, puckering or ulcerations
  10. Document if nipple is everted, inverted, or retracted
  11. Faxitron (prior to inking) and look for microclip(s) and calcifications
  12. Include “A Faxitron image is taken to reveal…” in your gross
  13. Place breast with POSTERIOR surface down in the Faxitron
  1. Ink specimen:

Blue- superiorPurple-medial

Green- inferiorYellow- lateral

Orange- anterior/superficialBlack- posterior/deep

**If nipple sparing- ink sub-areolar disc (use color which hasn’t been used for medial)

**If axillary tail present-no need to ink axillary tail tissue. It is helpful to ink mastectomy prior to removing the axillary tail so that you do not ink the lateral cut surface (which is not a true margin). It is fine if yellow ink extends onto the axillary fat

  1. If lesion is NOT close to nipple (where a perpendicular section would best demonstrate skin involvement), amputate the nipple. Take a shave of the nipple base and further serially section the amputated nipple
  2. This maximizes the surface area of epidermis evaluated microscopically to check for Paget’s and/or other lesions
  3. Serially section, from medial to lateral into complete 1cm or thinner cross sections
  4. Document number of levels
  5. Document in which level the nipple is located
  6. Measure lesion(s)
  7. Indicate location (quadrant and clock face orientation)
  8. Give distance to all margins, nipple
  9. If multiple lesions present give the distance between the lesions/biopsy sites and distance between the farthest ends of the lesion (in case the grossly separate lesions are one large lesion)
  10. Palpate and section through axillary tail for lymph nodes (try to find 10-20 LN at minimum)
  11. If oriented (typically one suture- level 1; two sutures-level 2) cut into two levels and indicate which LN are in each level in cassette summary
  12. Document if there are any biopsy clips present and indicate corresponding LN in cassette summary
  13. Even if no axillary tail is present try and palpate the upper outer quadrant for lymph nodes

Suggested sections for histology:

Standard Sections

- Nipple – base in one cassette and serial sections in separate cassette

- Nipple sparing: sub-areolar disc, perpendicularly sectioned

- Skin overlying lesion/biopsy cavity/to include scar

- 4-6 sections of lesion to include closest margins, if possible

- Tissue between multiple lesions, if present

- Random tissue from each quadrant, focusing on fibrous tissue

-1 cassette from each quadrant if gross lesion seen

-2 cassettes from each quadrant if no gross lesion seen or prophylactic

All lymph nodes

Additional sections to include:

Prophylactic / 2 sections per quadrant, focusing on fibrous tissue
BRCA or CHEK2 mutations / Sections from EVERY level
IDC with DCIS / Sections of every level of lesion
Flank levels
1 section per quadrant, focusing on fibrous tissue
Multicentric Lesions / Sections between foci
Post neo-adjuvent chemotherapy (NACT) / Sections from EVERY level
2 sections per 1 cm of the tumor bed (entirely embed if tumor bed can fit in 15 cassettes or fewer OR indicate % of tumor bed submitted)
Prior lumpectomy cavity / 2 times the largest dimension
(e.g. 10 cassettes if cavity is 5 cm)

Gross Template:

Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] a *** gram, [oriented/un-oriented] [simple/skin- sparing/skin and nipple sparing/modified radical/radical/prophylactic mastectomy] with [indicate provided suture orientation]. The specimen measures *** cm (superior- inferior) x *** cm (medial - lateral) x *** cm (anterior - posterior). The skin ellipse [measure, describe scar/induration/ulceration]. The [everted/retracted/flattened]nipple measures ***x***x***cm. [If a nipple is not present, note the presence/absence of a suture marking the subareolar disc]. The axillary tail measures ***x***x***cm [indicate orientation if provided].

The specimen is serially sectioned from medial to lateral into [number] levels. The nipple is located in *** level(s). The cut surface is tan-yellow and remarkable for [describe lesion(s) – size/shape/location/distance to all margins]. [Describe texture of lesion]. The lesion is located in [note which levels/quadrant/clock location/distance from nipple]. [Describe site of metallic clip if present]. [If no clip/mass is located – radiograph the specimen and contact pathologist].

[Describe any other gross abnormalities, particularly the ones that can be correlated with imaging findings - Provide individual description for each lesion present. Note which slices/quadrant/direction and distance to the main mass/distance to margins]. The remainder of the uninvolved parenchyma [fatty, unremarkable, consists of __% tan-yellow adipose tissue and __% white fibrous tissue]. The [upper outer quadrant/axillary tail] is palpated and [no lymph nodes/number of LN] are identified ranging from *** - *** cm in maximum dimension.