To: All I/O Students
From: Paul Spector, Program Director
Subject: Annual student evaluation
Date: March 28, 2005
We will be reviewing progress of all students once the academic year ends. The process, however, begins with you. The enclosed form serves as the basis of that evaluation. Since only you know what you’ve done, we are asking that you complete the form and submit one copy to me (hard copy only) and one to your major professor or advisor (hard copy only) by Friday May 6, 2005. Also, please email the form and your updated vita to Laura Pierce . The I/O faculty will meet in May to review and evaluate all students. Keep in mind that this is a requirement and is not optional.
Please fill out all the items that apply by using the electronic version of this form—don’t just write on the hardcopy. You will receive a copy of this via e-mail. There is also a downloadable copy on my website under “Forms and stuff for USF I/O students”. Retain a copy of your form from year to year as it will be easier to update than beginning from scratch each time.
Keep in mind that we DO NOT expect every student to have done everything. This form contains all the things we could think of that a student might do in a given year, but it should not be considered a list of things that must be done each year. For example, first year students take mainly coursework and are unlikely to do an internship; whereas the opposite would likely be true for a fourth year student. Also keep in mind that a single accomplishment (e.g., internship) might be considered sufficient for one year, but would not for multiple years.
The purpose of this exercise is to provide you with developmental feedback that is intended to guide your studies and prepare you for an I/O career. We hope you will find it of value.
I/O Graduate Student 2004-2005 Evaluation: Annual Accomplishments
Using the following format, please document all that you have accomplished academically and professionally for the past year, from beginning of summer semester 2004 to end of spring semester 2005. Keep in mind that not everyone will have done all things listed, so some items will be left blank. For progress toward degree, use progress form. For the rest, use an open-ended format, taking this form in electronic format and adding your responses. Be sure and attach your goals from last year (except for first year students).
Student Name ______
Part 1: Accomplishments
I. Progress toward degree: Show on page 3 progress form
II. Professional development
1. University colloquia/brownbags attendance
2. Nonuniversity training completed, e.g., on internship
3. Conference attendance
4. Journal/conference reviewing
5. Association service (e.g., SIOP)
6. Department/university service (e.g., volunteering to host a visitor)
III. Research (in addition to thesis/dissertation requirements)
1. Research projects
2. Papers submitted/accepted to conference or journal
IV. Employment/Teaching
1. List all professional employment for the year
2. List teaching experiences and attach student evaluations and syllabus
Part 2: Appraisal
1. List areas of greatest strength
2. List areas most in need of further development
3. List areas in which you want specific feedback
Area / Self-appraisal / Faculty appraisalProgress toward degree
Professional development
For each dimension, rate unsatisfactory, satisfactory, exemplary, using U, S, E, respectively
Progress Toward Degree Form
Core/Required courses
/ Date (semester/year) completed or waived / Grade (A, B or Waived) If taken more than once, show allCognitive EXP 6608
Physio PSB 6056 or CLP 6937*
Social/Personality SOP 6068*
Personality SOP 6068
Social SOP 6068
Personnel INP 6935A
Organizational INP 6935B
Ethics PSY 7031
Methods: Must have at least 5
1. ANOVA PSY 6217A* or Psychometrics
2. Regression or Regnova PSY 6217B
3. Field* or Organizational Research Methods SOP 6669 or INP 7097
Minor: Show date / GPC Approval
Advanced courses, minimum 7
Thesis: Shows dates
/ Proposed: / Defended:Comps: Show date**
/ Completed:Internship: Show if waived
/ Location: / Date completed:Dissertation: Show date
/ Proposed: / Defended:Note: For dates show semester/year, e.g., summer 2004, fall 2004 or spring 2005.
*Requirements under an earlier catalog that may apply to advanced students.
**For comp eligibility, all requirements to this point should be completed, although you can be taking one minor course one substantive course concurrently in the semester you take comps.
Goals and Objectives For Coming Year
Be sure and attach your goals from last year (except first year students)
Goals for academic year 2005-06:
A. Over the next year, what are your goals with respect to
1) … completion of program requirements
2) … the type of employment you would like to have
3) … the steps you will take to enhance your professional growth
4) How does your plan of study for the next year relate to your career goals?
5) In what way might your advisor or other faculty members assist you in accomplishing the objectives you have set for the coming year?
Thank you for completing the form. Submit one copy to Dr. Spector (hard copy only) and one to your major professor or advisor (hard copy only) by Friday May 6, 2005. Also, please email the form and your updated vita to Laura Pierce .