MCoT News
Welcome to the February 2011 edition of The Multicultural Council of Tasmania newsletter
Promoting Multiculturalism and Harmony in Tasmania
If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe please send an email to
Please email or phone us on 6231 5067 if you would like to contribute items for the newsletter. The deadline for each month’s issue is the first Monday of the relevant month.
· Next Council Meeting
· Guest Speaker
· January/February Days
· Philippines-Australia Community of Tasmania
· Sikh Society of Tasmania
· Estonian Association
· Lithuanian Community in Hobart
· Sudanese Community Association of Tasmania
· Hobart City Council
· Community Capacity Building Grants Program 2010-11
· Community Development Department - DPaC
· Department of Health Ageing
· Ethiopian-Australian Author
· Council for a Parliament of World Religions
· Social Leadership Program
· News article from Ahram online
· Demonstration in support of the people of Iran
· Homeshare Program
MCoT News and Updates
Next Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Multicultural Council of Tasmania will be held on the 16th February 2011 at 7.00 pm in the Acacia Room at the Migrant Resource Centre, 49 Molle Street, Hobart. Guests welcome!
Guest Speaker
The guest speaker at MCoT’s February meeting will be Renee Valentino, Counselor/Advocate and Project Officer with the Phoenix Centre.
Older people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds (CALD) are a significant and growing group in our Tasmanian community. The experiences, beliefs and attitudes of older people from CALD backgrounds, along with their migration experience, settlement process and length of time living in Australia can all have an impact on mental health. Renée Valentino from the Tasmanian Transcultural Mental Health Network will be attending the February meeting to discuss mental health in older CALD background people and supporting friends and family who may be experiencing mental health problems and also to answer questions on this important topic.
January Days
1 New Years Day
National Day (Sudan)
Independence Day (Haiti)
Republic Day (Slovak Republic)
Liberation Day (Cuba)
Independence Day (Brunei)
4 Independence Day (Myanmar)
26 Australia Day
26 Republic Day (India)
31 National Day (Nauru)
February Days
3 Chinese New Year
4 Independence Day (Sri Lanka)
5 Constitution Day (Mexico)
6 Waitangi Day (New Zealand)
7 Independence Day (Grenada)
11 National Day (Japan)
National Day (Iran)
15 Constitution Day (Serbia)
16 Independence Day (Lithuania)
18 National Day (Gambia)
21 International Mother Language Day
22 National Day (St. Lucia)
23 National Day (Brunei Darussalam)
National Day (Guyana)
24 Independence Day (Estonia)
25 National Day (Kuwait)
27 Independence Day (Dominican Republic)
Philippines-Australia Community of Tasmania
Calendar of meetings and events for the Philippines-Australia Community of Tas (PACT) for 2011:
DATES / DAY / TIME / ACTIVITY / VENUE6 February 2011 / Sunday / 2.00pm / PACT Board Meeting / RSL Glenorchy
19th February 2011 / Saturday / 6.30pm / St Valentines Party
Dress Up / RSL Claremont
6th March 2011 / Sunday / 2.00pm / PACT Board Meeting / RSL Glenorchy
1st May 2011 / Sunday / 2.00pm / PACT Board Meeting / RSL Glenorchy
14th May 2011 / Saturday / 6.00pm / Mother’s Day Celebration / RSL Claremont
5th June 2011 / Sunday / 2.00pm / PACT Board Meeting / RSL Glenorchy
11th June 2011 / Saturday / 6.00pm for 6.30pm / 113th Independence Day Celebration / Woolstore Hotel Macquarie St.
Sikh Society of Tasmania
The state of Tasmania is home to about 500,000 people from all walks of life from around the world. There are about 2000 people of Indian origin, of which there are about 200 Sikhs and counting in Tasmania.
I, in the Public Interest of people of the Sikh faith in the State of Tasmania, make this Petition to all Australians in seeking financial support for establishing the first SIKH TEMPLE in Tasmania. At present this is the only State/Territory of Australia that does not have a Sikh Temple. This is our ultimate dream.
We have much pleasure in announcing that GURUDWARA SAHIB TASMANIA:
· It’s name is registered in Tasmania as a religious organisation
· It has its own Constitution in place
· It has an Australian Business Number
· It is a non-profit making organization
The Sikh Community of Tasmania respectfully seeks your sponsorship to support us financially in establishing its first Sikh Temple in Tasmania by depositing building fund donations into its business bank account as below:
BANK: Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Collin Street, Hobart, Tasmania
Account Name: Gurudwara Sahib Tasmania
Branch number/BSB Number: 067 002
Account Number: 10284600 Swift Code: CTBAAU2S Routing Code: #021000018
The Tasmanian Sikh Community is greatly appreciative of your generosity and thanks you for your support for this noble cause.
Surinder Kaur Mahindroo (Mrs.) Chairperson, M.A., LL.B (Aust. & India), M.M.I.A (Migration Agent No. 9801709)
Estonian Association
February 24th Flag raising at the International Wall of Friendship for Independence Day 10.00 a.m.
February 27th Combined Independence Day Celebration BBQ and AGM at Tolosa Park 12 noon.
Estonian language classes are held on Tuesdays each week. Please ring 62738714 if interested. The current class has 12 students ranging in age from 10 – 60+ years (including beginners).
Lithuanian Community
Flag raising for Lithuanian Independence Day Celebrations will be held on Wednesday 16th February at 11.00 a.m. at the International Wall of Friendship, 188 Collins St. For more information contact Merv Kozikas on 62725076.
Sudanese Community Association of Tasmania
An overwhelming 98.83% of the population of Sudan has voted to secede from the North in a landmark referendum, held in January this year, paving the way for a new state in July.
The January referendum was the centerpiece of a 2005 peace deal that ended a devastating 22 year conflict between the largely African Christian South and mainly Arab Muslim North.
The U.S.A and Canada will recognise Southern Sudan as an independent state in July 2011.
Hobart City Council
Meeting dates for Harmony Day are as follows:
Harmony Day Welcome planning meeting: Tuesday 2nd February 2011 4.00pm-5.00pm
Hobart Networking for Harmony CALD Advisory Group inaugural meeting: Wednesday 2nd March 12pm – 2pm (lunch included).
Community Capacity Building Grants Program 2010-11
MCoT has regretfully been informed that 2 grant applications from MCoT auspiced community member organisations were unsuccessful in attracting funding from the DPAC Community Development Division for their planned events. 224 applications were received by the Community Development Division from around the State, requesting nearly $3 million. Funding of $749,012.00 will be allocated for 104 initiatives throughout Tasmania.
The next round of the Community Capacity Building Grants (round 2) will open on the12th February ‘11and close on the 4th April ’11.
Community Development Division - DPaC
Are you 60 years of age or over? Do you want more for your money? You may be eligible for the FREE State Government Seniors Card.
What is the Seniors Card: The Seniors Card is a free card program that gives you
· Access to government and business discounts.
· Public transport concessions Australia-wide.
To be eligible for the Tasmanian Seniors Card:
· You must be a resident of the state.
· 60 years of age or over, and
· Not working more than 20 hours per week in paid employment.
To apply:
· If you meet all three of the eligibility criterion you can apply for a Tasmanian Seniors Card at any Service Tasmania shop.
· Complete the form and present it with three pieces of identification from the list below, one with your date of birth, to any Service Tasmania shop.
ü Australian Birth certificate (extract acceptable) or Australian Citizenship papers
ü Passport
ü Driver’s licence or Firearms licence
ü Medicare Card
ü Credit card/debit card with your signature
ü Department of Veteran’s Affairs Card or Centrelink Aged Pension Card
ü Change of Name or Marriage Certificate (from Births, Deaths & Marriages) to prove any name change
ü Bank Statement (must be statement from within last 6 months)
ü Utility account with proof of payment (must be an account from within the last six months)
· Your application will be processed and you will be given your approved form and a receipt with your Seniors Card number on it for your immediate use.
How long is the wait for the card?
Please allow at least 28 days for delivery of your permanent Seniors Card.
Where can the card be used?
· When you receive your permanent card in the post you will also receive the Directory of savings which lists all the businesses that offer a Seniors Card discount.
· Visit the website for all the latest offers at:
· You can also use your card on other States and Territories where Business Partners have agreed to offer their discounts to interstate Seniors Card holders. Contact the Seniors Card Program in the State or Territory you are visiting and ask for its directory.
What if I lose my card or would like another Directory?
· Visit any service Tasmania shop , or
· Phone 1300 135 513
Department of Health & Ageing
Protecting Aged Care Residents’ Savings – Consultation Paper
On 12 April 2010 the Government announced it would increase protections for aged care residents’ savings held as accommodation bonds. The announcement was made as part of the More Support for Older Australians in the National Health and Hospitals Network.
The Consultation Paper initiates the second round of public consultation that the Department of Health and Ageing will be conducting to design and implement enhanced prudential regulation of accommodation bonds.
As part of the consultation process an Issues Paper was released for public comment on 27 October 2010. A total of 33 submissions were received by the Department. The Department has also held a number of meetings with relevant stakeholders. The issues outlined in the submissions and discussed in the consultation meetings have informed the development of the Consultation Paper.
The Department invites comment from interested parties on the proposals outlined in this paper. In addition, the Department welcomes suggestions and views on other issues related to the implementation of the measures. The Consultation Paper is available from the Department’s website on:
Submissions received for the Consultation Paper will be made publicly available on the Department's website. If you do not want your submission, or parts of your submission, made publicly available you should clearly indicate this when you make your submission.
Submissions should be made by no later than close of business on 8 March 2011 to:
The Director
Prudential and Approved Provider Standards Section
Prudential and Approved Provider Regulation Branch Office of Aged Care Quality and Compliance Department of Health and Ageing
MDP 454
GPO Box 9848
Phone: (02) 6289 9647
For general queries relating to aged care please contact the Aged Care Information Line on 1800 500 853.
Ethiopian-Australian Author - Tewodros Fekadu
I am wondering if there are any opportunities in Tasmania to present my story. My name is Tewodros Fekadu and I live on the Gold Coast and have written a memoir of my life growing up on the streets of Ethiopia, my time in a Japanese detention centre and then meeting my Australian wife Anita. I have a website which has all the details:
Phillip Adams (ABC Radio & The Australian) wrote the forward to my book and I often give presentations and have stalls (book sales and signings) at festivals, conferences, writers events etc. If there is any event, group, or conference in Tasmania that would be interested in having me visit, please get in contact with me. My email address is: Look forward to hearing from you.
Council for a Parliament of World Religions
The Council is exploring a social cohesion project, conceived to address the urgency of the growing immigrant diversity in Europe and elsewhere. Rev. Dirk Ficca, the Council's Executive Director, attended meetings with stakeholders in Malmo, Sweden; Antwerp, Belgium; and Frankfurt, Germany in January.
Social Leadership Program Applications are invited for participants in the Social Leadership Development Program to be run from 1st May 2011 till 30th April 2012. Places are limited. This is a twelve month program for people in communities around Australia who want to develop and exercise social leadership, that is, leadership in strengthening society and in finding solutions to social challenges. Participants are required to nominate twosocial challenges that they are facing at the start of the program, and with other participants will undertake a shared search for solutions to these challenges as they move through the year. The Program aims to provide resources and support to participants in developing and exercising leadership in finding solutions to these challenges. The Program is an initiative of the Centre for Civil Society. Is this for you? This is a leadership development program for people in civil society - individuals, residents, neighbours, parents, carers, volunteers, consumers, and users of public services. It is NOT a management training course for employees or managers of not-for-profits. Eligible participants must meet four criteria: 1.face challenges in their personal, family, community or social circumstances for which innovative social solutions are required (participants must nominate two such challenges); 2.are working with peers and colleagues in a voluntary capacity in seeking these solutions; 3. have an interest in acquiring new ideas, approaches, insights and skills, and learning from others; and 4. want to exercise leadership in assisting others in developing solutions. Participants will be drawn from various parts of Australia. [Areas in which participants may be facing social challenges and seeking social solutions may include, but are not restricted to: health, ageing, disability, mental health, education, schooling, training and employment; self-employment, child and adolescent formation, child care, parenting, young adulthood, loneliness, social isolation, supported living, personal and community safety; indigenous well-being; addiction, cultural identity, cultural cohesion, rural community, natural disaster risk, mobility and transport.] What will it do? The program will consist of five components: 1. Two residential weekends for vision, learning and skill development (August and January);
2.Online learning with a focus on Australian and international experiences, case studies and models; 3. Shared group input into two social challenges nominated by each participant over the course of the 12 months; 4. Unlimited telephone and online support in seeking solutions for the nominated challenges; and 5.Occasional forums, dinners and meetings. The online learning component will comprise material on key concepts and frameworks in social thought and innovation; case studies of individuals and groups tackling social challenges and finding solutions; and working solutions which might serve as models for others. Opportunities for group discussion of these materials will be provided through the twelve months.