Initiative / +3 / Senses / Listen / +5 / Spot / +5 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 16 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 13 / Dodge
HP / 1d6+1 (7)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +1 / Ref / +5 / Will / +1
Speed / 30'
Melee / +2 (1d4 + 1 / 19-20, shortsword)
Ranged / +4 (1d6 / 19-20, light crossbow)
Attack Options / Sneak Attack +1d6
BAB / +0 / Grapple / -3
Str / 12 / Dex / 17 / Con / 12 / Int / 17 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 10
SQ / Goblin traits
Feats / Dodge
Skills / Balance +5, Climb +5, Disable Device +5, Hide +9, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +5, Search +5, Tumble +5
Possessions / Leather armor, short sword, light crossbow with 10 bolts, 2d6 gp, 2d6 sp
Jil / Female Human Rogue 5 Assassin 1 / CR / 6
Initiaitive / +6 / Senses / Listen / +7 / Spot / +7
AC / 15 / Touch / 12 / Flat Footed / 15 / Uncanny Dodge, Combat Expertise
HP / 27
Immunities / None
Resistances / None
Weaknesses / None
Fort / +2 / Ref / +8 / Will / +0 / Evasion
Speed / 30
Melee / +6 (1d6 / 19-20 plus poison, Masterwork shortsword)
+6 (1d3+1 Nonlethal, +1 whip)
Ranged / +6 (1d6 x3, masterwork shortbow)
Attack Options / Sneak attack +4d6, Death Attack DC 14, Poison
BAB / +3 / Grapple / +3
Str / 11 / Dex / 14 / Con / 12 / Int / 16 / Wis / 9 / Cha / 12
SQ / Assassin spells 1/day: obscuring mist, true strike
Feats / Weapon Finesse, EWP: Whip, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise
Skills / Climb +8, Move Silently +11, Hide +11, Tumble +11, Sense Motive +7
Possessions / Masterwork studded leather armor, +1 whip, masterwork shortbow, wand of silence (15 charges), potion of cure moderate wounds, arcane scroll of undetectable alignment, 30gp
Orak Stonehaven / Male dwarf fighter 4 / CR / 4
Initiative / +1 / Senses / Listen / +3 / Spot / +3 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 11 / Touch / 11 / Flat Footed / 10 / Dodge, Mobility
HP / 4d10 + 12 (35)
Fort / +7 / Ref / +2 / Will / +2 / +2 vs magic, poison
Speed / 20'
Melee / +6 (1d6 + 2 / x3, handaxe)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / Power Attack
BAB / +4 / Grapple / +6, stable
Str / 14 / Dex / 13 / Con / 17 / Int / 10 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 6
Feats / Weapon Focus (waraxe), Weapon Specialization (waraxe)
Skills / Intimidate + 4
Possessions / Handaxe, Eyepatch set with a small ruby (200 gp)
Wererat (human form) / Medium Humanoid (shapechanger) / CR / 2
Initiative / +0 / Senses / Listen / +4 / Spot / +4 / Scent, low-light vision
AC / 15 / Touch / 10 / Flat Footed / 15 / Dodge
HP / 2d8 + 3 (12)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +4 / Ref / +2 / Will / +4
Speed / 30'
Melee / +2 (1d6 + 1 / 18-20, rapier)
Ranged / +1 (1d8 / 19-20, light crossbow)
Attack Options / Weapon Finesse
BAB / +1 / Grapple / +2
Str / 13 / Dex / 11 / Con / 12 / Int / 10 / Wis / 11 / Cha / 8
SQ / Rat empathy, alternate form
Skills / Climb +0, Handle Animal +3, Hide +1, Move Silentyl +0, Swim +9
Possessions / Rapier, Light Crossbow, 10 bolts, 2d6 gp
Wererat (hybrid form) / Medium Humanoid (shapechanger) / CR / 2
Initiative / +0 / Senses / Listen / +4 / Spot / +4 / Scent, low-light vision
AC / 16 / Touch / 13 / Flat Footed / 13 / Dodge
HP / 2d8 + 3 (12)
Immunities / -
Resistances / DR 10/Silver
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +6 / Ref / +5 / Will / +4
Speed / 30'
Melee / +2 (1d6 + 1 / 18-20, rapier) / +1 (1d6 and disease, bite)
Ranged / +1 (1d8 / 19-20, light crossbow)
Attack Options / Weapon Finesse
BAB / +1 / Grapple / +2
Str / 13 / Dex / 11 / Con / 12 / Int / 10 / Wis / 11 / Cha / 8
SQ / Rat empathy, alternate form, Disease (Ex) (filth fever, Fort DC 12 Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con); Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a wererat’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.
Skills / Climb +0, Handle Animal +3, Hide +1, Move Silentyl +0, Swim +9
Possessions / Rapier, Light Crossbow, 10 bolts, 2d6 gp
Goblin Adept / Small Humanoid (Goblinoid) Adept 4 / CR / 3
Initiative / +1 / Senses / Listen / +4 / Spot / +4 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 12 / Touch / 11 / Flat Footed / 11
HP / 4d6 - 4 (14)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +2 / Ref / +2 / Will / +6
Speed / 30'
Melee / +2 (1d4 - 1, shortspear)
Ranged / +4 (1d4 - 1, shortspear)
Attack Options
BAB / +2 / Grapple / -3
Str / 8 / Dex / 13 / Con / 9 / Int / 12 / Wis / 14 / Cha / 6
SQ / Adept Spells (CL 4, +4 ranged touch, base save DC 12) 0 - detect magic, ghost sound, read magic; 1 - bless, burning hands, sleep; 2 - scorching ray
Feats / Alertness, brew potion
Skills / Concentration +6, hide +5, move silently +5, ride +5, spellcraft +8
Possessions / Shortspear, potion cure light wounds, potion aid, potion invisibility
Goblin Sneak / Small Humanoid (Goblinoid) Rogue 1 / CR / 1
Initiative / +3 / Senses / Listen / +5 / Spot / +5 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 16 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 13 / Dodge
HP / 1d6+1 (7)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +1 / Ref / +5 / Will / +1
Speed / 30'
Melee / +2 (1d4 + 1 / 19-20, shortsword)
Ranged / +4 (1d6 / 19-20, light crossbow)
Attack Options / Sneak Attack +1d6
BAB / +0 / Grapple / -3
Str / 12 / Dex / 17 / Con / 12 / Int / 17 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 10
SQ / Goblin traits
Feats / Dodge
Skills / Balance +5, Climb +5, Disable Device +5, Hide +9, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +5, Search +5, Tumble +5
Possessions / Leather armor, short sword, light crossbow with 10 bolts, 2d6 gp, 2d6 sp
Goblin Skirmisher / Goblin warrior 1 / CR / 1/3
Initiative / +1 / Senses / Listen / +2 / Spot / +2 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 15 / Touch / 12 / Flat Footed / 14
HP / 1d8 + 1 (5)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +3 / Ref / +1 / Will / -1
Speed / 30'
Melee / +2 (1d6, morningstar)
Ranged / +3 (1d4, javelin)
Attack Options
BAB / +1 / Grapple / -3
Str / 11 / Dex / 13 / Con / 12 / Int / 10 / Wis / 9 / Cha / 6
Skills / Hide +6, move silently +6, Ride +5
Possessions / Leather armor, light wooden shield, morningstar, five javelins 1d6 sp, 1d6 cp
Silent Wolf Goblin / Small goblin Ranger 2 / Rogue 1 / CR / 3
Initiative / +3 / Senses / Listen / +6 / Spot / +6 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 16 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 13 / Dodge
HP / 3d6 + 3 (16)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +4 / Ref / +8 / Will / +0
Speed / 30'
Melee / +4 (1d6 + 1 / 19-20, longsword) or +2 (1d6 + 1 / 19-20, longsword) / +2 (1d4 / 19-20, shortsword)
Ranged / +6 (1d6 / 19-20, light crossbow)
Attack Options / Favored enemy (Dwarf) +2, sneak attack +1d6
BAB / +2 / Grapple / -1
Str / 12 / Dex / 17 / Con / 13 / Int / 12 / Wis / 10 / Cha / 6
SQ / -
Feats / Two-Weapon Fighting, Track
Skills / Balance +5. Hide + 13, Jump +3, Move Silently +13, Ride +11, Search +6, Survival +5, Tumble +8
Possessions / Masterword leather armor, masterwork longsword, masterwork short sword, light crossbow with 10 bolts, potion cure light wounds, potion bull's strength, potion cat's grace
Worg / Medium Magical Beast / CR / 2
Initiative / +2 / Senses / Listen / +2 / Spot / +6 / Darkvision 60', Low-light vision, scent
AC / 14 / Touch / 12 / Flat Footed / 12
HP / 4d10 + 8 (30)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +6 / Ref / +6 / Will / +3
Speed / 50'
Melee / +7 (1d6 + 4, bite)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / Trip (Ex): A worg that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+3 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the worg.
BAB / +4 / Grapple / +7
Str / 17 / Dex / 15 / Con / 15 / Int / 6 / Wis / 14 / Cha / 10
Feats / Track
Skills / Hide +4, Move Silently +6, Survival +2 (+6 to track)
Darkmantle / Small Magical Beast / CR / 1
Initiative / +4 / Senses / Listen / +5 / Spot / +5 / Blindsight 90'
AC / 17 / Touch / 11 / Flat Footed / 17
HP / 1d10 + 1 (6)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / Silence blinds darkmantle, applies -4 to spot and listen.
Fort / +3 / Ref / +2 / Will / +0
Speed / 20', fly 30' (poor)
Melee / +5 (1d4+4, slam)
Attack Options / Improved grab, constrict 1d4 + 4
BAB / +1 / Grapple / +0
Str / 16 / Dex / 10 / Con / 13 / Int / 2 / Wis / 10 / Cha / 10
SQ / Darkness (Sp, CL 5) 1/day
Chorlyndyr / Male Human Sorceror 4 / CR / 4
Initiative / +6 / Senses / Listen / +3 / Spot / +5
AC / 17 / Touch / 12 / Flat Footed / 15 / Dodge
HP / 4d4+4 (18)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +3 / Ref / +4 / Will / +6
Speed / 30'
Melee / +3 (1d4 / 19 - 20, dagger)
Attack Options
BAB / +2 / Grapple / +2
Str / 10 / Dex / 14 / Con / 12 / Int / 11 / Wis / 13 / Cha / 16
SQ / Sorceror Spells (CL 4, +4 ranged touch, Base Save DC 13) 0 (6/day) - acid splash, detect magic, light, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic; 1 (7/day) - mage armor, magic missile, summon monster I; 2 (4/day) - Melf's acid arrow
Feats / Still Spell
Skills / Bluff +6, Climb +3, Concentration +8, Spellcraft +5
Possessions / Masterwork dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, Amulet of resistance +1
Kallev / Female Tiefling (Native Outsider) Fighter 3 / CR / 4
Initiative / +2 / Senses / Listen / +0 / Spot / +0 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 16 / Touch / 12 / Flat Footed / 14 / Dodge
HP / 3d10 + 9
Resistances / Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +5 / Ref / +3 / Will / +1
Speed / 30'
Melee / +7 (1d10 + 3 / x3, halberd)
Attack Options / Blind-fight
BAB / +3 / Grapple / +5
Str / 15 / Dex / 15 / Con / 14 / Int / 10 / Wis / 10 / Cha / 10
SQ / Darkness 1/day (CL 3)
Feats / Weapon focus (halberd)
Skills / Bluff +2, Climb +5, Hide +6, Intimidate +4
Possessions / +1 studded leather armor, masterwork halberd, potion cure moderate wounds, brooch of shielding (24 points remaining)
Shocker Lizard / Small Magical Beast / CR / 2
Initiative / +6 / Senses / Listen / +4 / Spot / +4 / Darkvision , low-light vision, electricity sense
AC / 16 / Touch / 13 / Flat Footed / 14
HP / 2d10 + 2 (13)
Immunities / Electricity
Fort / +4 / Ref / +5 / Will / +1
Speed / 40', climb 20', swim 20'
Melee / +3 (1d4)
Attack Options / Stunning Shock (Su): Once per round, a shocker lizard can deliver an electrical shock to a single opponent within 5 feet. This attack deals 2d8 points of nonlethal damage to living opponents (Reflex DC 12 half ). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Lethal Shock (Su): Whenever two or more shocker lizards are within 20 feet of each other, they can work together to create a lethal shock. This effect has a radius of 20 feet, centered on any one contributing lizard. The shock deals 2d8 points of electricity damage for each lizard contributing to it, to a maximum of 12d8. A Reflex save (DC 10 + number of lizards contributing) reduces the damage by half.
BAB / +2 / Grapple / -2
Str / 10 / Dex / 15 / Con / 13 / Int / 2 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 6
Skills / Climb +11, Hide +11, Jump +7, Swim +10
Drakthar / Medium Undead (augmented humanoid) / CR / 4
Initiative / +7 / Senses / Listen / +14 / Spot / +14 / Darkvision 60', scent
AC / 25 / Touch / 13 / Flat Footed / 22 / Dodge
HP / 3d12 (19); Fast healing 5
Resistances / DR 10 / (silver and magic); cold 10, electicity 10, turn resistance +4
Fort / Ref / Will
Speed / 30'; spider climb
Melee / +8 (1d8 + 5, morningstar) / +2 (1d6 + 2 and energy drain, slam)
Attack Options / Energy drain (1 negative level, +5 temp HP)
BAB / +2 / Grapple / +7
Str / 21 / Dex / 16 / Con / - / Int / 12 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 13
SQ / Blood drain (1d4 con dmg on pin); Children of the Night (1d4 + 1 bat swarms, 1d6 + 1 rat swarms, or 3d6 wolves); Putrefy Corpse; Dominate (Su, Will DC 12); Alternate form (Su, bat, dire bat, wolf, dire wolf); Gaseous form (Su) fly 20'
Feats / Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (morningstar)
Skills / Bluff +9, Climb +7, Hide +14, Move Silently +16, Search +9, Sense Motive +9
Possessions / Leather armor, Light wooden shield, morningstar
Drakthar's Throne / Medium Undead / CR / 3
Initiative / +2 / Senses / Listen / +0 / Spot / +0 / Blindsight 60'
AC / 14 / Touch / 12 / Flat Footed / 12
HP / 6d12 (39)
Immunities / Cold
Resistances / DR 10/bludgeoning
Fort / +2 / Ref / +4 / Will / +5
Speed / 30'
Melee / +5 / +5 (1d6 + 2, slam)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / -
BAB / +3 / Grapple / +5
Str / 15 / Dex / 15 / Con / - / Int / - / Wis / 10 / Cha / 1
SQ / Undead traits
Dire Bat / Large Animal (Face/reach: 10' / 5') / CR / 2
Initiative / +6 / Senses / Listen / +12 / Spot / +8 / Blindsense 40'
AC / 20 / Touch / 15 / Flat Footed / 14
HP / 4d8 + 12 (30)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +7 / Ref / +10 / Will / +6
Speed / 20', fly 40' (good)
Melee / +5 (1d8 + 4, bite)
Attack Options
BAB / +3 / Grapple / +10
Str / 17 / Dex / 22 / Con / 17 / Int / 2 / Wis / 14 / Cha / 6
Skills / Hide +4, Move Silently +11
Xoden Nightshield / Male Dwarf Expert 4 / CR / 3
Initiative / -1 / Senses / Listen / +7 / Spot / +7 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 16 / Touch / 9 / Flat Footed / 16
HP / 4d6 + 8 (22)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +3 / Ref / +0 / Will / +4 / +2 vs poison, spells
Speed / 20'
Melee / +5 (1d10 + 1 / x3, masterwork dwarven waraxe)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / -
BAB / +3 / Grapple / +4, stable
Str / 12 / Dex / 8 / Con / 14 / Int / 13 / Wis / 10 / Cha / 7
Possessions / +1 scale mail, heavy steel shield, masterwork dwarven waraxe, potion cure light wounds
Half-Orc Mercenary / Male and Female Half-Orc fighter 2 / CR / 2
Initiative / +1 / Senses / Listen / +0 / Spot / +0 / Darkvision 60'
AC / 16 / Touch / 11 / Flat Footed / 15
HP / 2d10 + 4 (15)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +5 / Ref / +1 / Will / +0
Speed / 30'
Melee / +7 (1d10 + 4 / x3, masterwork halberd)
Ranged / +3 (1d6 / x3, shortbow)
Attack Options
BAB / +2 / Grapple / +5
Str / 17 / Dex / 13 / Con / 14 / Int / 6 / Wis / 10 / Cha / 10
Feats / Combat Reflexes (2 total AoO)
Possessions / Breastplate, buckler, masterwork halberd, shortbow, 20 arrows, 2d4 gp
Dire Rat / Small Animal / CR / 1/3Initiative / +3 / Senses / Listen / +4 / Spot / +4 / Low-light vision, scent
AC / 15 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 12
HP / 1d8 + 1 (5)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +3 / Ref / +5 / Will / +3
Speed / 40'
Melee / +4 (1d4 plus disease, bite)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / Disease (Ex): Filth fever—bite, Fortitude DC 11, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.
BAB / +0 / Grapple / -4
Str / 10 / Dex / 17 / Con / 12 / Int / 1 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 4
SQ / -
Skills / Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Silently +4, Swim +11
Ethereal Filcher / Medium Aberration / CR / 3
Initiative / +8 / Senses / Listen / +9 / Spot / +9 / Darkvision 60', detect magic
AC / 17 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 13 / Dodge
HP / 5d8 (22)
Immunities / -
Resistances / -
Weaknesses / -
Fort / +1 / Ref / +5 / Will / +5
Speed / 40', Ethereal jaunt
Melee / +3 (1d4, bite)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / -
BAB / +3 / Grapple / +3
Str / 10 / Dex / 18 / Con / 11 / Int / 7 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 10
SQ / Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal filcher can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as part of any move action, and shift back again as a free action. It can remain on the Ethereal Plane for 1 round before returning to the Material Plane.
Stirge / Tiny Magical Beast / CR / ½
Initiative / +4 / Senses / Listen / +4 / Spot / +4 / Darkvision 60', low-light vision
AC / 16 / Touch / 16 / Flat Footed / 12
HP / 1d10 (5)
Fort / +2 / Ref / +6 / Will / +1
Speed / 10, fly 40' (average)
Melee / +7 (touch, attach)
Attack Options / Attach, blood drain
BAB / +1 / Grapple / -11 (+1 when attached)
Str / 3 / Dex / 19 / Con / 10 / Int / 1 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 6
SQ / Attach (Ex): If a stirge hits with a touch attack, it uses its eight pincers to latch onto the opponent’s body. An attached stirge is effectively grappling its prey. The stirge loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and has an AC of 12, but holds on with great tenacity. Stirges have a +12 racial bonus on grapple checks (already figured into the Base Attack/Grapple entry above).
An attached stirge can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached stirge through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the stirge.
Blood Drain (Ex): A stirge drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage in any round when it begins its turn attached to a victim. Once it has dealt 4 points of Constitution damage, it detaches and flies off to digest the meal. If its victim dies before the stirge’s appetite has been sated, the stirge detaches and seeks a new target.
Skills / Hide +14
Bat Swarm / Dimunitive Animal (Swarm, 4 squares) / CR / 2
Initiative / +2 / Senses / Listen / +11 / Spot / +11 / Blindsense 20', low-light vision
AC / 16 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 12
HP / 3d8 (13)
Resistances / Half damage from slashing and piercing weapons
Fort / +3 / Ref / +7 / Will / +3
Speed / 5', fly 40' (good)
Melee / Swarm (1d6) (automatic, but provokes AoO moving into square)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / -
BAB / +2 / Grapple / -
Str / 3 / Dex / 15 / Con / 10 / Int / 2 / Wis / 14 / Cha / 4
SQ / Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Wounding (Ex): Any living creature damaged by a bat swarm continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative bleeding loss. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic.
Rat Swarm / Tiny Animal (Swarm (4 squares)) / CR / 3
Initiative / +2 / Senses / Listen / +6 / Spot / +7 / Low-light vision, scent
AC / 14 / Touch / 14 / Flat Footed / 12
HP / 4d8 (13)
Resistances / Half damage from slashing or piercing
Fort / +4 / Ref / +6 / Will / +2
Speed / 15', climb 15'
Melee / 1d6 plus disease (swarm)
Ranged / -
Attack Options / -
BAB / +3 / Grapple / -
Str / 2 / Dex / 15 / Con / 10 / Int / 2 / Wis / 12 / Cha / 2
SQ / Disease (Ex): Filth fever—swarm attack, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its square must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Skills / Balance +10, Climb +10, Hide +14, Swim +10