CERN Abstract

Thistechnicalspecificationconcernsthesupply of one (1) pre-series in a firstphaseandfour (4) series of CLIQ units as well as thequalificationteststo be carriedout. Thecomponentsthatareneededfortheassembly of each CLIQ unitaredescribed here. Completion of bothphases is due in 18 months.

Intheperiod 2020-21 CERN willlaunchmanufacturing of additional 35 units of an improveddesign.


What is CLIQ

Recently at CERN, a new, moreefficientandfastermethodcalled CLIQ (CouplingLossInducedQuench) has beendeveloped, implemented in a deviceandsuccessfullyproved. Theprincipal of operation is based on thecapacitor bank dischargeintothesuperconductingmagnetcoil. Theformed LC-ring doesseveralperiodicallydampedoscillations, characterizedby a veryhighdI/dt (seeFigure 2). Theresult in thecoil is highcouplinglosses (heat) generated inside thesuperconductor – exactlywhere is needed, increasingthetemperatureandinitiatingthedesiredtransition.

Thesuccessfulperformance of thefirstprototype of a CLIQ unitbrought a newmandatetotheElectricalEngineeringsection in the MPE group at CERN, todevelopandproduce a morerobustandpowerfulunit. Severalunits of thenewdeviceweremanufacturedandarecurrentlybeingused in thetestsfacilities at CERN fortheprotection of a newgeneration of highcurrentdensitysuperconductingmagnets.


2.2 Activities at theContractor’sPremises

Thecontractorshallperformthefollowingactivities at his premises:




2.3 Itemsand Services providedby CERN

CERN shallprovidethebuild-to-printdesignto be usedforthemanufacturing. A completepackage of assemblydrawings,

electronicschematics, Gerberfiles, etc. will be providedby CERN.

Thecapacitorcharger (seesection foreachunitshall be eithersuppliedby CERN oritsdesign sent tothecontractor.

Ineithercase it should not be included in theoffer (an amendmentwill be madeifneeded).

Thecontractorwill be allowedtocometo CERN toseethecurrent CLIQ prototypesanddiscusswith CERN engineers.

Start Time05-Oct-17

End Time26-Oct-17

CostRangeILO - <200K


Main CategoryElectricalEngineeringandmagnets


CategoryLowVoltage (LV) equipment (50 < U <=1 000V)

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