Name ______Date ______/26
Unit 7 Being a Writer Scoring Guide
First Grade
21 0
Topic Generation / Generates topic independently and varies topics / Generates and varies topic with assistance / Does not generate or vary topicContent / Records 6 or more sentences related to topic / Records 5 sentences related to topic or off topic / Records 4 sentences or sentences unrelated to topic
Story Structure / Story has an introduction, supporting details, and closing / Story is missing one structure element / Story is missing two or more structure elements
Spacing / Correct spacing between and within all words / Correct spacing between and within most words / No spacing between words or spaces within words
Capitalization / Capitalizes first letter of all sentences, proper nouns, and letters within words are lowercase / Capitalizes first letter of most sentences, some proper nouns, and all letters within words are lowercase / Does not capitalize first letter of sentences, proper nouns, or letters within words are capital
Punctuation / Uses appropriate punctuation at the end of all sentences / Uses some kind of punctuation at the end of most sentences / Does not use punctuation at the end of sentences
Spelling / Uses letter sound relationship to spell unfamiliar words (beg., mid, end) / Sometimes uses letter sound relationship to spell unfamiliar words / Does not use letter sound relationship to spell unfamiliar words
Sight Words / Spells all sight words correctly / Spells most sight words correctly / Does not spell sight words correctly
Resources / Uses posters, charts, word walls, etc. without prompting / Uses posters, charts, word walls, etc. with prompting / Does not use posters, charts, word walls, etc. after prompting
Revising/Editing / Shows evidence of rereading for meaning and edits for spelling and or punctuation / Shows some evidence of rereading for meaning and edits with prompting / Does not reread or edit
Use of Writing Time / Follows writing procedures with minimal off-task behavior / Follows writing procedure with some off-task behavior / Needs frequent direction to follow writing procedure
Handwriting / Words have:
Correct letter formation, size, placement, / Most words have:
Correct letter formation, size, placement / Words have incorrect:
Formation, size, placement
Sharing / Uses read aloud skills and responds to peer sharing without prompting / Uses read aloud skills and responds to peer sharing with prompting / Unable to reread story or does not respond to peer sharing
Reflecting / Reviews and discusses writing growth throughout the year without prompting / Reviews and discusses writing growth throughout the year with prompting / Does not review or discuss writing growth throughout the year
M = 28 – 21pointsN = 20 – 13 points I = 12 points or below