Intersectional Feminism Society (IFemSoc.) Constitution
(An alteration to Gender Equality Society -2016/17 academic year)
1 Name
2 Aims and Objectives
3 Membership
4 Subscriptions and Finance
5 Club/Society Officials
6 Duties of Club/Society Officials
7 Meetings
8 Voting
9 Constitutional Changes
10 Complaints Procedure
11 SGSU Commitments
12 Discipline
13 Declaration
1.0 Name
1.01 The Club/Society's name shall be Intersectional Feminist Society (IFemSoc.)
2.0Aims and Objectives
1.01 The aims of the Club/Society shall be: To promote, educate and raise awareness of key feminist issues at SGUL, in healthcare and beyond: issues of gender, sexuality, race, faith, class and many more intersecting forms of discrimination. To fundraise for charities working to deconstruct these forms of discrimination and help its victims. To advocate viable systems of reporting discrimination and abuse within and beyond SGUL, that ultimately work towards eliminating these forms of discrimination and helping its victims.
1.02 The aims shall be achieved by holding awareness campaigns, talks, panels, debates, workshops, discussions, and social events to provide a platform and safe environment to discuss and raise awareness about key feminist issues. Fundraising will be achieved through the holding of ticketed social events such as themed film screenings, performances and discos open to all SGUL students, as well as through more usual forms of fundraising such as sponsored challenges and bake-sales. Charities supported by the society will be decided upon discussion and vote of the society’s members at the beginning of each academic year.
2.0 Membership
2.01 Membership of the Society will be open to all members of SGSU in accordance with SGSU Constitution and Policy.
2.02 Members of the Club/Society shall act in accordance with SGSU Constitution and Policy.
4.0 Subscriptions and Finance
4.01 A membership fee is required from all Society members. The Society Officials shall determine this fee and are responsible for its collection.
4.02 The Society’s financial matters shall be dealt with in accordance with SGSU Constitution and Policy.
5.0 Society Officials
5.01 An elected committee will conduct the running of the Society. All committee members are required to attend committee meeting s unless otherwise unneeded or unavailable. At least one member of the committee will be responsible for attending SU meetings.
5.02 The committee shall ensure that the Society abides by this Constitution.
5.03 The committee will consist of the following officers who shall
be members of SGSU:
· President: Sarah Lasoye
· Vice-President: Gabriela Barzyk
· Vice President: Ella Jameson
· Treasurer: Jeanclaude Doukrou
· General Secretary: Alexandra Beatty
· Social Secretaries: Melissa Matthews
· Media Officer: Manasvi Dwaraknath
· Fundraising Officer: Ayesha Sithirapathy
5.04 The committee will serve for one academic year.
6.0 Duties of Club/Society Officials
6.01 The Society President is responsible for:
- Deciding on events for each term.
- Ensuring all aspects of each event are well-organised in advance by the organising committee members in advance.
- Liaising with SGSU and University staff about the needs or requirements of the society.
- Overseeing the smooth running of the society by assisting committee members with multi-task roles when necessary.
- Liaising with guest speakers and other societies
- Organising the events calendar with the Vice President
- Generating campaigns /events
- Encourage the integration of SGUL with other similarly minded Societies
in London Universities and the rest of the UK, including participation at their events.
6.02 The Society Vice-President is responsible for:
- Assisting the President in similar managerial tasks.
- Chairing Committee meetings in the absence of the General Secretary.
- Assisting the President.
- Overseeing the smooth running of the society by assisting committee members with multi-task roles when necessary.
- Liaising with guest speakers and other societies
- Organising the events calendar with the president
- Generating and running campaigns / events
- Organising the running of promotional events such as fresher’s fayre
6.03 The Society Treasurers are responsible for:
- Handling and accounting for subscriptions with society members (and the payments of non-members at certain events) and handling Society funds with the SU
- Handling payments to guest speakers
- Handling payments to SGSU
- Handling the delivery of charity donations from fundraising events
- Developing a budget plan and presenting to the Committee and submitting to the SU for approval.
- Reimbursing committee members for any expenses incurred
6.04 The Society General Secretary is responsible for:
- Organising and Chairing committee meetings.
- Making and circulating committee meeting minutes.
- Sending wide cast emails with the help of the University
- Liaising with guests and providers in preparation for events
- Booking rooms for events (AGMs, Committee Meetings and External Speakers)
- Recording a calendar of the society’s events
- Promote wider participation
6.05The Society Social Secretaries are responsible for:
- Advertising and promotion of society events (posters, emails, lecture announcements etc.)
- Organising social events for current and prospective members
- Purchasing snacks for events
- Booking rooms for events
- Encouraging wider participation
- Promoting relationships with other internal university societies (e.g. joint-events)
6.06The Society Media Officer is responsible for:
- Circulating event advertisements
- Advertising the society and it’s events throughout the year
- Assisting with the advertisement of the society at Fresher’s week
- Managing the online presence of the society (i.e SU page, facebook, twitter accounts)
- Helping with the creation and running of campaigns
7.0 Meetings
7.01The Club/Society Committee shall meet regularly during term time.
7.02 Regular (~bi-termly) committee meetings are required to discuss all Society matters. Minutes shall be made available to SGSU for ratification.
8.0 Voting
8.1 This will take place for the election of Officials and any other issue that the Society deems of importance.
1.2 Only Society members will be entitled to vote.
1.3 The results of any election shall be passed to the Sports/Societies Officer and the General Secretary of SGSU at the earliest opportunity.
9.0Changes to the Society Constitution
1.1 Changes can be implemented if a two-thirds majority is obtained at an annual or extraordinary general meeting of the Society.
1.2 Any changes shall be deemed provisional until passed to the Sports/Societies Officer and the General Secretary of SGSU at the earliest opportunity and subsequently ratified.
10.0 Society Complaints Procedure
10.01 Any complaints shall be dealt with in accordance with SGSU Constitution and Policy.
10.02 Committee members are encouraged to contact the President or General Secretary with any internal grievances so that complaints may be dealt with by the Society quickly and effectively.
11.0 SGSU Commitments
11.01 The Club/Society shall adhere to SGSU Constitution and Policy
12.0 Discipline
12.01 Any disciplinary matters shall be dealt with in accordance with SGSU Constitution and Policy.
13.0 Declaration
I declare that the Intersectional Feminist Society shall abide by this
Constitution, drawn up on this …th day of the …th month, 2016.
______Society President.
Sign, Print and Date
I declare that this Constitution has been ratified by SGSU and the
______Society is hereby recognized by SGSU
______SGSU Sports/Societies Officer
Sign, Print and Date
______SGSU General Secretary
SOCIETY NAME: Intersectional Feminist Society (IFem Soc.)
Committee 2016/17 Declaration
We, the committee 2015/16, declare that:
● All new committee members have been voted in democratically according to our constitution.
● All members of the society were given the opportunity to vote.
President 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Vice-President 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Treasurers 16/17 :
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
General Secretary 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Social Secretary 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Media Officer 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
The personal details contained in this pack are covered by the Data Protection Act and thus will not be given out to anyone who asks. In order for new members to contact you, it is imperative that you provide the contact details of a committee member from your society who will deal with all enquiries.
Main Contact Details
Committee 2016/17 Agreement
We, as in the committee, agree to abide by the conditions set within and ensure that:
● We will communicate with the union on a regular basis about all events and issues affecting us.
● We will abide by our constitution and update it when necessary
● We will not agree to sponsorship deals without permission from SGSU.
● All membership fees and event takings are handed in within 24 hours or as near to as possible to the Vice President: Finance & Student Activities, and no monies are kept in petty cash.
● We will ensure that at least one representative shall attend all SGSU council meetings as required.
● Members, inclusive of the Committee shall adhere to the SGSU Constitution, Regulations and its policies, in particular the Regulation for Clubs and Societies.
● We will abide by all SGUL policies in particular equal opportunities and child protection policies.
● We will not invalidate the Student Union’s or SGUL’s insurance Policies
● We will ensure next years equivalent of this form is completed in a timely manner
President 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Vice-President 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Treasurer 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
General Secretary 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Social Secretary 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Media Officer 16/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Treasurer 2016/17 Agreement
I, the society treasurer, understand that monies will only be reimbursed for purchases made with prior permission from the Vice-President Finance & Student Activities. I can however authorise purchases using money raised from subscription fees, sponsorship or donations in any way the committee sees fit. I understand all that is required to abide by the financial rules and regulations and that if I am unsure at anytime I will seek advice. I am responsible for all the financial matters for the period February 2016 until July 2016. All membership fees and other money raised will be paid in and no petty cash will be withheld.
Society Treasurer 2016/17:
Print Name Signed Date___/___/___
Committee Members Details 2016-2017
Course & Year of Study:
Email Address:
Course & Year of Study:
Email Address:
Course & Year of Study:
Email Address:
General Secretary
Course & Year of Study:
Email Address:
Social Secretary
Course & Year of Study:
Email Address:
Media Officer
Course & Year of Study:
Email Address:
Document of Interest:
Name: / Course: / Email Address: ( Lasoye / Biomedical Sciences / M1500101
Gabriela Barzyk / Biomedical Sciences / M1506068
Ritika Parasrampuria / Biomedical Sciences / M1503284
Marina Labib / Biomedical Sciences / M1501566
Iqra Ahmed / Biomedical Sciences / M1500888
Maariyah Vankad / Biomedical Sciences / M1503973
Myma Enchill-Yawson / Biomedical Sciences / M1500142
Rumbidzai Pazvakavambwa / Biomedical Sciences / M1505489
Alex Beatty / Biomedical Sciences / M1506208
Jeanclaude Doukrou / Biomedical Sciences / M1501309
Ella Jameson / Biomedical Sciences / M1503570
Melissa Matthews / Biomedical Sciences / M1506194
Hannah Likinyo / Biomedical Sciences / M1401886
Daniel Lai / Medicine / M1501112
Emma Ali / Biomedical Sciences / M1506139
Vikram Patel / Biomedical Sciences / M1506226
Edward Fong / M1101329
Allenis Mak / Medicine / M1500204
Reena Patel / Medicine / M1500042
Kin Lam / M1500242
Phoebe Paley / Medicine / M1500936
Ceri-Anne Boucher / Biomedical Sciences / M1405603
Jack Fielding / Biomedical Sciences / M1400334
Timmy Chetty / Medicine / M1400100
Lynnlette Aung / M1400939
Sarkhara Sharma / M1400598
Tania Mohamed / M1200084
Matt Martinucci / M1200130
Tamsin Parker / Medicine / M1401849
George Mitchell / Physiotherapy / M1402943
Laura Klar / M1502284
Chris Patterson / Physiotherapy / M1404021
Mike Haddon / Physiotherapy / M1504119
Darren Holmes / Physiotherapy / M1402772
Aneesa Zaidi / Medicine / M1501166
Vilomi Bhatia / Medicine / M1500677
Ayesha Sithirapathy / Biomedical Sciences / M1500753
Malvika Subramaniam / Medicine (INTO) / M1505582
Aashna Jain / Medicine / M1504431
Jhed Vasani / Medicine / M1501579
Aveen Hamauandi / Biomedical Sciences / M1501424
Craig Brooks / Medicine / M1502211
Lorna Chapman / Medicine / M1501567
Fiona Molnar / Biomedical Sciences / M1500818
Spardha Kumar / Biomedical Sciences / M1502877
Shreya Epuru / Biomedical Sciences / M1506268
Samantha Buval / Biomedical Sciences / M1506130
Sarah Kichou / Biomedical Sciences / M1500719
Rohma Butt / Biomedical Sciences / M1506320
Hashmmitha Manivannan / Biomedical Sciences / M1506261
Samina Alim / Biomedical Sciences / M1506298
Sunil Singh / Biomedical Sciences / M1501035
Naireen Asim / Biomedical Sciences / M1501540
Hubba Akhtar / Biomedical Sciences / M1301423
Hajra Mubashar / Biomedical Sciences / M1403465
Miriam Aziz / Biomedical Sciences / M1500830
Mariyum Khawar / Biomedical Sciences / M1502762
Sarah Martin / Biomedical Sciences / M1506182
Omar Itijazi / Biomedical Sciences / M1501297
Amin Sedigi / Biomedical Sciences / M1506238
Samuel Kelly / Biomedical Sciences / M1401844
Ziana Somani / Biomedical Sciences / M1500570
Harriette Brennan / Biomedical Sciences / M1506259
Labiba Mushtari / Biomedical Sciences / M1501527
Simran Malik / Biomedical Sciences / M1503685
Aneesa Awan / Biomedical Sciences / M1506136
Zunaira Shah / Biomedical Sciences / M1503227
Tasnim Chowdhury / Biomedical Sciences / M1504156
Enika Yan / Biomedical Sciences / M1405324
Ijenne Enwerem / Biomedical Sciences / M1502833
Zarin Yasmin / Biomedical Sciences / M1502993
Olga Ihirwe / Medicine / M1500990
Mary Ezekwesili / Medicine / M1501304
Naomi Oremakinde / Biomedical Sciences / M1405784
Brishti Debnath / Medicine / M1500620
Tola Olagbegi / Biomedical Sciences / M1500690
Emily Stainton / Medicine / M1500337
Tatenda Gochera / Medicine / M1506211
Molly O’Donnell / Medicine / M1501045
Aneesha Sidhu / Medicine / M1505946
Emily Orr / Medicine / M1300985
Alex Sinclair / Medicine / M1300579
Tanisha Shana / Medicine / M1500062
Saba Mahmood / Medicine / M1500557
Flora Matthews / Medicine / M1500557
Sophie Mattar / Medicine / M1502151
Hatidje Masteva / Medicine / M1500310
Phoebe Murday / Medicine / M1501196
Madhu Haval / Biomedical Sciences / M1500834
Thanugi Rangana / Biomedical Sciences / M1500203
Anannya Bhattacharya / Biomedical Sciences / M1500492
Ayla Selvananthan / Medicine / M1501359
Yagisha Gurung / Medicine / M1400085
Aryaki Kothari / Biomedical Sciences / M1500298
Rhea Hunjan / Biomedical Sciences / M1501986
Maathu Ratnaraj / Medicine / M1500264
Senthury Jegastheeswaranathan / Medicine / M1400423
Sanjana Jaiganesh / Biomedical Sciences / M1300811
Shahfaz Hashmi / Medicine / M1402092
Mihir Patel / Biomedical Sciences / M1405925
Meriam Kirollos / Biomedical Sciences / M1500508
Yasmine Jabbar / Biomedical Sciences / M1506124
Melissa Matthews / Biomedical Sciences / M1506194
Molly Lancaster / Biomedical Sciences / M1500829
Total: 104
(Inaugural Year - 2016)
Income (Feb-July 2016)
- Estimated Minimum Number of Members: 50
- Subscription Fee: £2
- Total Income: £100
Expenditure (Feb-July 2016)
- Estimated Number of Events: 5
- Expected Number of Attendees/Event: 30
Accounted Costs:
- Room/Lecture Theatre Bookings: n/a
- Snacks (drinks/nibbles/pizza etc.): £20/event
Events (2016):
- Each debate/discussion will be chaired by a non-participatory member of IFemSoc. to ensure the orderly running of the event and a fair distribution of opinions are heard.
- What Is Feminism?: Introductory Talk, Meet & Greet and Q&A about IFemSoc.
- “Strolling” Documentary Screening: 3 episodes, each followed by two open discussion questions and some exploration into the issues mentioned.
- Representation: Discussion on Representation in Film, Television and the Media and its effects leading into discussion the expectations imposed by this. (lack of representation based on gender/race/sexuality/religion and harmful effects of misrepresentation)
- Masculinity: Discussion on expectations of men, hyper masculinity, emasculation, body image, differences in raising children etc.
- Oppression: Possible Panel of students and staff willing to share experiences of oppression in the workplace/school/anywhere. Open the discussion with examples of large scale forms of oppression (i.e restrictions on rights of people on an international scale - race in America, women’s votes in Saudi Arabia). Then follow with open discussion on a range of forms of oppression (micro and macroaggressions) experienced in day to day life.