Name ______
Sentence Types Review
A. Classify the following as a prep phrase (P) or subordinate clause (S).
_____ 1. as the class president _____ 6. until my birthday
_____ 2. since I can type _____ 7. until the bicycle
_____ 3. since we were late _____ 8. as I sat
_____ 4. as a mouse scooted across the floor_____ 9. while a dog
_____ 5. because of the rain _____10.aboard the small boat
B. Label the following as Independent clause (I) or subordinate clause (S).
__ _11. The small frail child cried.
___ 12. When we get to the movies.
____13. She was tired.
____14. Although we had 41 hits in the game.
____15. Before noon is not a good time to wake up my sister.
____16. Do you know my friend, Lisa?
____17. Romeo and Juliet begins with a fight between the Capulets and Montagues.
____18. As Tony stood at the bottom of the fire escape.
C. Classify the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound complex. Highlight the subordinate clause/s.
______19. The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and took attendance.
______ 20. The teacher thought that this dot on the page was very confusing, but she kept on writing the sentence.
______21. Juan played football, yet Juanita went shopping.
______22. Although Mexico has the better football team, it lost.
______23. The island was filled with many trails through the thick underbrush, around a small lake, and near dangerous wild pigs.
______24. Naoki passed the test because he studied hard and understood the material.
______25.Juan played football while Juanita went shopping.
______26. Since the play started, we have not had much time for homework.
______27. I was angry because Brian took my pencil, and he never gets in trouble for it.
______28. John is so strong; he has won many competitions.
______29. Sam finally told his girlfriend that he was done with all of her nonsense.
______30. Because Cindy was talking on the phone, she was not paying attention to the road, and she hit a parked car.
______31. As a coach he is boisterous; however, as a teacher he is calm.
______32. We have not had power since last Monday.
______33. We have not had power since last Monday because of the storm.
______34. Since the storm last Monday, we have not had power.
- Underline independent clauses twice, dependent once, and circle the conjunction.
35. Whenever we go to the mall, I like to eat at Chick-Fil-A.
36. He is a teammate of mine and he loves to play quarterback.
37. Gila monsters won’t harm you unless you disturb their burrow.
38. Because it’s raining, we don’t have to go to practice and we can see Avatar.
39. Although they didn’t participate, they still cheered for their team.
E. Write It! Make up a sentence/clause for each of the following…
40. An independent clause (at least 8 words)
41. A sentence with one independent and one dependent clause
42. Take the sentence above and add 1 more dependent clause to it
43. An independent clause that starts with a preposition (at least 10 words)
44. 2 independent clauses (punctuated correctly)
45. 1 subordinate & 1 independent in the same sentence