
Author Name: Sam Bull, Rachel Porter, Nora Selmani

Purpose: (Delete as appropriate)

Amend Existing Policy/Bye-Law

Summary: Add LGBT History Month, Disability History Month and Women’s History Month to the Guild’s list of endorsed national campaigns.

Section One: Amend Existing Policy/Bye-Law

1.1  Section of Document (e.g. Bye-Law 4 Section 5)

2. Affiliations and Endorsements
The Guild of Students is affiliated to the following organisations:
·  National Union of Students
·  Stop Climate Chaos
·  Workers Rights Consortium
The Guild of Students endorses the following national campaigns:
·  Black History Month
·  Buy Right Pledge
·  Enough Project’s Conflict Free Pledge
·  Fair Trade Fortnight
·  NUS’ campaign against the Higher Education Cuts and Fees
·  NUS campaign on Postgraduate Funding
·  NUS Sound Ethical Choice Affiliation
·  NUS Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Accreditation
·  STAR’s Equal Access to Higher Education Campaign
·  The People and Planet Tar Sands Free Campaign
·  The People and Planet Going Greener Campaign
·  International Women’s Day
·  The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts
·  UK Uncut
·  Unite Against Facism

1.2. Proposed Amended Text (normally no more than 200 words in case of Belief and Commitment)

Please make sure to avoid conflicts with Guild of Students’ Governing Documents (including other Beliefs and Commitments and Bye-Laws) and the Laws of the Land.

2. Affiliations and Endorsements
The Guild of Students is affiliated to the following organisations:
·  National Union of Students
·  Stop Climate Chaos
·  Workers Rights Consortium
The Guild of Students endorses the following national campaigns:
·  Black History Month
·  Buy Right Pledge
·  Disability History Month
·  Enough Project’s Conflict Free Pledge
·  Fair Trade Fortnight
·  LGBT History Month
·  NUS’ campaign against the Higher Education Cuts and Fees
·  NUS campaign on Postgraduate Funding
·  NUS Sound Ethical Choice Affiliation
·  NUS Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Accreditation
·  STAR’s Equal Access to Higher Education Campaign
·  The People and Planet Tar Sands Free Campaign
·  The People and Planet Going Greener Campaign
·  International Women’s Day
·  The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts
·  UK Uncut
·  Unite Against Facism
·  Women’s History Month

Section Four: Written Statement in Support of Motion (shall normally be no more than 500 words)

Supporting liberation groups is an important part of representing a student body, and by officially endorsing these national campaigns the Guild is recognising the history of liberation struggles. The Guild already supports Black History Month, so it is only a small step further to recognise the history months of the other 3 liberation groups.

If you have any queries, please e-mail