Making it Real Action Plan - Henbury

Priority 1: Personal Budgets, Support needed, where when and how
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Review of which individuals using the service are/are not on a personal budget, and determine whether those not on a personal budget would benefit from doing so. / SH / Ensure that we and individuals using the service have an understanding of how service users can maximise and personalise their support by using a personal budget. / Intensive involvement of individuals using the service not currently using a personal budget and their support workers. Management to provide advice and assistance to support workers to enable them to do this. / April 2016
Full review of support plans for those on a personal budget. / BB / Individuals using the service are supported to evaluate and amend their support plans to reflect any changes in their needs, wishes and preferences, and are supported to apply for adjustments in funding where necessary.
Teams have a good understanding of how the individual using the service wishes to use their budget to achieve an appropriate level of support and high quality of life. / Intensive involvement of individuals using the service currently using a personal budget, and their support teams. / July 2016
Creation of support plans for those who wish to apply for a personal budget, and support with arranging the relevant adult care assessments/reviews. / SH / Those wishing to make use of a personal budget are fully supported to do so. / Full involvement of individuals using the service wishing to apply for a personal budget, and their support teams. / July 2016
Priority 2 : Risk Enablement/ Planning ahead for Crisis, timetables and goals
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Review and update Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plan. / SH / Appropriate contingency plans are in place to ensure continuity of care and provision of safe accommodation in the event of a crisis. / Involvement of individuals using the service, their families and support workers. / Feb 2016
Full review of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans / BB / All individuals using the service have a current and appropriate Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan reflecting their mobility and the level of support required.
Individuals using the service and all support workers are aware of individuals’ Evacuation Plans and are competent in how to execute these in the event of an emergency. / Involvement of individuals using the service, all support workers and management.
Regular visitors to individuals i.e. family members and professionals should also be made aware of these Evacuation Plans. / Mar 2016
Contingency plan to be put in place for the event of extreme weather conditions:
List to be established detailing how support workers get to work and how far they must travel, and how they can be supported to get to work in the event of a shutdown of public transport or poor driving conditions.
List of support workers and their contact numbers to be generated – sorted by distance from the service – to be contacted in the event of short staffing due to weather conditions.
Individuals using the service to be supported in creating their own contingency plans for this occurrence and establish their priority care needs and determine whether family members may be able to assist them in the short-term. / MG / Minimal disruption to care delivery in the event of extreme weather conditions or other events affecting the ability of support staff to travel to work. / Involvement of individuals using the service, their families, support workers and management. / Mar 2016
Priority 3: Community , accessing the community, community awareness, getting out there
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Organise four community awareness/fundraising events with the involvement of individuals using the service, support workers and management (such as raffles, barbeques, etc.). / SH / Heightened awareness in the community of who SeeAbility are, and what we do.
Provide a social platform for individuals using the service to find new opportunities to access the local community and experience a higher level of community involvement. / Ideas to be gathered from individuals using the service, their support workers and families.
All of the above to be fully involved in the events and any opportunities borne out of them. / May-Aug 2016
Establish a comprehensive list of local amenities, activities, forums and social groups available, and the times and frequency of these.
Establish a list of main outdoor events taking place in Bristol over the summer months i.e. festivals etc. / BB / Individuals using the service are empowered with a greater choice of ways of accessing the local community and involvement in city-wide events. / Support workers to discuss these with individuals using the service and their families, and establish ways of enabling active involvement in community events. / May 2016