Treasurer Use Only:
Date check was written: ______Check Number: ______
Budget line item: ______
Pasadena PTA – Money Request Form
Event Start-Up Money, Reimbursements, or Check Requests for Vendors
The PTA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. When purchasing items for PTA activities, please supply the merchant with a copy of our Tax-Exempt Form, which can be obtained in the school’s main office (Treasurer’s Folder in PTA Mailbox) or by contacting the treasurer
Whether you chose to use this form or not, the PTA cannotreimburse you for tax.
Please review the “FAQ for Money Requests” on page 2.
Complete this reimbursement request in its entirety.
Staple the ORIGINAL supporting documentation (receipt(s) / invoice(s)) to the back of this form.
Do not forget to make a copy of the form & receipts for your own records.
This form MUST be completed in its entirety and approved by an authorized member of the PTA
Date submitted: ______Total Expense: $______
Submitted by: ______
Submitter’s contact information: ______
Check to be made out to: ______
Description of expense (include category / event / budget line item, if known):
Check Delivery Options (check one):
Please mail check to the following address:
I will contact Michael Rosensteinto arrange a mutually convenient pick up time and place.
Approver signature: ______
Should you have any questions, please contact the treasurer, Michael Rosenstein, at:
Mobile / Text: / 516.521.3769 [please provide your name in any texts]Email: /
Sincerely, Michael Rosenstein, Pasadena PTA Treasurer
Pasadena PTAFAQ for Money Requests
- How much notice is needed for checks requests and Event start-up monies?
- A minimum of one weeks’ notice is required for all such requests. If there are extenuating circumstance, they should be discussed directly with the treasurer
- How will I receive start-up monies?
- Ideally, a check will be written to the person requesting the start-up funds, that they may cash themselves at the bank to receive the cash in whatever denominations they desire. This is desired so that there is a record of the transaction
- Extra time should be allowed if the treasurer is expected to provide cash.
- It says that the original completedmoney request forms must be delivered to the treasurer with supporting documentation.
What constitutes supporting documentation? - The following constitutes supporting documentation in order of preference:
- Original receipts or invoices
- Printed email/correspondence detailing the nature of the expense/request
- Detailed printed/written explanation of the expense/request
- It says the form must be approved by an authorized member of the PTA.
Who can approve my request? - Authorized approvers include the PTA President, co-President, and Executive Vice President, so for 2017-2018 this includes Marissa Mitnick, Alison Carey, and Daniella Blackman. The expense is assumed to be approved by the treasurer if they process the request.
- What happens if I submit this form with an authorized approval?
- The treasurer will attempt to seek this authorization for the requester. This may, however, delay the issuance of the check or start-up monies.
Should you have any questions, please contact the treasurer, Michael Rosenstein, at:
Mobile / Text: / 516.521.3769 [please provide your name in any texts]Email: /
Thank you for your cooperation.
Michael Rosenstein
Pasadena PTA Treasurer