Senior Seminar Syllabus
Teacher: Mr. Travis McConathy
West Jessamine High School
Classroom: 142
Office Hours by Appointment
Phone: (859) 887-2421 Ext: 3728
Course Overview
This course is designed for seniors in the fall and spring of their senior year. Various topics will include: Applying to College, Financial Aid Exploration/KEES, College Visits to various campuses around Central Kentucky, ACT Prep, ILP Requirements, Graduation Requirements, Resumes and Interviews, How to pick a major for college, Community Service Involvement through Thomson Hood Veteran Center, Basic Economic/Financial strategies, Time and Stress Management and Guest Speakers. All seniors are strongly encouraged to take this course.
Students will be prepared for life after high school. Students will be able to do the following after this course: apply to College, Financial Aid Exploration/KEES, College Visits to various campuses around Central Kentucky, ACT Prep, ILP Requirements, Graduation Requirements, Resumes and Interviews, How to pick a major for college, Community Service Involvement through Thomson Hood Veteran Center, Basic Economic/Financial strategies, and Time and Stress Management. This course should prepare students to be College and Career Ready.
Required Materials
· 3 ring binder with lined paper and tabs
· Pens and pencils
· Money for College Visits
Classroom Procedures/Student Guidelines
In addition to following the WJHS behavior expectation, students will be expected to abide by the following:
1. Only speak when spoken to by an adult
2. Respond appropriately when an adult speaks to you
3. Use appropriate language
4. Raise your hand and wait patiently until teacher recognizes you
5. Stay in your seat, unless asked otherwise
6. Remain on task
7. Keep a positive attitude
8. RESPECT those around you and yourself
Cell Phones
Per school policy, cell phones are not to be used during class. I will provide a safe place to keep your cell
phone should you be tempted to use it during class time. Otherwise, keep it turned off and out of sight.
Using a cell phone in class will result in a discipline consequence.
Attendance and Participation Policy
Students are expected to attend classes and participate every day in class discussion. Participation will be a formative assessment for each student. Students will abide by the attendance/absence policy established by the school district.
Guest Speakers
Emily Earlywine: (TBA) ILP requirements
David Scott: (Sept 16th): Financial Aid/KEES/ FASFA
Guidance Counselors: (Aug Graduation Requirements
Allison Hardin:(Oct TBA) Time and Stress Management
Denise Jenkins: (Nov TBA ): Economic Strategies/Balance Checkbook
Dr. Ken Pickerill (Asbury University) Dec 4th: Adjusting to College
Campus Visits
Students will be REQUIRED to attend all three campus visits. We will visit the following schools: University of Kentucky and Joe Craft Center (Nov 5th, bring money for lunch), Eastern Kentucky University (Oct 23rd, sign up and bring money for lunch?), and Asbury University (Sept 25-lunch provided). These three schools allow students to view the setting that fits their learning style and what they may be looking for when picking a college. Students will be able to take a campus tour, ask questions, eat lunch etc… Students will be transported by bus to the following three schools. A permission slip will be sent out to parents 5 school days in advance. Failure to bring signed permission slip will result in a zero for a summative grade, not attending the campus visits, and have an alternative assignment.
Community Service
Students will be REQUIRED to attend the community service. We will visit Thomson Hood Veteran Center (Nov 23rd)?. This will be a good opportunity to help people in need and giving back to our community. Students will be able to play games, help serve food, have discussions, arts and crafts, and being flexible with the staff to help better serve them. Students will be transported by bus to the community service. A permission slip will be sent out to parents 5 school days in advance. Failure to bring signed permission slip will result in a zero for a summative grade, not attending the community service, and having an alternative assignment.
Late/Make up work
Opportunity for make-up work will be given for all excused absences.
It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent to contact the teachers about make-up work.
The number of days allowed to complete make-up work is equal to the number of absences
plus one additional day.
Make-up work for credit will not be accepted for unexcused absences; however, students may
make-up work that will have a significant impact on their grade.
Individual Work & Group Work
A. Individual Work: Work quietly and by yourself
B. Group Work: When working with others, use a quieter voice than you would in normal conversation.
If You Are Late
A. You are late to class if you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. If you
are late to class you must:
1. Walk in quietly and calmly, making as little noise as possible.
2. If you have a note, hand it to me or put it on my desk.
3. Sit in your seat.
4. Join the activity in progress
5. Consequences for Tardiness: tardiness result in a morning detention: 2 tardies will result in a disciplinary consequence.
Food and Drinks
Bottled water is allowed in class. Leave food in your locker unless permitted by Mr. McConathy**
Restroom Policy
Four restroom passes and sign out at the door. After you’re out of passes, you will not be able to leave classes. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Formative Assessments20% of Grade / Points possible
Signed Syllabus / 15 pts
Weekly Participation / 15 pts each week
ACT Participation / 15 pts each week
Graduation Requirements / 30 pts
Required Materials / 15 pts
Pop Quizzes(6) / 10 pts each
Guest Speaker Notes(6) / 10 pts each
Formative Total: / 720 pts
Summative Assessments
80% of Grade / Points Possible
3 Mandatory College Visits / 50 pts each
Community Service Project / 50 pts
Applying to 3 Colleges / 50 pts
Working in the JPP Store / 80 pts
Picking a Major/Work / 50 pts
Financial Aid/KEES / 50 pts
Resumes/Interviews / 100 pts
Economic Strategies / 50 pts
ILP completion / 30 pts
Time and Stress Management Essay / 70 pts
3 College Visit Essay’s / 50 pts each
Community Service Essay / 50 pts
Creating Your Own College(Group Project) / 100 pts
End of the Year Notebook Check / 100 pts
End of Course Reflection / 100 pts
Summative Total: / 1,180
Total Class Points: / 1,900 pts
Standard Based Grading Scale
(5) A =100
(4) B = 92
(3) C = 83
(2) D = 72
(1) F = 40
(0) F= 0
If you choose to follow classroom rules: you will have a positive learning experience, be better prepared
for life after high school, and be appreciated by your classmates and teacher.
Consequences if you choose to not follow class rules:
1st offense: warning/redirection
2nd offense: lunch detention
3rd offense: lunch detention; call home to parent/guardian
4th offense: referral(every consequence after result in a referral)
FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS / GUARDIANS: I ask that students and parents/guardians read the
syllabus and sign the bottom portion of this page, so I know that we’ve touched base and have an
understanding of what is expected by all parties. Please return this signed portion to school by Friday,
August 15th. Parents, please contact me with any questions, concerns, or greetings.
STUDENT NAME (Print):______PARENT NAME:______