Si tepershtasimatributinWebmethodsipaskerkesave

Le tekontrollojmekarakteristikat e Web metodave duke perdoruratributet.

You've seen how easy it is to generate a Web service by using Visual Studio .NET,

simply by marking published methods with the WebMethodattribute. But there are also a

number of ways to customize your Web service by adding properties to that attribute.

Table 4.1 shows the properties that you can use to customize the WebMethodattribute

Table 4.1. Properties of the WebMethodAttribute

Property Meaning

BufferResponseIndicates whether the response should be buffered. If set to true

(the default) the entire response is buffered until the message iscompletely serialized and is then sent to the client. If set to false,the response is sent to the client as it is serialized.

CacheDurationSpecifies the number of seconds that ASP.NET should cacheresults on the server. The default is 0, which disables caching.

Description Supplies a description for the Web method.

EnableSessionIndicates whether the session state should be enabled. The defaultis false.

MessageNameSpecifies the name by which the method will be called in SOAPmessages. The default is the method name.

TransactionOptionIf set to TransactionOption.RequiredorTransactionsOption.RequiredNew, enables the Web method toparticipate as the root object of a transaction. The default isTransactionOption.Disabled.

In the Step-by-Step 4.4, you'll see how you can use several of these properties to

customize a Web method..

Customizing a Web Service

Ushtrimi 1

1. Open the StringProcWeb Service project that is created.

3. [WebMethod(CacheDuration = 60,

4. Description = "Method to demonstrate caching")]

5. public String CachedString(intintInput)

6. {

7. return "The time is " +

8. DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

9. }


11. [WebMethod(Description = "Method without caching")]

12. public String UncachedString(intintInput)

13. {

14. return "The time is " +

15. DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

16. }


18. [WebMethod(EnableSession = true,

19. Description = "Store a value in session state")]

20. public String SetSession(intintInput)

21. {

22. Session["StoredInt"] = intInput;

23. return "Value " + intInput +

24. " stored in session state";

25. }


27. [WebMethod(EnableSession = true,

28. MessageName = "Get Session",

29. Description=

30. "Retrieve a value from session state")]

31. public String GetSession()

32. {

33. if (Session["StoredInt"] != null)

34. {

35. intintOutput = (int) Session["StoredInt"];

36. return "Value " + intOutput +

37. " retreived from session state";

38. }

39. return "";

40. }

41. Run the project. This opens the test page shown in Figure 4.10. Notice that

the test page displays the description property of each Web method.

Figure 4.10. The test page for a Web service displays the Web method with

its description, if the Web method attribute has the Description property


42. Click on the UncachedStringlink to open a test page for the

UncachedString() method.

43. Enter a value for the input parameter and click Invoke. You should see a

return message with the current time.

44. Click Invoke again. You should now see the updated current time.

45. Click the link to return to the complete list of operations.

46. Click on the CachedStringlink to open a test page for the CachedString()


47. Enter a value for the input parameter and click Invoke. You should see a

return message with the current time.

48. Click Invoke again. You should now see the same current time. That's

because the result from the CachedString() method is cached for sixty

seconds. ASP.NET returns the cached value during that time without calling

the original method.

49. Change the input parameter and click Invoke again. You should see a return

message with the current time. When an input parameter changes, ASP.NET

does not use the cached result.

50. Click the link to return to the complete list of operations.

51. Click the link for the SetSession() method.

52. Enter an input value and click Invoke. You should see a confirmation


53. Click the link to return to the complete list of operations.

54. Click on the link for the GetSession() method. Notice that this link uses the

MessageNameproperty of the WebMethodattribute rather than the name of the

underlying method.

55. Click Invoke. You should now see the value retrieved from the session state.

Step-by-Step 4.4 demonstrates all the WebMethodattribute properties except for

BufferResponseand TransactionOption. The only time that you'll want to set

BufferResponseto true is when you're returning more than 16KB of data, and that data

is being constructed on the fly—for example, when you are retrieving and formatting

records from a database.


Be Wary of Session State You should be cautious about using session state in a Web

service. Session state can tie up server resources for an extended period of time. If you

use session state with a popular Web service, you will apply heavy demands to Random

Access Memory (RAM) on your Web server.

Ushtrimi 2

A web service which performs Domain Name Lookups


Description="<b>A web service which performs Domain Name Lookups.</b>")]

publicclassDNSLookupService: System.Web.Services.WebService



Description="Get an IP address for a given hostname string")]



IPHostEntryhostInfo = Dns.GetHostByName(strHostname);




Ushtrimi 3

Create a Visual C# .NET Windows Application in the Visual Studio .NET IDE.

2. Right-click the References folder in Solution Explorer and select Add Web

Reference. The Add Web Reference dialog box appears.

Type in the

Address bar of the Add Web Reference dialog box and press Enter. This connects

you to the StringProcWeb service and creates the appropriate proxy classes.

4. Click the Add Reference button.

5. Add a new Windows form to your Visual C# .NET project.

6. Place a Label control, a TextBoxcontrol (txtCode), a Button control

(btnGetWeather), and a Listboxcontrol (lbResults) on the form. Refer to

Figure 4.2 for the design of this form.

7. Double-click the Button control and enter the following code to invoke the Web

service when the user clicks the Get Weather button:

8. private void btnGetWeather_Click(

9. object sender, System.EventArgs e)

10. {

11. // Declare the Web service main object

12. aw=



15. // Invoke the Web service.

16. // This may take some time, so

17. // call it asynchronously.

18. // First, create a callback method

19. AsyncCallbackwcb = new AsyncCallback(

20. WebServiceCallback);

21. // Initiate the asynchronous call

22. aw.BegingetSummary(

23. txtCode.Text, wcb, aw);

24. }

25. // This method will get called

26. // when the Web service call is done

27. public void WebServiceCallback(

28. IAsyncResultar)

29. {

30. // Retrieve the state of

31. // the proxy object

32. aw=

33. (

34. ar.AsyncState;


36. // Call the End method

37. // to finish processing


39. aw.EndgetSummary(ar);


41. // And display the results

42. lbResults.Items.Clear();

43. lbResults.Items.Add(ws.location);

44. lbResults.Items.Add(

45. "Wind " + ws.wind);

46. lbResults.Items.Add(

47. "Sky " +;

48. lbResults.Items.Add(

49. "Temperature " + ws.temp);

50. lbResults.Items.Add(

51. "Humidity " + ws.humidity);

52. lbResults.Items.Add(

53. "Barometer " + ws.pressure);

54. lbResults.Items.Add(

55. "Visibility " + ws.visibility);

56. }

57. Insert the Main() method to launch the form. Set the form as the startup object for

the project.

58. Run the project and enter a four-digit ICAO airport code. Click the Get Weather

button. Wait a few moments; you will see the current weather at that airport in the

list box. Note that while you're waiting, you can still drag the form around the

screen, which shows that it is not blocked by theWeb service call.

If you compare the code for this exercise with the code that you saw in Step-by-Step 4.1,

you'll find some significant changes. In the .NET Framework, asynchronous Web service

calls are managed by callback methods. When you add a Web reference, the proxy class

includes Begin and End methods for each Web method. In this case, those are the

BegingetSummary() and EndgetSummary() methods.

The Begin method takes all the same parameters as the underlying Web method, plus two

others. The first is the address of a callback method, and the second is an object whose

properties should be available in the callback method. When you call the Begin method,

the .NET Framework launches the call to the Web service in the background. When the

Web method call completes, the callback method is invoked. The code in this exercise

shows how you can then retrieve the original object and use its End method to finish the

work of using the Web service.

Perdoriminga Web Aplikimi

7. Double-click the Button control and enter the following code to invoke the Web

service when the user clicks the Get Weather button:

8. private void btnGetWeather_Click(

9. object sender, System.EventArgs e)

10. {

11. // Declare the Web service main object

12. aw=



15. // Invoke the service

16. // to get a summary object


18. aw.getSummary(txtCode.Text);


20. // And display the results

21. lbResults.Items.Clear();

22. lbResults.Items.Add(ws.location);

23. lbResults.Items.Add("Wind " + ws.wind);

24. lbResults.Items.Add("Sky " +;

25. lbResults.Items.Add(

26. "Temperature " + ws.temp);

27. lbResults.Items.Add(

28. "Humidity " + ws.humidity);

29. lbResults.Items.Add(

30. "Barometer " + ws.pressure);

31. lbResults.Items.Add(

32. "Visibility " + ws.visibility);