CSSA Move: Summary of Issues
From: Beach, Gary
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 12:30 PM
To: Mathew, Prem - COB; Nafshun, Richard L.; McIlvenny, Luke; Filtz, Theresa; Bailey, Mike
Cc: Trempy, Janine; McComb, Brenda; Roper, Larry; Shaw, Susan; Bulling, Larry; Garagnani, Rosemary; Bell, Randy
Subject: RE: CSSA Proposal
Greetings #2,
One the goals of the Academic Programs Committee is to identify red flags and land mines that might be present in proposals—in addition to identifying omissions and finding ways of enhancing the quality of the proposal. Here is an example why such reviews are important.
An issue has surfaced in response to the special APC review request that I sent out to you yesterday regarding the CSSA program move. The issue has to do with degree types.
The signed MOU did not address the fact that the CSSA degree program includes both the EdM and MS degree types. The MOU transferred the program, which included the formerly approved degree types, from the College of Education to College of Liberal Arts.
(1) Even with the approval by the deans and the Provost of this program move, can the College of Liberal Arts now award an EdM degree type; i.e., an EdM in College Student Services Administration from the College of Liberal Arts? Another way of looking at this question is: Can the CSSA program continue to offer both the EdM and MS degree types?
(2) The EdM degree type, along with the EdD degree type, have previously been restricted to the College of Education. Is there any issue having the EdM degree type awarded by the College of Liberal Arts?
I have added Randy Bell in on this email string for his input to this question.
Are there any other issues that you have identified regarding his program move?
Gary L. Beach
Senior Curriculum Coordinator
Office of Academic Programs,
Assessment, and Accreditation
308 Waldo Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
541-737-2815 (office)
541-760-1103 (cell)
From: Beach, Gary
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:48 PM
To: Mathew, Prem - COB; Nafshun, Richard L.; McIlvenny, Luke; Filtz, Theresa; Bailey, Mike
Cc: Trempy, Janine; McComb, Brenda; Roper, Larry; Shaw, Susan; Bulling, Larry; Garagnani, Rosemary
Subject: FW: CSSA Proposal
A couple of weeks ago I was unsuccessful in scheduling an Academic Programs Committee (APC) meeting for the purpose of discussing the ongoing CSSA program move. After conferring briefly with Prem Mathew, instead of scheduling an APC face-to-face meeting, I am suggesting that we proceed with a review of the proposal online with the intention of concluding the already approved move of the EdM, MS in College Student Services Administration program from one academic unit to another.
· The CSSA program has partially been moved from the College of Education to the College of Liberal Arts, School of Language, Culture, and Society. Actions to date include the following:
o Memorandum of Understanding signed by Larry Flick, Larry Rodgers, and Sabah Randhawa.
o Larry Roper, Director of the CSSA program has moved from the College of Education to the School of Language, Culture, and Society.
o The CSSA course designator has been reestablished following a review by the Registrar’s Office, review and approval by the Curriculum Council, and with assistance from the Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation.
o The AHE courses that had been associated with the CSSA program have been moved to the CSSA course designator following a review and approval of Category II proposals for each CSSA related course. The course designator change from AHE to CSSA will be effective Winter Term 2016.
o Larry Roper has written a proposal summary, but it is still in the CPS as a draft.
o The two colleges have reviewed and approved the move as has the Provost who is the final approval step for “Move” proposals.
· Actions that need to be completed to conclude the program move include the following:
o Review and approval by the Budgets and Fiscal Planning Committee, Graduate Council, Curriculum Council, and Executive Committee.
o The Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation needs to update and finalize an expedited Abbreviate Category I proposal on behalf of the CSSA program and the School of Language, Culture, and Society, for the purpose of recording the move in the CPS.
o With the submission of a CPS proposal and a “push” through the review process by APAA, the Registrar’s Office, Graduate School, and other administrative offices will be able to update their academic program records, including an update to the online Catalog and to Banner SIS.
In the past, academic program “Moves” such as this were required by the Chancellor’s Office and the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. Following their demise, and the establishment of the OSU Board of Trustees, the Statewide Provosts’ Council, and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, each of these entities subsequently decided that they will not review “Move” proposals. As a result of these recent decisions, the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs notified APAA that the Provost is now the final review and approval step following review and approval by the Faculty Senate and the other faculty governance councils and committees. And herein lies the conundrum. The Provost has already approved the move, and the currently established review and approval steps were bypassed.
(1) CSSA Move Proposal: Given that an MOU, with appropriate input exists in support of the move of CSSA, I would like to recommend approval by the faculty governance councils and committees of the move of the CSSA graduate program from the College of Education to the College of Liberal Arts, School of Language, Culture, and Society-- effective Fall Term 2015. Following your review and approval, the Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation will finalize an expedited Abbreviated Category I proposal to record and archive this program move. The expedited proposal would include the MOU (attached to this email message), the Proposal written by Larry Roper (see the link below), and then your approval and any other comments that you would like to have attached to the proposal.
(2) Abbreviated Category I or Memorandum of Understanding: Given the process changes that have occurred following the establishment of an OSU Board of Trustees and HECC, and that the “Moves” in the future are now internal to OSU, should program moves continue to be submitted as an Abbreviated Category I proposal (e.g., as have the following during the past five years—for example, the move of the General Science program from the College of Science to the Department of Microbiology, the move of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology and their undergraduate and graduate degree programs from the College of Science to the College of Agricultural Sciences, and the move of the Department of Design and Human Environment and their undergraduate and graduate programs from the College of Public Health and Human Sciences to the College of Business) or should these be Memorandums of Understanding between academic units but with a process that includes the submission of an expedited CPS proposal so as to record the move?
Thanks for your response to this special Academic Programs Committee request.
Gary L. Beach
Senior Curriculum Coordinator
Office of Academic Programs,
Assessment, and Accreditation
308 Waldo Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
541-737-2815 (office)
541-760-1103 (cell)
From: Beach, Gary
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 4:57 PM
To: Bruce, Gigi
Cc: Trempy, Janine
Subject: RE: CSSA
The CSSA program “move” from the College of Education to the College of Liberal Arts never went through the Curriculum Proposal Process (CPS) that is required to move academic units from one academic unit to another. Moves such as this used to be required by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education who were the final review and approval step. Now the final review and approval step is the Provost since the OSU Board of Trustees has indicated that do not wish to review “Move” proposals. At issue with the CSSA move is the fact that the proposal, although approved by the two Deans and the Provost, was never reviewed by Faculty Senate committees/councils.
I spoke with Prem Mathew (Co-Chair of the Curriculum Council) last week about this and with Larry Roper the week prior. The plan now is to expedite a proposal through the CPS so that we will have a record of this move in the CPS and in Banner SIS. I will be contacting, later this week, the chairs of the Budgets and Fiscal Planning Committee, Graduate Council, Curriculum Council, and Executive Committee with a request that they review and approve the CSSA move on behalf of their respective committees/councils. Prem agreed to this course of action.
Note: Part of the move has already taken place. Larry and the CSSA budget has been moved to the School of Language, Culture, and Society, the CSSA course designator has been reestablished, and our office has moved all of the CSSA courses from AHE to CSSA – which will be effective Winter Term 2016.
What is left is to “push” an expedited proposal (that I will prepare) through the CPS following approval by the respective committees/councils so that the Registrar’s Office will complete the implementation process. They will not implement moves without a review and approved CPS proposal to document this move.
Gary L. Beach
Senior Curriculum Coordinator
Office of Academic Programs,
Assessment, and Accreditation
308 Waldo Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
541-737-2815 (office)
541-760-1103 (cell)
From: Bruce, Gigi
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 4:25 PM
To: Beach, Gary
Subject: CSSA
Hi, Gary.
I understand that Larry Roper et al have done everything they need to do on their end. The faculty senate process is yet to be completed. Can you tell me the next steps/timeline? Is the process actually with the faculty senate or with the college at this point?
Thanks ~
Gigi Bruce
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President
Office 541.737.8414 | Cell 541.230.0873 |
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