105 East Commercial
P.O. Box 385
Strasburg, Illinois 62465
Ph: (217) 644-3007
Fax: (217) 644-3005
Mayor: Michael Antonacci
Trustees: Shane Corley
Sara Kramer
Anita Renshaw
Chuck Wade
Clerk/Treas: Linda Oakley
Fiscal Clerk Bridget Polk
May 19, 2014 Strasburg Village Hall 105 East Commercial
Call to Order
The meeting of the Village of Strasburg Trustees, held on May 19, 2014, was called to order by President Michael Antonacci at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present were Mayor Mike Antonacci, Trustees Shane Corley, Sara Kramer, Anita Renshaw, and Chuck Wade. Also present were Village Clerk Linda Oakley, Village Attorney Dustin Probst, Public Works Superintendent Chris Daniels, Gary Kull, Gary Sporleder, Cinda Held and John Reel.
Resignation of Trustee
Clerk Oakley read resignation letter from Tom Grove. Motion by Trustee Renshaw to accept resignation of Tom Grove as a Trustee for the Village of Strasburg was seconded by Trustee Wade.
Recognition of Visitors
Mr. Gary Kull reported that Shelby County Mapping is meeting to bring small communities together. At this time three meetings have been held. A workshop is being planned regarding volunteerism.
Fiscal Clerk Bridget Polk entered the meeting.
Omnibus Vote Agenda
Item No. 1 - Minutes April 21, 2014 Regular Meeting
Item No. 2 - Accept Financial Report
Item No. 3 - Expenditures Report
During review of the expenditures, questions were raised regarding the part-time hours. As per the request of the Board, the Public Works Supt will call Trustee Wade regarding the use of the part-time help.
Clerk Oakley noted that a correction to the April 21st minutes. The Lions Cub had donated $400 towards the purchase of the buffer for the Community Center.
Motion by Trustee Wade to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2014 minutes as corrected, the Financial Report and to authorize paying the expenditures was seconded by Trustee Renshaw. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Clerk/Treasurer’s Report
Clerk Oakley presented the list of those individuals whose water bill had not been paid on time.
Clerk Oakley noted that she has sent two letters for tall grass and a letter regarding a violation of the Dog Ordinance.
Mr. Sporleder addressed the Board regarding the issue with Mr. McNeely. Mr. Sporleder left the meeting at 7:04 PM.
Clerk Oakley presented information regarding the price of a new computer or items to try and rebuild and update the current desktop. Motion by Trustee Was to buy a new computer with Adobe Acrobat with the approximate total price of $810 was seconded by Trustee Corley. Motion voted on and carried. Corley – aye; Kramer – aye, Renshaw – aye, Wade – aye. 4 aye / 0 nay
Water & Sewer
Public Works Superintendent Daniels had no report.
PWS Daniels requested the approval of part-time employee Todd Apke. Motion by Trustee Wade to approve Mr. Todd Apke as a part-time employee to work no more than 24 hours per week with prior approval was seconded by Trustee Renshaw. Motion voted on and carried. Corley – aye; Kramer – aye, Renshaw – aye, Wade – aye. 4 aye / 0 nay
Streets & Alleys; Parking
Trustee Corley noted that he was working with an individual from IDOT regarding a solution to repair the drain at the corner of Commercial and Route 32.
Economic and Community Development
No report.
Finance Committee
Trustee Corley reported that the Finance Committee had met and had explored ways to save money if the Village went with EJ Water. They are working on figures to present to the Board of Trustees and the community members. He noted that in 2018 the sewer bond would be paid off with a savings of $18,000 a year. The committee is trying to identify areas where the Village can save and make ends meet.
PWS Daniels left the meeting at 7:40 PM.
Building and Business Expansion / Permits
Clerk Oakley noted that a building permit had been issued to Caleb Ogle for a garage, and a building permit issued to Terry & Cherie Ray to relocate a house onto their lot and the relocation/demolition of their current home.
York Acres
Trustee Renshaw noted that the stone was going up on the front of the new house.
Park and Community Building
Trustee Kramer noted that the Long Term/Short Term Park Committee was awarded a $1,200 grant from the Southeastern Illinois Foundation for the cost of bird spikes for the pavilions at the park. The original budget was $1500, but after measuring the total cost will be more than $1560. Trustee Kramer asked the Board for approval to pay the upfront costs and to help with balance not covered by the grant. Motion by Trustee Corley for the Village to pay the difference plus the cost of the screws/glue with costs coming from the Municipal Utility Fund was seconded by Trustee Wade. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Clerk Oakley reported that Mr. Keith Vandelist would be bringing the plants for the landscaping at the Community Center on Saturday, May 24th. Volunteers will be needed to help with the planting. Tentative help included Mike Antonacci, Shane Corley, Gary Kull and Chuck Wade.
Attorney’s Report
Attorney Probst noted that the Prevailing Wage Ordinance would be voted on at the June meeting, and the Budget (Appropriation Ordinance) would be placed for review for a thirty (30) day period following the June Board meeting.
Unfinished Business
Motion by Trustee Renshaw to adopt Resolution 14-2, “Resolution of Support for a CDAP Public Infrastructure Grant Application for Engineering Design and Constructing Sanitary Sewer System Improvements” was seconded by Trustee Corley. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
President Antonacci noted that the Village needed a $159,000 Letter of Credit to submit with the application for the design and construction grant. In speaking with Nate Wascher, Shelby County State Bank, our debt to income ratio was not conducive for him to write the Letter of Credit. Trustee Corley has spoken with Rick Koester with the USDA Rural Development, regarding getting a loan through the Rural Development. Mr. Koester could not said that we would definitely receive a loan through that program. President Antonacci spoke with Bill Teichmiller. Mr. Teichmiller wrote a letter to Shelby County State Bank that if the Village decided to go with EJ Water, that EJ Water would assume the loan. As a result, Shelby County State Bank issued the Letter of Credit to be submitted with the application.
President Antonacci contacted the Village of Ramsey regarding why they had cancelled their contract with EJ Water. It was found that the Village of Ramsey was just buying water off of EJ Water. They cancelled the contract because EJ had to use their tower and the Village needed $300,000 to fix the tower. Ramsey borrowed the money to fix the tower and kept their water system.
President Antonacci appointed Cinda Held to fill the vacancy from Dawn Schlechte’s resignation on the Board of Trustees. Motion by Trustee Renshaw to approve Cinda Held to serve as a Trustee for the Village of Strasburg was seconded by Trustee Kramer. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
The meeting was recessed at 8:15 PM.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 PM.
Oath of Office
President Antonacci gave the Oath of Office to newly approved Trustee Cinda Held.
President Antonacci updated the board on the Electrical Aggregation. Ameren had lowered its residential rates and raised their commercial rates. As a result, the aggregate was going to wait until a lowered rate was offered to sign a contract.
With an additional vacancy to the Board of Trustees, members were asked to keep community members in mind.
New Business
Motion by Trustee Renshaw to adopt the Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways through the Motor Fuel Tax Program was seconded by Trustee Wade. Renshaw – aye, Wade – aye, Held – aye, Corley – aye, Kramer – aye. 5 aye / 0 nay
The possibility of a Village clean-up Day with the rental of a dumpster was discussed. It was the decision of the Board that at this time a Village Clean-up Day would not be held.
Clerk Oakley noted that the Shelby County Soil and Water Conservation District provides an e-recycling opportunity every Tuesday in Shelbyville. Trustee Wade noted that the Habitat for Humanities in Sullivan also has e-recycling.
Motion by Trustee Held to approve payment of gasoline bill submitted by Dean and Connie Kessler for mowing the Trestle was seconded by Trustee Renshaw. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
President Antonacci appointed Trustee Held to the Community Building/Park Committee.
The Strasburg Hog Roast will be held on August 30th. Mr. Daniels has noted that he will not be helping with the Hog Roast this year. Fiscal Clerk Polk will be checking the band, Sampson Jones Gang, to see if they would be available. Clerk Oakley will check with individuals to cook the pork.
Motion by Trustee Held to leave regular session was seconded by Trustee Corley. Motion Carried by unanimous consent.
Motion by Trustee Renshaw to enter executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body was seconded by Trustee Wade. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Entered Executive Session at 8:55 PM
Exited Executive Session at 9:27 PM
Motion by Trustee Renshaw to exit out of Executive Session was seconded by Trustee Held. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
No further business, the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Linda D. Oakley, Village Clerk/Treasurer