Grand Rapids Community CollegeBiology Department

Leigh Kleinert is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of Biology. Leigh served as a faculty liaison for the Department of Experiential Learning for four years, where she assisted other colleagues in exploring service learning and developing experiences for their students. In addition, Leigh presented on service learning best practices and connecting students with the community at numerous conferences. She also received the Michigan Campus Compact’s Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to Community Service Learning in 2009.

Phone: (616) 234-4251

Sarah Krajewski is an Assistant Professor of Biology. With a background in science education and her experience teaching in the K-12 education system, she brings a passion for teaching future teachers how to engage and excite her students about science. She promotes teaching science through stories, music, interaction, and investigation. Her professional interests are in science education for pre-service teachers, development of pedagogical content knowledge in science education, online learning, and service learning.

Phone: (616) 234-3120

Jan Colvin is a Laboratory Coordinator. Jan has served in this position for 17 years and is intimately familiar with all the complexities of each biology course. In addition, she assists with most service-learning events conducted through the biological sciences. For example, she helps create idea formats with faculty members conducive to implementing their service-learning sessions.

Phone: (616) 234-4264

Jolanta Lanier is an Adjunct Instructor of Biology. Jola has been offering service learning opportunities to her students for the past five years while teaching Personal Health. She sees the involvement in the community as an extension of classroom work, focusing on disease prevention through awareness of individual’s and group’s impact on decision making. Her students have enjoyed participating with the American Cancer Society in variety of functions.

Phone: (616) 234-3148

Community Partner

Stacy Slomski is the Principal of Immaculate Heart of Mary School. Stacy has partnered with the GRCC’s Biology Department for several years, collaborating on multiple service learning projects for various grade levels. In addition, Stacy was a key member of the team that was awarded 1st place in the 2014 Armen Awards: Excellence in Service Learning – a competition that inspires best practices in teaching and learning using principles of innovation and service learning.

Phone: (616) 241-4633