June 3, 2013, Volume VII, Number 22
Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Feast of Saint Boniface – Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Feast of Saint Norbert – Thursday, June 6, 2013
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Friday, June 7, 2013
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Saturday, June 8, 2013
YEAR OF FAITH - Oct. 11, 2012, through Nov. 24, 2013
Question of the Week
For Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 9, 2013
“When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her…” Who do you recognize as being alone? Who are the survivors who find themselves all alone? How do you recognize the most vulnerable? Who or what moves you to pity? When does your pity cause you to act, to step forward and do something?
For the Eyes and Ears: Conference Highlights
Watch conference highlights in pictures and videos, from the setting up to the ending. Check it out at http://www.nccl.us/nccl2013highlights.html. Thanks to our meeting planner, Terry Wessels, for getting this up so quickly and to Gina for our photos on Facebook. Please “LIKE” us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NCCLonline.
Question of the Month
On http://www.ecatechist.com/, Dan Pierson has begun a category called "Question of the Month". You will notice that for June, he is asking those who attended the NCCL conference to share an idea…. I already did. Why don’t you.
You can sign up for ecatechist’s monthly Email Update. It’s free. eCatechist.com is a blog that provides ideas, inspiration, and learning
resources for catechists, parish catechetical leaders, and parents.
DEATH: New Life – Andrew Greeley 1928-2013
Catholic priest, sociologist, journalist and novelist Andrew Greeley died this past week on May 29. He was 85. Despite sustaining serious head injuries some years ago, Father Greeley remained a priest to the end. “We know he is blessed and he’s blessing us,” said Greeley’s niece, Eileen Durkin. Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly invites you to Revisit our 2011 story (http://tiny.cc/45e2xw) on Father Greeley and read our 2002 interview (http://tiny.cc/07e2xw) with him; originally broadcast October 7, 2011.
BIRTH: New Life – Joshua William Garcia-Luense 2013-
Brian Garcia-Luense, NCCL At-Large Board Member is proud to announce that Joshua William Garcia-Luense was born on June 1, 2013 at 8:20 pm CDT during the vigil of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. He weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and measured 20 ¾ inches long. Mom (Cristina) and baby are both doing well. Congratulations can be sent to Brian at since paternity leave expects him not to access his office email.
NCCL Constituency Forums Select New Animators
Diocesan Directors Forum: Jayne Mondoy and Ken Ogorek were chosen to fill the two open seats on the Animator Team. The Leadership team consists of:
· Sr. Margaret Kuntz, ASCJ Work: 850-435-3523 Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee (Spring, 2014)
· Ms. Jayne Mondoy, Work: 808-203-6745 Diocese of Honolulu (Spring, 2016)
· Mr. Ken Ogorek, Work: 317-236-1446 Archdiocese of Indianapolis (Spring, 2016)
· Ms. Wendy Scherbart, Work: 408-983-0138 Diocese of San Jose (Spring, 2015)
Diocesan Staff Forum: Jonathan Schott and Judy Snyder were re-elected to a second term on the Diocesan Staff Forum Animating team. The Leadership team consists of:
· Mary O' Meara, Archdiocese of Washington (Spring 2014)
· Jonathan Schott, Diocese of Rochester (Spring 2016) [2]
· Judy Snyder, Diocese of Rockford (Spring, 2016) [2]
· Michael Wagner, Diocese of Ogdensburg (Spring 2014) [2]
· Open
PCL Forum: Sara Carey of Saint Alphonsus parish in the Diocese of Knoxville, replaces Dan Thomas as the PCL Forum Representative on the Leadership Discernment Committee (LDC) and also the NCCL Representative Council. The PCL Forum Leadership Team now includes:
· Sara Carey, Diocese of Knoxville (April, 2016)
· Judith Brusseau, Archdiocese of Washington, DC (April, 2016) [2]
· Brigid Johnson, Diocese of Knoxville (April, 2016) [2]
· Joanie McKeown, Diocese of Superior (April 2015),
77th Annual Conference and Exposition Evaluation
All NCCL 2013 Annual Conference and Exposition Attendees are encouraged to complete the on-line evaluation. Simply click on https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/nccl2013 and begin. Your evaluation, reflections and comments are very helpful to the 2014 planning committee. We will hold the evaluation open until June 12.
2012 End of the Year Financial Report Available
NCCL Treasurer Joanie McKeown has provided members with the End of the YEAR Financial report for 2012 along with comparative data for 2011. You can access this information on the NCCL website (www.NCCL.org) under the first link Annual Business Meeting under the first tab About NCCL.
Echo the Promise – Challenge $2650! – Within the Next 28 Days!
After an appeal at the Awards Luncheon by Treasurer Joanie McKeown, those present contributed $2650 to the Echo the Promise campaign. This campaign is solely for the professional development of NCCL members. Half of what is collected goes into a restricted endowment account and once it reaches $100,000, proceeds from the money can distributed. In the meantime, the other half of the money is available for use by the Constituency Forums.
Your challenge is to meet or beat the $2650 that was raised at the annual conference Echo the Promise kick-off and to do it by June 30, 2013. That gives us less than a month. To make it easier, you can donate online by going to the homepage of our website (www.NCL.org) and click on the Echo the Promise logo. Join those who have already contributed.
CL Weekly, June 3, 2013 Page 21
Sr. Bernadette M. Bacho
Julie Blevins
Mark Buckley
Teri Burns
Sara & Randy Carey
Beth Cartner
Mary Fran Cassidy
Patricia Clement
Ronald E. Cochran
Anne Comeaux
Lori Dahlhoff
Lorraine S. Deluca
Sr. Connie Derby
Pattie Dougherty
Nancy H. Ferrari
Cheryl Fournier
Colleen Gerke
Kathy Ann Higgins
Greg Jackson
Brigid Johnson
Jo Ann Jones
Sr. Ann Marie Kanusek
Jim Kemna
Kristina Krimm
Linda Lewis
Chris Malmevik
Sr. Mary Caroline Marchal
Kris Maurer
Ela Milewska
Bill & Marilyn Miller
Lee Nagel
Terri Nausieda
Carol & Monroe Nichols
Bryan Reising
Peter Ries
Mary Ann Ronan
Sr. Kieran Sawyer
Wendy Scherbart
Deborah Scopacasa
Kathy Shannon
Therese Stahl
Cindy Stiso
Carol Stone
Linda Stryker
Michelle Tomshach
Mary Jo Waggoner
Anna Marie Zalar
Frank J. Zolvinski
CL Weekly, June 3, 2013 Page 21
Catechetical Sunday – September 15, 2013
This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 15, 2013, and will focus on the theme Open the Door of Faith. Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith.
As in past years, NCCL will sell printed copies of prayer cards, family commitment cards, posters, and certificates in English and Spanish. Check the NCCL website www.NCCL.org for ddmore information on ordering your Catechetical Sunday materials. This year’s reflection journal was edited by Michele Harris and the reflections were written by nine different NCCL members. The reflection book is entitled WELCOME! Open the Door – Pass through the gate – Seek the Christ. Sample pages from each of the writers are available on the NCCL Homepage (www.NCCL.org).
The 2013 NCCL pin represents the theme for Catechetical Sunday "Open the Door of Faith" with a beautiful 3 dimensional effect. The all metal pin is outlined in the same gold as the cross. The Alpha and Omega from the Catechetical Sunday logo are imprinted on the shiny copper doors that open to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ hanging on a gold cross in a brushed copper room. The doors break through the gold outline to enhance the theme, Open the Door of Faith. The Spirit of God in each of us is the agent of the new evangelization and inspires each of us to open our heats and to go forth as catechist and teacher. Help your organization and order your materials from NCCL. Actual pin size is 7/8 inch.
CL Weekly will feature several pieces each week from June 3 – September 16. You can read the Chairman of USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, Bishop David L. Ricken’s Welcome Message or go to http://tiny.cc/s43uxw.
This week we feature a:
Theological reflection by Dr. Harry J. Dudley, Assistant Director for Certification of Ecclesial Ministry, Secretariat of Catholic Education, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. His theological reflection is entitled Enter the Narrow Gate (http://tiny.cc/jc4uxw).
Parish Resource by Sr. Catherine Dooley, Professor at Dominican University. Her piece, Catechetical Materials as Faithful Resources for Church Teaching, would make an excellent parish bulletin insert and can be downloaded at (http://tiny.cc/0m4uxw).
Reprintable Promotion Tool (For the Pastor) and written by Sr. Angela Erevia, MCDP (Missionary Catechist of Divine Providence), Director of Hispanic Ministry, Diocese of Dodge City, Kansas. Simply titled For the Pastor, this piece can also be downloaded from http://tiny.cc/7yevxw.
You can download the complete list of FREE Resources which can also be found at http://tiny.cc/263uxw. Be sure to order your Catechetical Sunday materials from NCCL (www.NCCL.org).
NCCL Evangelization Website Is Ready To Serve You
Wouldn’t it be great to have a one-stop shopping website where you can go to find all things related to evangelization and evangelizing catechesis? Under the guidance of its evangelization committee, NCCL has created just such a place!
Go to www.21stcenturycatholicevangelization.org to view the site and learn more. Bookmark the site as a favorite and begin using it as a resourcing tool in your ministry. Consider joining its mailing list. The website will be updated regularly.
www.21stcenturycatholicevangelization.org is designed to be both a practical tool and a living website. Please consider submitting a resource or effective practice for possible inclusion on the site.
Finally, pass on this news to your friends and colleagues in ministry. Share that together with them NCCL is building something to serve all people in ministry in the years to come! Not only is there a link on the NCCL website (www.NCCL.org), you can read more on the NCCL website under the Resources tab and click on New Evangelization on the Drop-down menu.
Papal Intentions for June
General Intention: That a culture of dialogue, listening, and mutual respect may prevail among peoples.
Mission Intention: That where secularization is strongest, Christian communities may effectively promote a new evangelization.
Oklahoma Tornadoes
Oklahoma was besieging by additional tornadoes this past week. NCCL members are encourage to respond to the diocesan appeal. Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City noted that “Catholic Charities [Oklahoma City] and we as an archdiocese will work with many others to ensure a smooth and comprehensive response not only to the immediate needs of those affected by the violent storms, but also to their longterm needs as they rebuild their lives," the prelate added. "We’re there for the long term and we’re usually the last ones to leave." The Archdiocese has established a disaster response center at All Saints school. You can read more on the diocesan website at http://archokc.org/.
Catholic Charities of Oklahoma City is currently accepting donations at the following link:https://ccokc.ejoinme.org/?tabid=406485. NCCL members are encouraged to respond by using the Catholic Charities link.
Comfort Dogs
Several NCCL members have indicated their interest and involvement in ministry with their pet dogs. Religion & Ethics Newsweekly offers this piece Online Only: Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) has a program called the K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry, which seeks to provide comfort and compassion to hurting people. The specially trained dogs often visit hospitals and nursing homes, but they are brought to disaster sites as well. Last week, they traveled to Moore, Oklahoma, to visit tornado victims. They spoke with LCC president Tim Hetzner about the ministry of the dogs and their handlers. You can red/listen to this two (2) minute piece at http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/episodes/by-topic/comfort-dogs/16781/.
Wednesday’s Catechesis: On the Church as the Family of God
In recent months, more than once I made reference to the parable of the prodigal son, or rather of the merciful father (cf. Lk 15:11-32). His youngest son leaves his father's house, squanders everything and decides to return because he realizes that he has made a mistake, but no longer considers himself worthy of being a son, and thinks that he might be readmitted as a servant. The father instead runs to meet him, hugs him, restores him to the dignity of a son and throws a feast. This parable, as others in the Gospel, well describes God's plan for humanity.
What is this plan? It's to make of all of us the one family of his children, in which each will feel close and feel loved by Him, as in the Gospel parable, that each may feel the warmth of being the family of God. In this great design, the Church finds its roots; the Church is not an organization born out of an agreement made by some people, but - as Pope Benedict XVI has reminded us many times - it's God's work, it is born from this plan of love that takes place progressively in history. The Church was born from the desire of God to call all people to communion with Him, to His friendship, and indeed to participate as his sons of his own divine life. The very word "Church", from the Greek word ekklesia, means "convocation": God summons us, he urges us to come out of our individualism, of our tendency to close in upon ourselves and calls us to be his family. And this call has its origin in creation itself. God created us to live in a deep friendship with him, and even when sin broke this relationship with him, with others and with creation, God did not abandon us. The whole history of salvation is the story of God seeking man, offering him His love, welcoming him. He called Abraham to be the father of a multitude, he chose the people of Israel to forge a covenant that embraces all people, and sent, in the fullness of time, his Son so that his plan of love and salvation might come true in a new and everlasting covenant with all humanity. When we read the Gospels, we see that Jesus gathers around him a small community that welcomes his word, follows him, shares his journey, becomes his family, and with this community He prepares and builds his Church.