Bylaw 15265

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 12800, as amended,

The Edmonton Zoning Bylaw

Amendment No. 1091

WHEREAS Lot 11A, Block 68, Plan 5195KS, located at 10842 – 149 Street NW, High Park, Edmonton, Alberta, is specified on the Zoning Map as (RF1) Single Detached Residential Zone; and

WHEREAS an application was made to rezone the above described property to (RF3) Low Density Development Zone;

NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, ch. M-26, as amended, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton duly assembled enacts as follows:

1.The Zoning Map, being Part III to Bylaw 12800 The Edmonton Zoning Bylaw is hereby amended by rezoning the lands legally described as Lot 11A, Block 68, Plan 5195KS, located at 10842 – 149 Street NW, High Park, Edmonton, Alberta, which lands are shown on the sketch plan annexed hereto as Schedule “A”, from (RF1) Single Detached Residential Zone to (RF3) Low Density Development Zone.

READ a first time thisday of , A. D. 2009;

READ a second time thisday of, A. D. 2009;

READ a third time thisday of, A. D. 2009;

SIGNED and PASSED thisday of, A. D. 2009.









FILE: LDA09-0039


DESCRIPTION:ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT from (RF1) Single Detached Residential to (RF3) Low Density Development Zone; HIGH PARK

LOCATION:10842 - 149 Street NW


DESCRIPTION:Lot 11A, Block 68, Plan 5195KS

APPLICANT:Ibrahim Faouzi

856 Drysdale Run

Edmonton AB T6M 2V5

OWNER:Liberty Palace Services

856 Drysdale Run NW

Edmonton AB T6M 2V5


APPLICATION:Submitted as a proposal for (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone, February 23, 2009; resubmitted as a proposal for RF3, May 29, 2009


DEVELOPMENT:Single detached house





RECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw 15265 to amend the Zoning Bylaw from (RF1) Single Detached Residential to (RF3) Low Density Development Zone be APPROVED.



FILE: LDA09-0039



1.The Application

This application proposes to rezone the subject site from (RF1) Single Detached Residential to (RF3) Low Density Development Zone to allow for the development of small-scale row housing.

2.Site and Surrounding Area

The subject site is located on the southwest corner of 109 Avenue and 149 Street, and is currently developed with a single detached house. The house is currently unoccupied. The applicant’s stated intent is to demolish the existing house and construct small scale row housing.

Surrounding properties are zoned for RF1 and are developed with single family homes. A park site is located one block to the west. Some (CNC) Neighbourhood Commercial Zone is to be found in the area, to the southwest and northwest, though much of this property is currently in residential use.

View from the northeast corner of the property, 149 Street and 109 Avenue



FILE: LDA09-0039



1.Compliance with Approved Plans and Land Use Compatibility

There is no Neighbourhood Structure Plan or other neighbourhood level planning document in effect for the High Park neighbourhood. The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) designates this area as a Mature Area. The proposal is consistent with the policies set out in the MDP to support increased densities of land use through infill development that is sensitive to existing development and to encourage rehabilitation, redevelopment and infilling to increase the amount and quality of housing in mature neighbourhoods.

The proposed rezoning complies with the City’s Zoning Bylaw provisions for a (RF3) Low Density Development Zone. This zone allows for a maximum of four residential units in a small apartment or stacked row housing form. At 17.7 m wide by 44.7 m deep, an area of 792 m2, the site is insufficient in size for the development of a small apartment building or stacked row housing, but it is large enough to satisfy the minimum site width of 17.0 m and overall site area of 550 m2 required for the development of three row housing units. The site also has ample size and width for semi-detached residential development. Both row housing and semi-detached development are potential uses under the RF3 zone. The area is subject to the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay which serves to ensure that new low density development in Edmonton’s mature residential neighbourhoods is sensitive in scale to existing development and maintains the traditional character and pedestrian-friendly design of the streetscape.

This proposal represents an opportunity for the creation of more affordable housing in High Park, an overwhelmingly single-family neighbourhood which currently offers little variety in housing forms: 96% of the dwellings in High Park are single-detached homes. The low-density nature of the RF3 zone, as well as the site’s location at the edge of the neighbourhood, makes it compatible with surrounding development. The site also has access to frequent public transit service along 107 Street two blocks south, as well as more limited service on 110 Ave one block north.

2. Smart Choices Assessment

This application supports the Smart Choices initiatives of Neighbourhood Re-Investment and Residential Infill.

This application also supports the recommendations of the Basic Planning Principles for Residential Infill. These principles recommend that fourplexes and row house developments are appropriately located at the edges of neighbourhoods along arterial roadways. Corner lots facing arterial roadways are particularly appropriate for this type of intensification. Although the size of the site does not support the construction of a building containing four dwelling units, the Smart Choices locational criteria clearly identify this as an appropriate location for residential intensification.



FILE: LDA09-0039


3.Comments from Civic Departments and Utility Agencies

The Transportation Department does not object to the proposed rezoning application. They advise that vehicular access shall not be allowed to 149 Street, as it is an arterial roadway.

Other affected Civic Departments and utility agencies have expressed no outstanding concerns regarding this application.

4.Surrounding Property Owners’ Concerns

The Planning and Development Department did not receive any phone calls or letters from the public in response to two advance notifications sent on February 27, 2009 and June 3, 2009. Two notifications were made as a result of the original application being revised. The original application proposed to rezone to RF4, whereas the revised application proposed to rezone to RF3 in order to allow for additional density on the site. Notifications were sent to 30 affected parties and property owners within a 60 m radius of the property, including the High Park and McQueen Community Leagues.


The Planning and Development Department recommends that Bylaw 15265 be APPROVED on the basis that the proposed rezoning from RF1 to RF3 allows the opportunity for efficient infill and redevelopment in a mature neighbourhood in alignment with the Basic Principles for Residential Infill, is compatible with surrounding development, and the subject property meets the minimum requirements of the proposed zone.



Written by: Tom Young

Approved by: Willard Hughes

Planning and Development Department

July 27, 2009



FILE: LDA09-0039






FILE: LDA09-0039


