Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Stefaan Smis
Name:Stefaan SMIS
Nationality: Belgian
Place of birth:Bukavu (DR Congo)
Date of birth:23 December 1968
Professional address:1. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Law and Criminology
Centre for International and European Law
Room 4C349
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
tel: +32 2 629 24 25
fax: +32 2 629 12 59
2. University of Westminister
School of Law
4, Little Titchfield Street
United Kingdom
High School:Ecole Belge de Kigali (Rwanda)
Options: Sciences-languages (French, Dutch, German and English)
University: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Law 1987-1992
Licentiaat in de Rechten
Option: International Law
Graduated in 1992
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
P.I.L.C. (Programme on International Legal Cooperation) 1992-1993
Master in International and Comparative Law
Graduated in 1993
Academy of International Law, The Hague
Summer course in Public International Law
Summer 1993
University of Oxford-GeorgeWashingtonUniversity
Summer course in International Human Rights Law
Summer 1996
Doctor in law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Title of Doctoral thesis: A Western Approach to the International Law of Self-Determination. Theory and Practice (defended 18 December 2001).
III.Current Position
From September 1993 to October 1994, I worked as lawyer at the Brussels bar. In October 1994, I became a university assistant at the Centre for International Law of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Since October 2002, I am a lecturer (courses on Introduction to International and European Law, Dispute Settlement in International Law, InternationalHuman Rights law and Methodology of Law) at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the VUB. In this capacity my functions and professional activities include research (mainly on international law, dispute settlement, human rights law and self-determination as well as regional international law and regional integration in Africa), teaching on dispute settlement in international law and methodology of law, supervising papers (LL.M and graduate level) and PhDsand organising conferences.
I am also Reader at the School of Law of the University of Westminster (UK) where I teach International Criminal Law, Criminal Law of the EU,International Humanitarian Law and Introduction to Rights.
Finally, I also provide consultancy services in the areas of my expertise.
IV.Membership of Professional Organisations and University Committees
Member of the American Society of International Law
Member of the Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties
Founding Member and member of the board of VORMEN (Flemish Organisation for Human Rights Education:
Member of the board of IPIS (International Peace Information Service:
Member of the board and currently vice-president of Recherches et Documentation Juridiques Africaines (R.D.J.A. Asbl)
Vice-president of the Onderzoeksgroep Fundamental Rights and Constitutionalism, VUB research group Fundamental Rights and Constitutionalism
Member of the Council for Education (VUB) (1996-2001)
Deputy member of the Administrative Council of the VUB (1999-2002)
Member of Loopbaan- en Adviescentrum (LAC, VUB) (1999-2002)
Member of the Council of the Faculty of Law (VUB) (1996-1998; 2006-2008)
President of the Election Commission for the students (VUB) (1997-2002)
VUB representative in the Werkgroep Ontwikkelingssamenwerking and member of the Experts Group on Central Africa (Flemish Inter-University Council – University Development Co-operation VLIR-UOS)
President of the Bureau Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (BOW-VUB) (2004-2011) [Bureau development co-operation]
Member of the Research Council (VUB) (2004-2006)
Member of the Academic Board Internationalisation and Student Mobility (VUB) (2005-2008)
Member of the Commissie wetenschapscommunicatie (VUB) (2010- ) [Commission Scientific Communication]
President of the studenten- en alumnicommissie (VUB) (2012- )
5.1Articles in peer reviewed journals
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996. Some Aspects from the Perspective of International Economic Law, Revue belge de droit international 217-258 (1998) (published by the Belgian Society of International Law).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, The Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, 27(2) Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 345-387 (1999) (published by the University of Georgia, Law School, USA).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, The EU-U.S. Compromise on the Helms-Burton & D’Amato Acts, 93(1) American Journal of International Law 227-236 (1999) (published by the American Society of International Law, USA).
* Stefaan Smis, Case concerning the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Germany v. United States of America), Algemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift 118-119 (1999).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, België neemt het voortouw in het bestraffen van schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht, Algemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift 229-233 (1999).
* Kristin Henrard & Stefaan Smis, Recent Experiences in South Africa and Ethiopia to Accommodate Cultural Diversity: A Regained Interest in the Right of Self-Determination, 44 Journal of African Law 17-51 (2000) (published by Cambridge University Press, UK).
* Gunter Lauwers & Stefaan Smis, New Dimensions of the Right to Self-Determination: A Study of the International Response to the Kosovo Crisis, 6(2) Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 42-69 (2000) (published by Franck Cass, UK).
* Erik Franckx, Ann Pauwels & Stefaan Smis, An International Trusteeship for Kosovo: Attempt to find a Solution to the Conflict, LII Studia Diplomatica 155-166 (2000).
* Stefaan Smis & Saskia Van Hoyweghen, Towards a state-less Central Africa? Some theoretical reflections - Vers une Afrique Centrale sans Etats? Quelques réflexions théoriques, Africa Forum (2000), 10 p. (published by H-net, Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine, USA).
* Stefaan Smis & Saskia Van Hoyweghen, Towards a state-less Central Africa? Some theoretical reflexions, XXII(2) Africa Review and Newsletter 32-37 (2000) (published by the African Studies Association of Australia and the Pacific, Australia).
* K. Bodard, B. De Vuyst, S. Smis, K. Van der Borght, M. Van der Putten & P. Van Nuffel, Grasduinen op het Internet.Een voorstelling door de redactie internationaal en Europees recht van websites van nut voor de Belgische rechtspracticus, 34 Algemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift 809-812 (2001).
* Serge Gutwirth & Stefaan Smis, Inleiding, in De strafrechtelijke vervolging van ernstige schendingen van mensenrechten 7-8 (Serge Gutwirth & Stefaan Smis eds., ICM jaarboek: 2002) (published by the (Flemish) Inter-University Centre for Human Rights).
* Co-editor with Serge Gutwirth, De strafrechtelijke vervolging van ernstige schendingen van mensenrechten (ICM jaarboek) (2002).
* Stefaan Smis, A Western Approach to the International Law of Self-Determination: Theory and Practice (summary of the Ph. D. thesis defended at the Faculty of Law of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on 18 December 2001), 21 Revuede Droit Africain 28-47 (2002) (published by Recherches et Documentations Juridiques Africaines).
* Saskia Van Hoyweghen & Stefaan Smis, The Crisis of the Nation-state in Central Africa: A Theoretical Introduction, 93-94 Review of African Political Economy 575-594 (2002) (published by Carfax Publishing Company, UK).
* Stefaan Smis & Wamu Oyatambwe, Complex Political Emergencies, the International Community & the Congo Conflict, 93-94 Review of African Political Economy 403-430 (2002).
* Theodore Trefon, Saskia Van Hoyweghen & Stefaan Smis, State Failure in the Congo: Perceptions & Realities, 93-94 Review of African Political Economy 379-388 (2002).
* Co-editor with Theodore Trefon & Saskia Van Hoyweghe, Congo between Crisis and Renewal (special Congo issue), 93-94 Review of African Political Economy (2002).
* Stefaan Smis, De wet van 10 februari 1999 betreffende het bestraffen van ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht in theorie en praktijk, 80-81 Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift van de Stichting Auschwitz 7-28 (2003) (published by the Auschwitz Foundation).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Mensenrechten in de WTO, Jaarboek van het Interuniversitair Centrum Mensenrechten 309-320 (2001-2002) (published by the (Flemish) Inter-University Centre for Human Rights).
* Stefaan Smis, The International Criminal Court as a means to Address the Question of Impunity in the DRC, 25 Revue de Droit Africain 3-33 (2003).
* Stefaan Smis & Stephen Sevidzem Kingah, Comparing US and EC Trade and Political Stategies in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol. LX(3)Studia Diplomatica: The Brussels Journal of International Relations91-109(2007) (published by Egmont Institute).
* Stefaan Smis & Stephen Sevidzem Kingah, How the Government of Chad Can Meet Development Pledges to its People without Breaching its Obligations with the World Bank and Multinational Oil Companies, 4(3)Manchester Journal of International Economic Law3-42 (2007) (published by the University of Manchester).
* Stefaan Smis & Stephen Sevidzem Kingah, Assessing the Utility of Counter-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Clauses under the EU-ACP Revised Cotonou Partnership Agreement,Vol. 57(1)International and Comparative Law Quarterly149-168(2008) (published by Cambridge University Press).
* Stephen S. Kingah, Stefaan Smis & Frederik Söderbaum, How Countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Can Use World Trade Organization (WTO) and European Community (EC) Flexibilities for Better Access to Affordable HIV/AIDS Medicines, in Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook Volume 8 (2008)270-302(Anton Bösl, Willie Breytenbach, Trudi Hartzenberg, Colin McCarthy & Klaus Schade eds., 2008) (published by Tralac).
* Stefaan Smis, The UN mapping report on crimes committed in the DRC between 1993 and 2003: From a responsibility to remember to a responsility to react, in L’Afrique des grands lacs. Annuaire 2010-2011105-125 (2011).
* Stefaan Smis, The Role of the International Community in Stabilizing the Democratic Republic of Congo, accepted for publication in Mededelingen der Zittingen van deKoninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen (2012).
* Stefaan Smis, Dorothée Cambou & Genny Ngende, The Question of Land Grab in Africa and the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Traditional Lands, Territories and Resources, accepted for publication in Loyola of California International & Comparative Law Review101-144 (2013).
* Derek Inman, Stefaan Smis & Dorothée Cambou, ‘We Will Remain Idle No More’: The Shortcomings of Canada's Duty to Consult Indigenous Peoples, accepted for publication in Göttingen Journal for International Law 1-36 (2013).
In preparation
* Andebrhan Giorgis, Stefaan Smis, Eric Elong Ebolo,South Sudan Independent:Have the Traditional African Rules on Self-Determination and Intangibility of Frontiers become Obsolete?To be published in a journal on African studies (2012).
5.2Articles in journals without referee system
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Beschouwingen over de toekomst van de VN, 88 VVN-Berichten. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor de Verenigde NatiesJournal of the Flemish Association for the United Nations 2-9 (1996).
* Stefaan Smis, Een uitspraak over nucleaire wapens, 90 VVN-Berichten. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties 27-37 (1996).
* Stefaan Smis, Is het dreigen met of het gebruiken van nucleaire wapens strijdig met het internationaal recht, 6 Zoeklicht. Viermaandelijks tijdschrift voor internationaal humanitair rechtHumanitarian Law Journal of the Flemish Red Cross 14-19 (1997).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, De zaak Pinochet en de immuniteit van een voormalige staatshoofd: oude wijn in nieuwe vaten of een sprong voorwaarts in het bestraffen van misdaden tegen de mensheid?, Zoeklicht. Viermaandelijks tijdschrift voor internationaal humanitair recht 26-27 (1998).
* Stefaan Smis, De zaak Pinochet of het herontdekken van het begrip “misdaden tegen de mensheid” als universele jurisdictiegrond voor het bestraffen van zwaarwichtige schendingen van mensenrechten, Nieuwsbrief van de Liga voor MensenrechtenNewsletter of the Flemish League for Human Rights 13-16 (1999).
* Erik Franckx & Stefaan Smis, Vluchtelingen op het Afrikaanse Continent: Het Internationaalrechtelijk Kader, Nieuw Tijdschrift van de VUBThe New Journal of the VUB 39-51 (1999).
* Marc Cogen & Stefaan Smis, Genocide en Internationaal Recht, Nieuw Tijdschrift van de VUB 7-22 (1999).
* Stefaan Smis, Het Afrikaanse Hof voor de Mensenrechten,Tijdschrift voor Mensenrechten7-11 (2004).
* Frederic Eggermont, Stefaan Smis & Wim Schreurs, Elektronische bronnen kritisch bekeken, Ad Rem: tijdschrift van de orde van vlaamse balies 4-12 (december 2005).
* Stefaan Smis & Christine Janssens, Over de wet van communicerende vaten: artikelen 60 en 61 van het Afrikaans Handvest voor de Rechten van de Mens en Volkeren, in Tijdschrift voor Mensenrechten101-112 (2008).
5.3Case-books, books and contributions in books
* Erik Franckx, Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Bedenkingen over de Ontwikkelingssamenwerking in Zwart Afrika met bijzondere aandacht voor de universitaire samenwerking, in Bijdragen aan de Reflectiedag over Ontwikkeling en Universitaire Ontwikkelingssamenwerking 168-179 (UCOS-Publications, 1996).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Arresten en Documenten voor de Practica Volkenrecht en Internationale InstellingenCases and Materials on International Law and International Organisations, VUB-uitgaven (1997), 300 p.
* Tim De Bondt, Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Arresten en Documenten voor de Practica Volkenrecht en Internationale Instellingen, VUB-uitgaven (1998), 375 p.
* Stefaan Smis & Cédric Van Assche, Arresten en Documenten voor de Practica Volkenrecht en Internationale Instellingen, VUB-uitgaven (2000), 300 p.
* Kristin Henrard & Stefaan Smis, The Right to Self-Determination: South Africa and Ethiopia, in Law and Cultural Diversity 119-174 (Yvonne Donders, et al. eds., 1999).
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Ontbinding en Nietigheid van de BVBA, in BVBA in de Praktijk (loose-leaf publication on corporate law) (1999), 160 p.
* Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Ontbinding en Nietigheid van de NV, in NV in de Praktijk (loose-leaf on corporate law) 88-198 (2000).
* Stefaan Smis, The Legal Status of InternationalLand Boundaries in Africa, in Economics of Conflict and Politics of Identity in the Great Lakes Region 191-213 (Ruddy Doom & Jan Gorus eds., Brussel, VUBPress, 2000).
* Stefaan Smis, Border and Border Problems in Africa, in Populaçoes Ambiente e Desenvolvimiento em Africa 33-41 (Oscar Soares Barata & Sonia Infante Girao Frias Piepoli eds., 2001).
* Stefaan Smis, Human Rights Treaties and Agreements, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (Arthur Cockfield & Aaron Schwabach eds., 2003: UNESCO publication), 18 p. (the text can also be consulted electronically at
* Stefaan Smis, Secession, in Encyclopedia of the World’s Minorities (C. Skutsch ed., 2005), 4 p.
* Erik Franckx, Stefaan Smis & Kim Van der Borght, Kapitaal versus Arbeid:schipperen tussen ethiek en hypocrisie. Een bespreking van het debat over fundamentele internationale arbeidsnormen met aanbevelingen voor beleidsverantwoordelijken, in Sociale Grondrechten als bakens voor een vernieuwd Sociaal Recht. Liber Amicorum Maxim Stroobant 81-109 (Guido Van Limberghen & Kristof Salomez eds., 2001).
* Stefaan Smis, The Application of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Russian Domestic Legal Order, in The Reception of International Law in Central and Eastern Europe 115-142 (Erik Franckx & Stefaan Smis eds., Antwerpen, Maklu legal publishers, 2002).
* Erik Franckx & Stefaan Smis, Introduction, in The Reception of International Law in Central and Eastern Europe 1-2 (Erik Franckx & Stefaan Smis eds., Antwerpen, Maklu legal publishers, 2002).
* Erik Franckx & Stefaan Smis (eds.), The Reception of International Law in Central and Eastern Europe (2002). [published by MAKLU legal publishers]
* Marc Botenga, Koen De Feyter, Philip Nauwelaerts & Stefaan Smis, Juridisch Kader om Laakbare handelspraktijken in Conflictregio’s tegen te gaan, Bedrijven in conflictgebieden 97-169 (Philip Nauwelaerts ed., 2004).
* Paulette Pierson-Mathy, Stefaan Smis, Léon Kyaboba Kasobwa & Artur da Costa (eds.), Access to Land and Food. The Human and Socio-Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS – EU/SADC (2005), 197p. [Editions Recherches et Documentation Juridiques Africaines]
* Wim Schreurs, Frederic Eggermont & Stefaan Smis, m.m.v. Serge Gutwirth, Cursus Rechtsmethodologie 1ste Bachelor in de Rechten (2005), 404 p.
* Stefaan Smis, Het recht op zelfbeschikking: een middel tot afscheiding van Vlaanderen?, in Tegenspraak cahier 26 Recht en minderheden. De ene diversiteit is de andere niet 201-213 (Ruth Stockx & Eva Brems eds., 2006).
* Erik Franckx & Sefaan Smis, De doorwerking van het internationaal recht in de Belgische en Russische nationale rechtsorde: een rechtsvergelijkende analyse, in Doorwerking van het internationaal recht in de Belgische rechtsorde 119-137 (Jan Wouters & Dries Van eeckhoutte eds., 2006).[published by INTERSENTIA]
* Education Campaign on Child Rights (Romania), Training manual for the Police Force on Children’s’ Rights (2006), 74 p.
* Wim Schreurs, Frederic Eggermont, Stefaan Smis & Pieter Paepe (m.m.v. Serge Gutwirth), Praktijkboek Rechtsmethodologie. Inleiding tot het opzoeken en analyseren van de bronnen van nationaal, Europees en internationaal recht, Brugge, Die Keure, 2006, 446 p.
* Annick De Boeck, Karl Hendrickx, Christoph Malliet, Georges Martyn, Stefaan Smis, Bernard Tilleman & Dirk Vanheule, Juridische verwijzingen en afkortingen (Kluwer, 2008), 132 p. (Belgium’s citation guide already available in electronic form since September 2007).
* Stefaan Smis, Ethiopia and the Right to Secession in International and Comparative Law, in Federalism and the Protection of Human Rights in Ethiopia107-125 (Eva Brems & Christophe Van der Beke eds., Münster, LIT Verlag, 2008).
* Stefaan Smis & Stephen Sevidzem Kingah, Southern African Development Community, published as a volume of theInternational Encyclopaedia of Laws (R. Blanpain & M. Colucci eds., Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law International, 2009), 98 pp.
* Stefaan Smis, De internationale bescherming van inheemse volkeren, in Mensenrechten – Actuele Brandpunten209-223 (Jan Wouters en Cédric Ryngaert eds., Acco, Leuven, 2008).
* Wim Schreurs, Frederic Eggermont, Stefaan Smis & Pieter Paepe (m.m.v. Serge Gutwirth), Praktijkboek Rechtsmethodologie. Inleiding tot het opzoeken en analyseren van de bronnen van nationaal, Europees en internationaal recht, Brugge, Die Keure, 2nd revised edition 2008, 442 p.
* Stefaan Smis & Gillian Mathys, Reader overzicht van de geschiedenis van Afrika, Gent, Acco, 2008.
* Jan Wouters, Eva Brems, Stefaan Smis & Pierre Schmitt (eds.), Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organizations, Mortsel, Intersentia, 2010, 600 p.
* Stefaan Smis, Stephen Kingah & Christine Janssens, Trips and Human Rights: Access to Cheaper AIDS Medicines, in Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organizations 485-504 (Jan Wouters, Eva Brems, Stefaan Smis & Pierre Schmitt Eds., Mortsel, Intersentia 2010).
* Jan Wouters, Eva Brems, Stefaan Smis & Pierre Schmitt, Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organizations. Introductory Remarks, in Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organizations 1-18 (Jan Wouters, Eva Brems, Stefaan Smis & Pierre Schmitt Eds., Mortsel, Intersentia 2010).
* Stefaan Smis & Stephen Kingah Sevidzem, EU’s Unassertive Inter-regional Approach in Conflict Management in the DRC, in The European Union and the Global South 205-223 (Frederik Söderbaum & Patrik Stålgren eds., Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010).
* Frederic Eggermont & Stefaan Smis, Research Guide to the Instruments of European regional Organizations (Moortsel, Intersentia, 2010), 162 p.
* Paul De Hert, Kristin Henrard, Karen Van Laethem, Stefaan Smis, Koen De Feyter en Stephan Parmentier, Bronnen internationale bescherming van de rechten van de mens (Antwerpen/Oxford, Intersentia, 2010), 815 p.
* Francis Baert, Ann Pauwels & Stefaan Smis (red.), Langs de vuurlijn. De Verenigde Naties en gewapende conflicten (Leuven, Acco, 2010), 263 p.
* Ann Pauwels, Francis Baert & Stefaan Smis, Inleiding, in Langs de vuurlijn. De Verenigde Naties en gewapende conflicten 13-27 (Francis Baert, Ann Pauwels & Stefaan Smis eds., Leuven, Acco, 2010).