Collegiate Website Competition

The COLLEGIATE CHAPTER WEBSITE COMPETITION is one of the AMA’s most valuable competitions. After all, your chapter’s website is one of your most important communication tools. See how it stacks up to the other AMA student chapters and get professional feedback. We strongly encourage all chapters to signup for this competition.

The competition is open to all active student AMA chapters that submit a chapter plan and annual report. Judging will take place during the end of this semester and also the spring semester. Sites will be evaluated on Creativity and Appearance, Convenience—Ease of Navigation, Content for Members and Guests, and Currency. First place winners have included:RadfordUniversity, TempleUniversity, Long BeachStateUniversity and University of Nevada Las Vegas. Second place winners in 2009 were:University ofWisconsin-Whitewater, TempleUniversity, University of Alabama Birmingham and RowanUniversity. Your chapter might next.

Five great reasons to enter the Annual AMA Collegiate Chapter Website Competition:

  1. Entering is easy. You already have a website up and running.
  2. Any chapter can win. Chapter size doesn’t matter in this competition. In the last three years, three different chapters have won.
  3. Your website is one of your most important communication tools. You should have it evaluated by impartial judges every year.
  4. It is important to benchmark your website efforts versus other chapters to make sure you are up to speed.
  5. Placing in this competition looks great on your resume.

This is the one competition your chapter cannot afford to miss.

Entry Deadline is December 14, 2009

The competition is open to all active student AMA chapters that submit a chapter plan and annual report. Judging will take place during the end of this semester and also the spring semester. Sites will be evaluated on Creativity and Appearance, Convenience—Ease of Navigation, Content for Members and Guests, and Currency

Creativity and Appearance

•Overall appearance. Balance of text and graphics

•The site is attractive and aesthetically appealing.Good use of graphics and color.

•The graphics, animations, sounds clips, etc., make a significant contribution to the site.

•The same basic format is used consistently throughout site.

•Clean design/structure.

Convenience-Ease of Navigation

•Ease of finding information. For Example date of the next meeting in 3 clicks or less

•There are help options such as a site map and/or search features

•Links are well organized, easy to use, clearly defined and labeled.

•The information is clearly labeled

•The content of this site is well organized.

Content for Members and Guests

•The website provided valuable information

•Necessary information like Chapter mission, detailed Calendar of events and method for contacting local Collegiate AMA Chapter is present

•Links to other useful Web sites are provided. e.g., National AMA

•Online membership form or instructions on how to join


•Content was updated recently. Calendar, information, etc.

•Internal and external links are working properly (no dead ends, no incorrect links, etc.)

•Out-dated material has been removed.

•Latest revision date is provided.

Winners will be announced during the 32nd Annual AMA Collegiate Conference.

AMA Collegiate Chapter


Entry Deadline

December 14th, 2009

Name of the AMA Chapter ______

Any needed passwords for protected areas of the site that you want the judges to see______


Website address______

Student Contact person ______

Student contact person email address ______

Student Contact phone number ______

Advisor ______

Advisor Contact info Email address______

Advisor Phone Number______

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