Last updated August 2018

Multiple PI Leadership Plan

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Applications designating multiple PD/PIs MUST include a leadership plan. No plan is required for project designating a single PI.

  • Assign all PD/PIs the PD/PI role on the Senior/Key Profile form, even those at organizations other than the applicant organization.
  • Link to SF424 instructions:
  • NIAID tips on crafting a strong Leadership Plan:

Rationale:[[Why does this program require multiple PIs? Is it specific areas of expertise? Different locations where responsibilities are equivalent for each PI at each location? Provide a strong justification for choosing the multiple PI approach. For instance, explain why the Specific Aims of the project could not be accomplished without the combined leadership/expertise of all PIs.Or start with a sentence that encapsulates the overall idea of the grant in the context of the specific expertise/roles of the multiple PIs. One example might be, "This application integrates clinical data with basic science approaches to understand the mechanisms underlying the clinical results using a botanical agent to treat Crohn's disease. This integrated approach requires specific expertise in cellular mechanisms of immunomodulation and in the physiological response in human participants, necessitatingequal input from each PI. Governance and organization fall naturally into the areas of expertise brought to the project by Drs. X and Y."]]

Governance and Organizational Structure: [[Describe organization for leadership team andfor research project. An organizational chart can be helpful.]]

Communication Plan:[[Describe how you will communicate. Regular email? Weekly group meetings? Monthly teleconference? These plans must be concrete, convincing, but without giving a sense of undue burden on the PIs.]]

Process for Making Decisions on Scientific Direction:[[The best-case scenario is that the PIs have synergistic expertise, without competition. That leaves specific scientific direction for each area of the projects generally in the realm of the PI with relevant expertise. Don't let the reviewer infer that; state it directly. If there is some possibility that results could take the project in a very new direction, the participating PIs should discuss before the application how they would handle it. Note that appointing one PI as the decision maker undermines the argument for Multiple PIs.]]

Process for Resolving Conflicts: [[ It's a good idea to state that both PIs participated in the preparation of the proposal, andagreed on the scientific and management plans. Suggestions for this section: Should there be a scientific conflict, the PI with the most relevant expertise for the question (clinic vs. bench, for example) will make the final decision. State this in concrete terms that are relevant to the proposal. If the conflict doesn’t fall clearly into one PI’s area of expertise or there is a conflict that cannot be resolved, name a senior person at the institution from whom the PIs will seek guidance (and do make sure they know they have been named, and agree to the role). Examples include the chair, if the PIs are in the same department, or one or more named senior faculty members with sufficient experience in the proposed research. In extreme cases, invoke the dean or similar institutional official with a role in conflict resolution. State that both PIs agree to abide by the decisions made.]]

Roles and Responsibilities:[[Delineate project roles and administrative, technical, and scientific responsibilitiesfor each PD/PIand other collaborators. Indicate who will be contact PI. It is generally not a good idea to indicate that PIs will share responsibility for all aspects of the project. Be specific about what each will do and why. Unlike the budget justification, the Multi-PI plan should not highlight the accomplishments of the PIs or justify why they should be PIs. Stick to describing whatthey will do as PI.]]

PI 1: [[Explain their specific role in the project, including which of the Other and Key Personnel they will oversee. For example of the latter: "Dr. X will be the primary contact for Dr. A, who has the responsibility for laboratory analysis of plasma cytokines."]]

PI 2:[[Explain their specific role in the project, including which of the Other and Key Personnel they will oversee.]]

Budget Allocation: [[If budget allocation is planned, the distribution of resources to specific components of the project or the individual PD/PIs should be delineated in the Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan.]]

Source: Office of Research Development (ORD), Tufts University