Step1 – Community fuel points
There is assigned heating cost points to each communityin thestate, based upon the
community’sannual fuelcost and climatic conditions.
•Ifthehousehold uses natural gas andanother fuel type forheat, thedivision will usethe communityheatingcostpoints fornaturalgas.
•Ifthehousehold uses self-harvestedwood or coal forheat, thedivision will usethe community heating cost points foroil multiplied by0.5.
•Ifthehousehold uses purchased wood or coalforheat, thedivision will usethe communityheating cost points foroil multiplied by0.8.
Step2 – Dwelling type
Kenaitze Indian Tribe will multiplythecommunityheating cost points bythe first oneofthe followingfactorsthat describes thehousehold’s dwelling. Ifmorethan one factor applies, thedivision will usethe factorlisted first:
(1)the factorof1 ifthehousehold resides in atwo-bedroom singlefamilyhome;
(2)the factorof1.4 ifthehousehold resides in amobilehome, RV orhouseboat with heated living spaceof980 squarefeet ormore;
(3)the factorof0.4 ifthehousehold resides in atravel trailer, RV, ormobilehomewith heated livingspaceless than 980 squarefeet, ortent orpickup camper;
(4)the factorof0.15 ifthehousehold resides in aone-room dwellingsuch as astudio apartment, hotel orboardinghome;
(5)the factorof0.35 ifthehousehold resides on aboat with heated livingspaceless than 980 squarefeet;
(6)the factorof0.55 ifthehousehold resides in aone-bedroom dwelling, oraone-room houseor cabin without bedrooms;
(7)the factorof1.3 ifthehousehold resides in athree-or-more-bedroom singlefamily, duplexor triplexhome;
(8)the factorof0.7 ifthehousehold resides in atwo-bedroom unit in an apartment buildingof four ormore attached units.
Ifthehousehold resides in asingleresidencewithoneormoreotherhouseholds, theheating cost points are reduced to thehousehold’s proportionateshareofthehomeheatingexpenses.
Step3 – Householdsizeandincome
Kenaitze Indian Tribe reviews andverifies each household's net incomeforthemonth prior or 30 days priorto application.
Verification maybeprovided through: documentaryevidence(wagestub,award letter, etc.); Division ofPublicAssistance andDepartment ofLaborrecords; orimpartial third parties such asfee agents, villagecouncil representatives, orsocial serviceagencies.
Kenaitze Indian Tribe assign each household thefollowingpercentageofheatingcost points based upon the household’s net monthlyincomeand familysize, expressed as apercentageoftheAlaskapoverty level.
•100 percent ofpoints ifthehousehold’sgross monthlyincomeis no morethan 25 percent ofthe
•90 percent ofpoints ifthehousehold’sgross monthlyincomeis morethan25 percent but no more than 50 percent oftheAlaskapovertylevel;
•80 percent ofpoints ifthehousehold’sgross monthlyincomeis morethan50 percent but no more than 75 percent oftheAlaskapovertylevel;
•70 percent ofpoints ifthehousehold’sgross monthlyincomeis morethan75 percent but no more than 100 percent oftheAlaskapovertylevel;
•60 percent ofpoints ifthehousehold’sgross monthlyincomeis morethan100 percent but no more than 125 percent oftheAlaskapovertylevel;
•50 percent ofpoints ifthehousehold’sgross monthlyincomeis morethan125 percent ofthe
Alaskapovertylevel but no morethan themaximum allowable.
Ifthehousehold’snetmonthlyincome exceedsthemaximum allowablepovertylevel thehousehold is not eligible.
Step4 – Priority groups
Kenaitze Indian Tribe will add onepoint to theincome adjusted heating cost points ifthehousehold includesoneormoremembers 55years ofageorolder, legallydisabled, orundersixyears ofage.
Step5 – Roundpoints
Kenaitze Indian Tribe will round the final total heatingcostpoints to thenearest wholenumber. Thetotalheating cost points maynot exceed 35 points.
Step6 – Heating pointsof2.0 ormore
Households must haveheating cost points of2.0 ormorebefore rounding to be eligible forheating
Step7 – Multiply by thebenefit rate to determinehousehold benefit
Kenaitze Indian Tribe will multiplybytheFY 2017 benefitrateof$110perpoint to determinethe amount ofthehousehold’s heatingassistance.
The amount ofheating assistancemaybereduced bytheamount oftheunpaid balancethat the household owes Kenaitze Indian Tribe forpreviouslyawarded heatingassistanceto which thehousehold wasnot entitled. Kenaitze Indian Tribe will usethis method of recoupment ofoverpayments onlyifthehousehold has not responded to theKenaitze Indian Tribe’s request forrepayment orthehousehold defaults on its repayment agreement.
The following examples illustrate how a household’s heating assistance benefit is determined.
Example 1
/ Benefit calculation:Step 1. / Community, Fuel / Kenai, N Gas / 6 points
Step 2. / Dwelling / 3 bedroom house / 6 points x 1.3 = 7.8 points
Step 3. / Household Size, Income / 4, $2,150 / 76-100% of poverty = 70%
7.8 points x 0.7 = 5.46 points
Step 4. / Household includes elderly, disabled or child under age 6
Pregnant women / No / N/A
Step 5. / Heating points of 2.0 or more / Yes / 5.46 points
Step 6. / Round points / Rounded = 5 points
Step 7. / Multiply by benefit rate / 5 points x 110= $550.00
Example 2
/ Benefit calculation:Step 1. / Community, Fuel / Soldotna, Oil / 11 points
Step 2. / Dwelling / 2 bdrm, 4+unit bldg / 11 points x 0.7 = 7.7 points
Step 3. / Household Size, Income / 2, $1,685 / 101-125% of poverty = 60%
7.7 points x 0.6 = 4.62 points
Step 4. / Household includes elderly, disabled or child under age 6,
Pregnant women / Yes / 4.62 points + 1 = 5.62 points
Step 5. / Heating points of 2.0 or more / Yes / 6 points
Step 6. / Round points / Rounded = 5 points
Step 7. / Multiply by benefit rate / 6 points x $110 = $660.00
Example 3
/ Benefit calculation:Step 1. / Community, Fuel / Kenai, Oil / 9 points
Step 2. / Dwelling / 2 bedroom house / No adjustment
Step 3. / Household Size, Income / 5, $2,300 / 76-100% of poverty = 70%
9 points x 0.7 = 6.3 points
Step 4. / Household includes elderly, disabled or child under age 6
Pregnant women / Yes / 6.3 points + 1 = 7.3 points
Step 5. / Heating points of 2.0 or more / Yes / 7.3 points
Step 6. / Round points / Rounded = 7 points
Step 7. / Multiply by benefit rate / 7 points x $110 = $770.00
Example 4
/ Benefit calculation:Step 1. / Community, Fuel / Nikiski, Propane / 9 points
Step 2. / Dwelling / Studio apartment / 9 points x 0.15 = 1.35 points
Step 3. / Household Size, Income / 1, $1,250 / 101-125% of poverty = 60%
1.35 points x 0.6 = 0.81 points
Step 4. / Household includes elderly, disabled or child under age 6
Pregnant women / No / N/A
Step 5. / Heating points of 2.0 or more / No / 0.81 points
Step 6. / Round points / N/A
Step 7. / Multiply by benefit rate / Ineligible