Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers
Meeting of November 9, 2015
North Campus, 1st Floor Public Meeting Room
1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas
Summary of Minutes
Presiding Officer David Weir called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item B, Roll Call and Certification of Quorum and Introductions. Board members David Weir, Darrell Ganus and Britney Webb were present. Dr. David Schmidt was absent. A quorum was present.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item C, Training for Board Members. Lynn Latombe, Assistant General Counsel provided an overview of the training and highlighted some resources the board should review and follow.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item D, TDLR Video presentation on public comment process.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item E. Public Comment. There was no public comment.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item F, History and overview of the Athletic Trainers Program. Board member David Weir gave a history of the program from its formation in Houston, Texas to it’s present existence at Department of State Health Services.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item G, Staff Reports. Brian Francis, Deputy Executive Director reported on the Agency structure and use of Agency functions to achieve some of the goals for the program, presented the model of collaboration document to highlight our close workings with the Department of State Health Services, and the conversion process and the rules process the Legislative Session and agency re-organization. George Ferrie, Compliance Division Director, introduced Yvonne Lopez as a point of contact for the Compliance Division, also welcomed the opportunity for speaking engagements and training activities, reported current involvement in review of rules and documents related to the program, and reported that future meetings will include statistics. Answered questions from the Board on statistics and annual training conference called Southwest Athletic Trainers Association (SWATA). Ray Pizarro, Education and Examination Division Director, reported on the exam delivery process and the use of Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) in the development of the exam. He also discussed reviewing the exam waiver for reciprocity, statistics that will be provided, and introduced Kim Whitt as a point of contact. The board asked questions regarding the examination process and proctoring the exam. Board Chair, David Weir provided a handout on the exam statistics and education training opportunities. Ken Sharp, Enforcement Division Attorney, provided case statistics and highlighted cases of note. Dede McEachern, Licensing Division Director, reported on licensing statistics.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item H, Discussion and possible recommendation regarding proposed new rules at 16 Texas Administrative Code, Section 110 to implement Chapter 451 and Chapter 51 of the Texas Occupations Code, relating to Senate Bill 202, 84th Legislature, Regular Session (2015), for transition from DSHS to TDLR. Lynn Latombe, Assistant General Counsel provided an overview of the rules, transition process, and a line-by-line comparison; and reported on the movement of rules into the TDLR format. Presiding Officer David Weir reported that rule 871.12 under DSHS rules in Continuing Education, has been sent to the Attorney General for an opinion on clarification. It was also requested that the rules change to allow the use of technology in Continuing Education, to allow online courses and training. Motion by Board Member Brittney Webb, seconded by Board Member Darrell Ganus moved to approve changes to the language in Continuing Education to include or allow the use of technology in Continuing Education. Motion passes unanimously. Brad Bowman, General Council reported that cleanup to the proposed rules will be addressed. Motion by Board Member Brittney Webb, seconded by Board Member Darrell Ganus to accept the edits and changes as presented and to publish the proposed rules in the Texas Register. Motion passes unanimously.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item I, Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting. The Board requested the following items on its next agenda: staff reports, rules and comments, DSHS update, update on the budget approval, jurisprudence exam, criminal conviction guidelines, and discussion on dual stage examination process.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item J, Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting. The next Board meeting date will be February 22, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in Austin Texas.
Presiding Officer David Weir moved to agenda item K, Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.
David Weir, Presiding Officer
Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers
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