Ontario Injury Prevention Practitioners Network – MVC Subcommittee
Teleconference Meeting
January 27, 2015
Present: Lorna Boratto, Pat Cliche, Paul Cook, Silvana Farrace-Perry, Janet Vendrig, Amy Fishleigh, Faith Morphy, Judi Morton,
Brandy Tanenbaum, Christine Daigneault-Hache, Pat Metcalf, Linda Yenssen
Regrets: Jeff Griffith, Leah Simon (Sick Leave)
Absent: Nicole Fraser
Guest: Erin Berenbaum: Research Assistant, Health Promotion, Chronic Disease, Injury Prevention at Public Health Ontario
Agenda Items / Discussion / Action RequiredCommittee Business / Meeting called to order
Called to order at 10:10 a.m. with introductions
Approval of Agenda
Agenda was approved as circulated with change on date of minutes
Approval of September 25, 2014 minutes
Motion: It was moved by Judi Morton, seconded by Janet Vendrig that the minutes of September 25, 2014 be approved. / Date of date on Minutes to read Sept. 25, 2014 not Sept. 24, 2015,
Guest Presentation / Erin Berenbaum: Research Assistant, Health Promotion, Chronic Disease, Injury Prevention at Public Health Ontario
The survey has been sent out and participants register through a research panel by email.
· The goal is 2,000 responses and to-date have received approximately 800 back expected to close Feb. 20 or early if target is reached
· Criteria of the survey: drivers 16 to 24 yrs of age, driving for 12 months in Ontario and have a cell phone.
Erin then discussed the Brief – Predictors and Risk Factors of Texting and Diving among youth ( attached to the last meeting agenda)
· OSDUHS stated that in 2013 over 1/3rd of ON students, grade 10-12,self-reported texting and driving at least once in the last year
· Males & Females were equally likely to report texting and driving in the past year & no significant differences by geographic location
· High rates of texting and driving behavior among youth are concerning as texting and driving increases collision or near-collision event risk by 23 times compared to those driving without distraction / Action: Erin will seek permission to share survey with the committee
See attached Brief: Predicators and Risk Factors of Texting and Driving Among Youth
2.Business Arising From Minutes September 25, 2014 / Adult Concussions – Nipissing University BScN Project
A group of 8 BSCN 3rd yr students worked on a Adult driving concussion project following a request from OIPPN when it was stated that concussions from motor vehicle collisions are quite prevalent. The issue was should police officers, first responders be given the abilities necessary in identifying concussions. In addition, once a suspected concussion has been identified those responders need to have legal rights to prevent those drivers from operating a vehicle at that point of time. A literature search was done to ascertain to any law existed in Canada. No relevant legislation in Canada however some laws in the UK and Europe were available.
Pat stated that the students the Toronto Police showed an interest in doing a pilot using the “Pocket” Concussion tool but that she has not been notified if they are still interested.
The Nipissing University brief has been sent to Dr. Charles Tator and Pat has asked him to comment and to make further suggestions or recommendations.
Very lengthy discussion around this topic with recommendations for letters of support to move this issue forward to the Ministry of Transportation.
Distracted Driving Campaigns from the FORUM
When the OIPPN MVC micro site is posted on the OIPRC site the Distracted Driving campaigns will be posted on a tab on this site.
When this does occur we ask that all of the individual areas visit their campaigns to ensure that information is still current and up-to-date and if new information is available that it is posted on the site.
Attendance at Meetings
Expressed the importance of attendance at meetings ( only 3 teleconferences a year and dates are set well in advance with one face to face meeting) Attendance at today’s is great – thank you.
Lorna and Pat have been reviewing the membership and will be asking the Managers at the Network/Alliance meeting on Feb.24/25 for their assistance in filling the gaps.
Inspector Mark Andrews (OPP) regrettably resigned however he has been replaced by two OPP Sgt.’s from Headquarters in Orillia.
NIPPN network is OK – Lorna from Timiskaming HU has been replaced by Chris Daigneault-Hache from Porcupine Health Unit
SWIPN Network is ok – John from MTO has been replaced by Sean Wraight from MTO London
CWIPPN – only have Amy Fishleigh would like 2 more (cross over between MVC and OIPPN)
ERIN – ( no rep. since Kerri resigned) Ottawa, Eastern, Renfrew??
CEast - we have York, Simcoe-Muskoka – need one more would like to replace Marjorie Oke
TASC – York, Toronto
Not sure where Peterborough fits in / Seek Letters of Support for Adult Concussions: Driving:
Dr. Charles Tator
Ontario Concussion Prevention Network
Ontario Acquired Brain Association
Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
Pat will check will Michael to see at what stage of readiness they are to have this site ready
( not up as of January 27)
Need to have at least 4-5 members on this committee
3. NEW Business / Planning Meeting Between OTCN & OIPRC
An opportunity for the Ontario Trauma Coordinators Network and the OIPRC to start working together to set priorities. The trauma hospitals have the data of what they are seeing in their ED’s and OIPRC are the expertise in the field of injury prevention. Barbara and Diane from the Windsor Trauma Hospital will speak at the Managers Alliance/Practitioners Network meeting on Feb. 24th, 2015.
Planning Meeting with Alliance IP Managers & Practitioners Networks
A 1 ½ day meeting has been scheduled with the Public Health Alliance Managers and Network Chair’s at the Yorkdale Holiday Inn on Feb. 24 and 25.
Meeting Dates for 2015-2016
Lorna and Pat are in the early stages of setting the meeting dates for next year but we hope to set the face to face meeting late May or early June. / Both committee’s felt that earlier was better rather than later.
4. Reports / OIPPN
Meeting was held January 27, 2015 – discussions around
· Nipissing University Concussion Project
· Making Ontario Roads Safer (Bill 173/Bill 34)
· Discussion around second priority for the committee
· Membership review/attendance at meetings
· Reports
· Concern about helmet covers called tail wags – members checking with CSA
OIPRC – by Linda Yenssen
Injury Prevention Managers & Network Chairs In-Person Meeting
Feb. 24/25 2015. Agenda includes updates from the LDCP Projects and IP working groups, Ontario Public Health Association, Implementation Science, Social Media, breakout discussions
RE: alcohol, concussions, social determinants of injury prevention, Ontario Trauma Coordinators Network and Injury orientation modules launch.
The Compass was released on Thursday January 22 on skiing, snowboarding, and sledding as well as an OHPE article on the same topic.
The British Columbia Injury Research & Prevention Unit (BCIRPU) has a Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) available online. The free resource has three target groups – medical professional; parents, players and coaches; and educators (educator content to be posted in the spring).
The site includes an online concussion recognition tool, which is also available as a downloadable form.
The OIPRC is working with a few practitioners including members of the OCPN (Ontario Concussion Prevention Network), to co-brand some CATT resources to show they are supported in Ontario. We will also be discussing the educator content to ensure the needs of Ontario schools under PPM 158 (school board policies on concussion)
Enforcement (North Bay Police – Chief Paul Cook)
Reported all Police through the media participated in the MADD Safe Campaign
Chief Cook announced that the Chiefs of Police Drive Safe Campaign this year will be on May 21st – topic will be Distracted Driving.
SWIPN: - Lorna B
Important to note that they have changed the date to the Not By Accident Conference from October to
Possible topic – implication of Canada’s legislation??
· Campaign for helmet messaging development, targeted to parents
· Role model for parents – helmets, distracted driving etc
Niagara Area – Amy
Film used by Niagara Police Service for Distracted Driving
Started an audit in November – observing at busy intersection for seat belt use, distracted driving, use of cell phones ( have a report?)
Teleconference in December 2014
Will be implementing the Canadian Falls Curriculum across the NE and delivered by the 5 PHU’s starting in April but delivered in 2 hr blocks for 5 lessons.
Teleconference with the PARTY program sites to have them start revisit their program
Review PHO Brief on Texting and Driving
Parachute HUB website
Partnership between OTCN & OIPRC
Mock Crash/Buckle Up in North Bay with 14 schools and 1,400 students
TASC – Brandy
Thanks to OIPRC they have completed their Strategic Planning and the focus will be Pedestrian Safety
Streamline – focus administration duties for agenda’s and minutes
Last meeting they came up with an exciting idea for an idea for pedestrian safety
Durham –Janet
Our Parent’s Guide to Teen Driving: The Role of Parents has been updated and is available online at durham.ca/parentdrivingguide.
They are developing a social media campaign on safe driving targeting teens/young adults 16-24 this year. Presently in the development stage.
YORK –Silvana
Planning a Car Seat Clinic with partners
Working with OIPRC on the CAAT tool
Sit on TASC as a member
Thunder Bay - Judi
Complied messages from the theatre in pre and post surveys and shared with Parachute ( well received but it is very expensive)
IMPACT presentation: evidence-based program out of California. Through nationwide educational programs that confronts the dangers and consequences of reckless and distracted driving. This program has developed evidence-based curricula and guides for different professional fields, and for different target audiences.
Tom Marinis from MTO is involved in the Winter Driving Campaign
“Get a Gripe and “Take Control”
Sunnybrook –Brandy
Feb 4th Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is hosting a one-day symposium on injury prevention in sports and recreation.
As well, Sunnybrook is part of the organizing committee for the tri-hospital trauma conference that is scheduled for Feb. 27.2015 / OIPPN available on OIPRC micro-site minutes and documents posted
Next meeting MARCH 10, 2015 AT 9:30
For more information on IMPACT
5. Adjournment / Meeting was adjourned at 11:20
6. date of Next Meeting / Next Meeting: Note Date Change the next meeting will be:
Monday – March 30, 2015