3 v 3 Kickin’ It in the Dark
Veterans Memorial Park Wapakoneta, OH
July 30, 2010
Grand Lake United Soccer Club is hosting the 2ndannual 3 v 3 Kickin’ It in the Dark Soccer Tournament on July 30,2010 at Veterans Memorial Park in Wapakoneta, Ohio. The games will begin at 9 pm and played throughout the night until the tournament is complete. The Grand Lake United Soccer Club is formed to develop, promote, and regulate the sport of soccer for individuals less than 18 years of age. The club is a member of the Ohio South Youth Soccer Association and participates in the Miami Valley Youth Soccer League. This spring, the club has around 200 individuals playing on twelve different teams. The teams ranged from Boys U-10 to Boys U-19 and Girls U-10 toGirls U-17. The 200 players were from several different communities. We had players from Botkins, Elida, Lima, Delphos, Bath, New Knoxville, Piqua, St. Marys, Shawnee, and Wapakoneta.
The purpose of the tournament is to help raise funds to purchase land for a future soccer park plus help defer thegrowing costs associated with running the club. By raising funds we will be able to keep the player’s fees at areasonable amount, so anyone that wishes to participate will be able to afford it. Some of the expenses of the club thatyou will help us cover are tournament fees, league fees, officials fees, uniforms, and some much needed equipmentthat will allow our players to compete with other clubs in Miami Valley.
We are asking you to take this opportunity to help our youth soccer players by being a sponsor of this years 3 v 3Kickin’ It in the Dark Soccer Tournament. We have three different levels of sponsorships:
Bronze - $150
Silver - $250
Gold - $500
By being a bronze sponsor, you will have your name and company logo (if provided) in the program and yourcompany name on the back of the tournament t-shirt. A silver sponsor will have the same as the bronze, but will alsohave field signage for half a field. A gold sponsor will be the same, but they will have a full field sign, plus a banner atthe registration tent.
This opportunity not only provides you with a way to give back to the youth of our communities, but it is an excellentway to advertise your company. If you would like to have any information in our player’s information bags, please letus know and we would be glad to accommodate you.
If you are interested in being a sponsor or want more information, please contact Kevin Lynch at
419-234-5920, or send a check made out to Grand Lake United to the following address:
Grand Lake United
12180 Wapakoneta- Buckland Rd.
Wapakoneta, OH 45895
Thanks for your time and consideration,