WS - Orientation to Anatomy

Name: ______

For each of the following: Determine if the example is(A)an anatomical study or (P) a physiological study.

_____measuring the acid content of the stomach

_____measuring an organ’s size, shape, and weight

_____observing the dissection of a specimen

_____determining blood flow velocity

_____measuring the force of a muscle contraction

_____observing the placement of the heart valves

Match the main system to its function .

_____allows manipulation of environment & locomotion

_____keeps blood constantly supplied with O2 and removes CO2

_____fast acting response to internal & external changes

_____breaks down food into absorbable units

_____regulation of processes such as metabolism, growth, reproduction

_____excretion of nitrogenous wastes, regulates pH & water & electrolyte balance

_____synthesizes vitamin D

_____protects & supports body organs

_____houses white blood cells involved in immunity

_____transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes, etc.

_____ensures survival of the species

_____attacks foreign substances


A. reproductive

B. digestive

C. respiratory

D. endocrine

E. skeletal

F. integumentary

G. lymphatic

H. muscular

I. urinary

J. nervous

K. immune

L. circulatory


Principle of Complementarity of Structure & Function can be stated as ______determines ______

Levels of Organization

Cells  ______ ______ ______ ______

Identify the systems responsible for each activity: # tells how many systems to choose – Use the letters from systems listed on page 1.


_____Maintain boundaries (1)

_____Movement (2)

_____Responsiveness (1)

_____Digestion (1)

_____Metabolism (1)

_____Excretion (3)

_____Reproduction (2)


Identify the survival need based on the description

_____essential for normal operation of the respiratory system and breathing

_____required for the release of energy from foodstuffs

_____inappropriate levels affect rate of chemical rxns

_____used for energy and for cell building

_____obtained chiefly by ingestion and lost by excretion/evaporation


a. body temperature

b. atmospheric pressure

c. nutrients

d. oxygen

e. water


Feedback Mechanisms

_____When a capillary is damaged, platelets stick to each other. The more platelets that stick together, the more theyattracts additional platelets.

_____When blood sugar levels are running low, glucagon is released to target the liver, causing it to release glucose reserves. Blood sugar levels rise to normal.

_____Rising glucose levels stimulate the pancreas which secretes insulin into blood. Insulin accelerates glucose uptake by cells tobring blood sugar levels down to normal

_____Oxytocin starts labor contractions. As baby causes increased pressure on cervix, nerve impulses cause increased secretion of oxytocin which stimulates muscles to contract more vigorously. The cycle repeats with increasing strength until baby is born thus endingcervix pressure. Oxytocin release stops and contractions end.

_____regulates events requiring continuous adjustment

_____regulates episodic events


  1. negative feedback
  2. positive feedback


Short Answer

  1. Differentiate between anabolic & catabolic.
  2. Differentiate between hypertrophy & hyperplasia.
  3. Define intracellular fluid.
  4. List the 3 types of extracellular fluid and define each one.
  1. Differentiate between signs & symptoms.
  2. Both the nervous system and the endocrine system regulate our other systems. Fill in the chart to contrast their actions.

Endocrine / Nervous
Uses what?
Type of response

Using references: Use textbooks or internet to give the meaning of the following word roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

  1. –osis: ______
  2. a-: ______
  3. mal: ______
  4. –rhage: ______
  5. –emia: ______
  6. derma: ______
  7. sclero: ______