NOVEMBER Good News newsletter 2016

From Pastor Liz

Grace and Peace to you from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

God blesses us in so many ways, with food and shelter, health, family and friends, work and rest, forgiveness, life, and salvation. In the Fall season, we are blessed by the Fall colors, and we give thanks for Fall activities such as football, hayrides, apple cider, and the harvesting of crops.

As thankful children of God, we, along with the psalmist, ask the question, “How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?” (116:12). There is an answer to the question, an answer also found in the 116th Psalm. It is the answer we each need to make our own. “I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord . . . I will sacrifice a thank offering to you” (Psalm 116:13-17). In our very small ways, we repay the Lord by . . .

●Participating regularly in the Lord’s Supper. As sinful people, we should seek and receive God’s

forgiveness each time the Sacrament is offered.

●Calling upon the Lord in prayer. We need to establish and maintain a life of prayer.

● Worshiping the Lord. Worship is our highest responsibility.

●Giving generously and regularly. God calls us to give proportionately of the blessings that he entrusts to


With God’s strength, we will not repay the Lord with empty promises, with leftovers, or with nothing at all. God bless you throughout this season with his peace!

~Blessings Grace and Peace, Liz

Have A Proper Thanksgiving...

A proper thanksgiving is one that recognizes and acknowledges the grace of God in Jesus, the Christ. The possibilities for giving proper thanks to God are as diverse as they are without limit. Samuel Pepys thanked God for a good fiddle and a good wife. Sidney Smith thanked God for happy dreams and good rest. Oliver Cromwell uttered a prayer no less appropriate for most Americans today; "Some people have food, but no appetite; others have appetite, but no food; I have both, the Lord be thanked." Centuries before, someone else spoke a word of thanksgiving. The Apostle Paul, in his pastoral concern for Timothy made thanksgiving all inclusive when he wrote: "For everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer." (1 Timothy 4:4-5) Thanks is all we can give to God. We cannot give God anything; for everything is already God's, and all we have comes from God. We can only give God praise, thanks and honor.

We Need You!

Our church needs your help. We are currently behind on our budget for this year, without much time to make it up. Won’t you help by making a larger than usual offering, during the months of November and December? If possible, a special donation would also be very much appreciated. We can’t truly move forward in mission and ministry with the debts of the past hanging over our shoulders. Take a leap of faith and give generously! May God bless you for helping the ministry of our church to go forward.

~2016 Charge Conference~

Our Lynchburg Central Cluster of churches will have their 2016 Charge Conference on Sunday, November 13, at 3:00 p.m. at Mead Memorial UMC. Make plans to attend this once-a-year meeting and find out what your church has done in the past year and hear about what other churches in our cluster are doing.

All Saints Day Observed

Sunday, November 6

On Sunday, November 6, we will take time in the worship service to remember those of our

fellowship who have died since last year at this time. All Saints Day commemorates all Christian people, of every time and place, and has been celebrated in Christian churches for many years. It is one way of honoring the gifts and graces of faithful Christians, and to celebrate the power of God to raise up new saints in our midst. We will give thanks for those loved ones and for all the saints who have preceded us in death. A candle will be lit as each name is called.

Come join the congregation in remembering those of our membership who are no longer among us.

Advent Begins Sunday, November 27th

Advent is a season of four weeks, including four Sundays. Advent derives from the Latin adventus, which means "coming." The season proclaims the comings of the Christ - whose birth we prepare to celebrate once again, who comes continually in Word and Spirit, and whose return in final victory we anticipate. Each year, Advent calls the community of faith to prepare for these comings; historically, the season was marked by fasts for preparation.

Each Sunday of Advent has its distinctive theme: Christ's coming in final victory (First Sunday), John the Baptist (Second and Third Sundays), and the events immediately preceding the birth of Jesus Christ (Fourth Sunday).

2016 Salvation Army Kettle Campaign

The Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign begins November 4th and will conclude on Christmas Eve. Ringers are needed for one-hour periods between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Our church will man the kettle at K-Mart on Saturday, November 5th and Saturday, November 12th. If you would like to volunteer for an hour (or more), please contact Frances Unruh at

237-1185 for an appointment time.

Top of the Hill will meet on Monday, November 28, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. More information will be provided later.


Please send your reports of visits and phone calls each month to Scottie Nuckols, 1250 Jefferson Oaks Court, # 44, Forest, VA 24551. Or e-mail to . On your report please note the month and year, names of those visited (or called) and the number of times visited or called that month and any comments of our pastor. Please try to get this information to Scottie by the 5th of the month. We express our appreciation to all the volunteers who participate in this ministry of compassion.

A total of 11 visits and 53 phone calls were made in SEPTEMBER.

Gifts & Memorials

In Memory Of:

Lester E. Fainter

Given by: Kyle & Jeanette Cyrus, Connie & Gene Harris,

Owen Stinnette, Imelda Chancey

In Honor Of:

Bob & Elaine Clarke

Given by: Dr. William & Elizabeth Lea

Children’s Ministry

We are now collecting for Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes. All items collected must be SMALL so they can fit in the shoe boxes. We need toys, school supplies, books, bibles, wash cloths, combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Remember to keep all items small! Deadline for all donations will be on Sunday, November 6th!!

I want to extend a BIG thank you to all who helped me with the suppers at Kingdom Kids. Thank you for your support!!

And a BIG thank you to our Youth for helping with stuffing the bags for Trunk-0r-Treat.

~Jody Underwood, Lay Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Mission News

The food cart for September was bountiful. You donated 40 jars of peanut butter for a total of 41.9lbs.; one bag of macaroni, two cans of sweetened milk, two cans of fruit, 6 pks. of individual applesauce, 2pks of individual fruit cups for a total of 15.5lbs.; three packs of diapers totaling 88 diapers; and6 packs of toilet paper totaling 46 rolls. These products were a real help to Park View Mission. The mission budget is really hurting at Park View and all of us are concerned. Please remember that for most of the people that get food from Park View Mission, this is the differencebetween them maintaining their family or going without. I know that the holiday season is full of request for your help. Please keep this mission and its work to feed our community in mind when you allocate your funds to charities this holiday season. Also know that our food basket makes the difference in stocked or half empty shelves.Thank you is too small a word for all this congregation does for this mission. The mission committee is grateful.

In November Park View is requesting Peanut Butter, macaroni dinners (Kraft mac and cheese), canned meats, cereals, and toilet paper and any items you would like to donate.

~Thank-you from Linda Jessen & the Mission Committee


For the month of NOVEMBER we will be collecting items for the Food Cart for Park View Community Mission.

Food Cart for NOVEMBER

“Peanut Butter, Macaroni Dinners (Kraft Mac and Cheese),

Canned Meats, Cereals, and Toilet Paper”

Please place in the food cart, located in the Commons. Help those in need.

The Merry Marthas Circle will meet on Wednesday, November 9, 10:00 a.m., at the home of Judy Robertson. We will have our World Thank Offering and program. Bring items for gift basket.

Halloween Candy

Be sure to save any surplus candy for the Christmas Fruit Baskets for our Shut Ins.

Our special thanks to Jody and her helpers for providing a safe and fun time for our children to celebrateon the 31st.


To Shawn & Sara Underwood Klein on the birth of their daughter, Jessah Faith Klein, born on September 26, 2016.Congratulations also goes to her sisters, Paisley and Braelyn, and to her grandparents, Bill & Jody Underwood.

Address Change

Michael Chenault

3110 Ocean Shore Blvd.

Apt. 309

Ormond Beach, FL 32176

Read Ahead

Each Sunday the lectionary provides us with readings from the Gospel, the Epistles (Letters) the Old Testament and the Psalms. The lectionary follows a three year cycle, which when finished will have covered the majority of the Bible. Pastor Liz believes that reading ahead will increase your understanding and enjoyment of the service.

November 6, 2016: the Scriptures are Haggai 1:15b-2:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17 & Psalm 147. The sermon text is Luke 20:27-38 and the message is “Communication & Committment”.

November 13, 2016: Veterans Sunday, the Scriptures are Isaiah 65:17-25, 2 & Thessalonians 3:6-13, The sermon text is Luke 21:5-19 and the message is “Hope”.

November 20, 2016: Christ the King Sunday, the Scriptures are Jeremiah 23:1-6; & Colossians 1:12-20. The sermon text is Luke 23:33-43 and the message is “No Greater Love”.

November 27, 2016 : 1st Sunday of Advent, the Scriptures are Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44 & Psalm 122. The sermon text is Isaiah 2:1-5 and the message is “A Celebration of Hope”.

Thanks to all our church friends for all the cards, nice visits (which we both enjoyed), and for the beautiful flowers that cheered us up so much. We are both better but I am still in home therapy and on the walker. Hope to be back to church as soon as I can.

Sincerely, Connie & Gene Harris

United Methodist Women

On Sept. 25th the following UMW members of our Unit attended the Lynchburg District UMW Meeting @ Heritage UMC -myself, Beryl Martin, Frances Unruh & Georgia Mason. As always, it was an informative & rewarding event. Our Unit received the following Awards - The Six Star Award for Mission Giving 2016, Certificate of Appreciation for Gold Living Into Our Purpose, & recognition for 70 books read from the UMW Reading Program. Beryl Martin has been promoting the UMW Reading Program and I appreciate her efforts very much. "Thank You" Beryl!


1)Annual Lynchburg District UMW Advent Breakfast & Program @ Timberlake UMC - on Saturday, December 3rd. 8:30 a.m. Registration, 9:00 a.m.- Breakfast - Cost $8.50 - & Program @ 10:00 a.m.. The United Methodist Men will be cooking breakfast !
Please let Georgia Mason know if you are going & give her the money - CASH PLEASE! This event is always wonderful.

2) Our UMW Luncheon & Baskets for our "shut-ins" will be Saturday, December 10th in the Fellowship Hall. As always, we need your "homemade cookies", 6-8 per Zip-Lock bag for the Baskets. Please have your cookies @ the Church between 10:30 - 10-45 am. Also, bring a dish for our Lunch. I think we all look forward to the wonderful food prepared by our ladies - I sure do !
Thanks for all you do for our Church & beyond.
~Sincerely, Linda Wright, President

Our Condolences

Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church extends Christian love and sympathy to the family of Katherine C. Cheatham and especially to her sister, Louise Woody. Mrs. Cheatham passed away on September 23, 2016.

Also to the family of Gloria Freda, and especially to her brother, Buddy LeFew. Mrs. Freda passed away on Sunday, October 9, 2016, in Newport News.

Veterans Day is November 11

The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs others interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of him who, nearly two thousand years ago, taught humankind that lesson it has never quite forgotten: that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.

-Judge Learned Hand

United Methodist Student Day Offering

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Your generous gift supports United Methodist Student Day scholarships, administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. When you give you enrich ministry and help connect students to their faith.

Virginia Advocate

It’s time for renewing or subscribing to the Virginia Advocate magazine. Please make your check payable to “Chestnut Hill UMC”, place in the offering plate or mail to the church office. Flyers will be placed in the Commons. Deadline for orders/renewal is Sunday, November 27, 2016.

Happy Birthday

1 Ann Chakales
Jessica Robbins
2Bob Clarke
5Christopher Palazzi
Donna Smith
6Spencer Goolsby
7Eleanor Elium
Helen Fleck
8Karsen Burgess
Emily Morris
9Sylvia Glass
Jacob Powell
10Elizabeth Ashworth
Charles Kitts
11Casey Fish
12Linda Mitchell
Charles Scott, Sr.
Harry White, III
13Pat Moore
14Kathleen Baker
15Imelda Chancey
16Kelli Adams
John Martin, Jr.
Maggie Musgrove / 17Christian Barber
Frank Stewart
19Ed Gibson, Jr.
21Derrick Tedder
24Ann Ruhland
Lee Steward
25D’Lynn Burgess
Elizabeth Candler
26Ella Dunn
28Tad LeFew, III
29Mary Mattox
Kim Scott
Will Sperrazza
30Carolyn Stewart
Phillip Yost


In America, Thanksgiving is the highlight of the month of November. Thanksgiving is not the beginning of the Christmas season, but rather a day of remembering all we have to thank God for. The Pilgrims could thank God for helping them survive a terrible year full of death and difficulty; and yet, they found much to be thankful for. As we look at our own lives, do we truly thank God for everything we have? One special gift that

you have been given this year is the gift of your child! What a wonderful blessing from God! Do you thank God for your child and, more importantly, are you teaching your child to be thankful? Here are just a few tips on raising thankful kids.

1. Thank God for your child openly and honestly in front of your baby, young child and teen. Say prayers that your child can hear in which you thank God for his or her life. Set aside time to pray with your child and be intentional in telling your little ones or teens how thankful you are for specific things they’ve done or for particular gifts that you see God has given them. Be sincere

because kids can tell if you are simply trying to make them feel good. Instead, say it in a way that points them to and directs your thankfulness to God.

2. Work gratitude into your daily conversations. Point out how thankful you are for EVERYTHING—even the mundane things like a car that works, the family pet, a shirt that fits or a beautiful sunset. Make saying what good things happened in your day a part of dinnertime or bedtime conversations. When your kids are going through difficult times with friends, teachers or situations, do you help them see the good or “God sightings” in the midst of those hardships? And do you pray with them and thank God for the good in their lives?

3. Insist on writing thank-you notes no matter what age. If they are very young, the notes can be “scribbles” or pictures. As they grow, the “scribbles” can turn into hand-written notes expressing gratitude for an act of kindness or a gift.

4. Practice saying NO to your children! Of course kids ask for toys, video games, candy and money to do things with friends - sometimes on an hourly basis. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to feel grateful when your every whim is granted. Saying NO a lot to your child makes saying YES that much sweeter! And it will help your child appreciate the YES times more.

5. Serve others in the family, church and community.When we help others, we begin to take the focus off of ourselves and see the needs of others. With little ones, it could be as simple as cleaning up his sibling’s toys or getting the newspaper and visiting with an elderly neighbor. For older kids and teens, look for ways to connect their passions or interests with ways they can serve others in those settings. You could also look for ways to connect current events and community events and ways they can serve. Many families will gather over the Thanksgiving holiday to eat and share time and memories with each other. Focus the spiritual objective this month on thankfulness for the many blessings your family might have such as food, shelter, family, and friends. Your baby, toddler, school age children and teens will develop a thankful heart by watching and listening to you thank God. Teaching your child to be thankful can never begin too early or too late! And be sure to teach thankfulness not only in November, but all year long.