On May 10, 2017, at the Oxford Township Building, 780 Hanover Street, New Oxford, PA 17350, the Board of Supervisor's meeting was called to order by Chairman Mario Iocco at 10:00am with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. The Quorum consists of Supervisors Mario Iocco, Jim Lafferty and Harry McKean. Sitting with the Board of Supervisors were Zoning and Code Officer Dean Hempfing, Roadmaster Rick Groft and Secretary Beverly Shriver.

Motion on previous meeting minutes: Lafferty second by McKean motioned to approve the April 26th meeting minutes as written. 3 Aye Votes

Public Comment: None

Tabled Bid# 1 - 6,400 SY Bituminous seal coat patching, CRS-2PM; 29,500 SY Bituminous seal coat entire road CRS-2PM; and 29,500 SY Type 1 Slurry Seal on West Locust Lane, John Drive, Jenna Drive, Casey Drive, Carl Lane, Corey Lane, Spruce Lane and Carly Drive in Oxford Estates: McKean second by Lafferty motion to award Hammaker East LTD the bid of bituminous seal coat and slurry at $132,790.00. 3 Aye Votes

Tabled Bid #2. 13,000 SY Type A Micro Surfacing-Double Application; Red Hill Road from Hanover Street to Mt. Misery Road: The seal coat project is more important at this time and the two projects will put us $22,060 over budget. McKean second by Lafferty motioned to reject all bids for micro surfacing due to putting the Township considerably over budget. 3 Aye Votes

PennDOT Application for Traffic Signal Approval (Rt. 30 & Rt. 94): Lafferty second by McKean motioned the Chairman sign the Traffic Signal Approval for Rt. 30 & Rt. 94. 3 Aye Votes

The Brethren Home Community Second Addendum to the Voluntary Agreement: Baranski reviewed this agreement and approves the Township signing it. McKean second by Lafferty motioned to sign the Second Addendum to The Brethren Home Community Voluntary Agreement for an additional term of five years. 3 Aye Votes

Changes to the Fee Schedule:

General Fees B. Add the words per year to the fees

C. The fee to transfer a license to operate a junkyard is $10 this should be increased to $100 to be paid after obtaining Zoning Hearing Board Approval.

G. Revisit

H. Remove, never charged

I. Increase the $10 fee to $100 after obtaining Zoning Hearing Approval

J, K, L, M, N. Remove sold sewer system

O. The ordinance doesn’t mention there is an inspection fee requirement by resolution

Q. Amendment to ordinance it does not mention there is an inspection fee requirement by resolution

V. Revisit

And Larry Feeser suggests amending the ordinance that any property owner pulling a building permit for a new home should pay a $1,000 recreation fee.

X. Remove

AA. Remove

Section 2. Administration of the UCC. Remove; there is a new ordinance that will be inserted when it gets codified.(2017-5)

Section 4. Cost of Collection Schedule. This needs to be updated by the Fee Schedule received by York Adams Tax Bureau.

Section 7. Zoning Fees. Application Category, Change of Use $30 fee is a typo should be $60.

McKean second by Lafferty motioned to table the fee schedule changes. 3 Aye Votes

Zoning Report:

Hempfing read a letter from a Structural Engineer regarding Mr. Batt’s property along Carlisle Pike; the engineer states that the house is repairable. The letter is dated April 3, 2017, the inspection was done May 23, 2016. Hempfing wants to contact the engineer and see if he will stand behind his inspection a year later. Hempfing will give Batt’s so many months to bring the house to code and maintain the property. Batt’s said there is a septic system and well on the property. Hempfing will send Batt’s a notice to have the on-lot septic pumped and then put on the four year schedule.

Hempfing reported 60 700 Road was fined. Lafferty reported the grass is now cut. Hempfing fined a total of five properties throughout the Township.

Iocco reported Hanover Toyota still has the concrete pipe culverts along Hanover Street near the quarry. Hempfing will call them. There was a short discussion on the loading and unloading of vehicles at the Appler parking lot. They are installing electric there now.

Roadmaster’s Report:

Street Sweeping was completed last week in two days by Conewago Township.

Boss Plow and truck: Groft received an email from Boss Plow; saying even though they are not obligated they are going to reinforce the side plates. We will accept the side plates under certain conditions. Iocco has a concern if and when the Township has an unavoidable accident and has damages; where do we get parts. Iocco said this is definitely a design flaw; we will wait and see what we get back and go from there.

Propane: Groft received three different prices for propane delivery covering June 1, 2017 - May 31, 2018. Mason’s - $1.25 per gallon Shipley Energy - $1.34.9 Aero Energy - $1.24.9

Currently Aero Energy is delivering to us. McKean second by Iocco motioned to go with Aero Energy at $1.24.9 per gallon of propane. 3 Aye votes

Irishtown Road: At Fish and Game and Irishtown Road someone hit the guiderail. Groft questioned if the guiderail was the Townships or PennDOT’s (the guiderails were probably put in when the bridge was put in). The PennDOT foreman didn’t know and called Harrisburg. Harrisburg said since this is part of the detour, Groft should talk to the State Inspector at the Black Lane Bridge project. The State inspector said he will run it through as damages and see if they will stand behind it. We don’t know who hit it or when it happened. In the past, the police department would drop off police reports when Township property was damaged in an accident. The Township did not get a police report from EARP. Lafferty will go to the Police Department and ask for an accident report.

Mr. McIntyre who lives at the top of Irishtown Road where you turn onto the Township’s Irishtown Road; there is a big tree limb getting hit by trucks that is ready to fall. Friday the road crew cut that off.

Fire Hydrants: Groft questioned who’s responsible for the two fire hydrants installed along Rt. 30; one up from Misty Creek Village and one at Turkey Lane. They are hooked into NOMA’s water lines but not turned over to NOMA yet. This needs to be checked into.

Solicitor’s Report:

The Brethren Home Community 2017 Voluntary Tax Assessment Agreement: This agreement was signed. McKean will hand deliver the signed agreement when he attends his meeting with them today.

Scozzaro’s Noise Exemption Appeal: The neighbor can appeal the pending Commonwealth Court position until June 10th.

Scozzaro’s Noise Exemption for 2017: Petition is filed-hearing date is not set yet.

Zoning Ordinance Amendments: Hearing is 9:45am on May 24th; adoption right after the hearing at 10:00am.

Property acquisition at Red Hill Road: Nothing happening since conference call was cancelled.

Secretary’s Report:

Reminder Election is Tuesday; the Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Monday, May 15th.

Board of Supervisor’s List of Outstanding Issues:

Cohn Law Group: Shriver call, no one answered went to voice mail; left a message saying I will be calling every two weeks to get updates. I never received a reply back. McKean said to bring it up next week for John Baranski to write a letter to them.

EARP Building: Morton Building provided a jail layout they are currently building to review. Iocco will send the Boards questions to Jim Morton and he can come to the May 24th meeting to answer the questions.

Glen-Gery Land: Not pursuing anything until we know what we are doing.

Recreation Park: It’s undecided if the Township is going to buy Glen-Gery land to expand the recreation land if they don’t build a new police department building.

McKean reported the Township could charge $70-$100 an acre to harvest hay off the ten acres of recreation land. McKean will get three verbal quotes.

Iocco asked to go into an executive session regarding the Brethren Home potential agreement. McKean second by Iocco motioned to recess into an executive session at 11:35 am. 3 Aye Votes

The Chairman called the meeting back in session at 11:54am.

McKean second by Lafferty motioned to adjourn the meeting. 3 Yea Votes Meeting adjourned at 11: 54am.