LakeCounty Planning Commission Minutes of July 10, 2008



REGULAR MEETING – July 10, 2008

Commission MembersStaff Members

P Monica Rosenthal, IP Richard Coel, Director

P Gary Briggs, IIP Danae Bowen, Office Assistant III

P Clelia Baur, III

P Cliff Swetnam, IV

P Gil Schoux, V


1:02 p.m.CALL TO ORDER

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Gil Schoux

Comm. Swetnam moved, 2nd by Comm. Briggs to approve the minutes ofJune 26, 2008

1:04 p.m.CITIZEN’S INPUT - None

1:04 p.m.Public Hearing on consideration of a mitigated negative declaration based on Initial Study (IS 08-15) for Minor Use Permit (MUP 08-15). The project applicant is GENE R. SCHAFFER proposing a minor use permit for the use of an existing 8,750 square foot building for the operation of a frame and auto body shop. The project is located at 82 Soda Bay Road, Lakeport and further described as APN 082-093-13. (Kevin Ingram)

Comm. Schoux disclosed that he made a visual site visit and goes by there often.

Kevin Ingram, Associate Planner provided background information.

1:07 p.m.Opened Public Hearing

Bill Stone, Clear Lake Body Shop owner, expressed his opposition with this project application and said if another shop is added, it would take away business from the existing shops in this vicinity.

Alvaro Valencia, A & B Collision co-owner, agreed with Mr. Stone and voiced his opposition with this project application.

Gene Schaffer, the applicant, understood Mr. Stone’s and Mr. Valencia’s concerns,but felt the world is based on competition and everyone has the right to open up a business of their choice.

1:12 p.m.Closed Public Hearing

Comm. Briggs explained that the Commission bases their decisions on land use issues not on businesses.

Comm. Swetnam moved, 2nd by Comm. Briggs that the Planning Commission find that on the basis of the Initial Study 08-15 prepare by the Planning Division and the mitigation measures which have been added to the project, that the use permit as applied for by Gene R. Schaffer will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, a mitigated negative declaration shall be issued with the findings listed in the staff report date June 25, 2008.


Comm. Swetnam moved, 2nd by Comm. Briggs that the Planning Commission find that the Minor Use Permit applied for by Gene R. Schaffer on property located at 82 Soda Bay Road, Lakeport does meet the requirements of Section 50.4 of the Lake County Zoning Ordinance and grant the minor use permit, subject to the conditions with the findings listed in the staff report dated June 25, 2008.


Comm. Schoux noted that there is a seven (7) calendar day appeal period according the Lake County Zoning Ordinance.


Richard Coel, Community Development Director said staff was making steady progress on the Shoreline Communities Area Plan. He said a second Committee meeting was held on July 9th and felt it was moving forward at a good pace. Headdressed staff turnover/medical issues and said that staff decided to get extra help and announced that former Associate Planner, Catherine Young was currently available and will be starting on Monday, July 14th along with a Community Development Planning Technician. He explained the Department’s priorities with area plans andannounced that the Department will embark on a major campaign on Resort Enforcement and staff plans to brief the Board of Supervisor’s on the status of the resort priority list.

1:20 p.m.Break

1:36 p.m.Back to Order

1:36 p.m.Public Hearing on consideration of certifying the Final EIR for the Lake County General Plan Update, and make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors concerning the proposed 2008 General Plan Update. (Richard Coel)

Comm. Briggs disclosed that he had received a telephone call and email from Jim Burns with reference to Guenoc Winery.

Comm. Schoux also disclosed that he had also received an email from Jim Burns.

Richard Coel, Community Development Director, thanked everyone involved in the process of providing input over the past years, which enabled staff to get to this point today. He said staff is requesting today, that the Planning Commission provide any recommendations/omissions for the Final EIR that may be necessary, and that the Commission then certify the Final EIR and give a recommendation on the General Plan Update to the Board of Supervisors. He said August 169, 2008 at 6:00 p.m., has been tentatively set aside for the first Board hearing, which will allow a 30 day review.

He further discussed/reviewed:

  • Suggestions that were submitted to the Commissioners regarding Guenoc Ranch/Langtry Farms on the policies and text.
  • Individual projects/parcel changes to be addressed individually or through area plans.
  • Resort/Commercial Land Use Designation.
  • Green sheeted requests from property owners on agriculture conversion and rural residential designations.
  • Kelseyville Community Area Boundary’s.
  • Middletown Community Area Boundary’s.
  • Shoreline, Middletownand Lakeport Area Plan issues.

2:12 p.m.Opened Public Hearing

The following people spoke on their issues of concern: Fletcher Thornton, Jack Lair, Janet Cawn and Jim Comstock.

3:10 p.m.Break

3:23 p.m.Back to Order

Comm. Baur disclosed that she had an ex parte conversation with Janet Cawn during the break.

Public input continued and the following people spoke: Alfred Cook, Mike Browning, Victoria Brandon, Diane Henderson, Tom Powers and Chuck March.

4:10 p.m.Closed public hearing

Comm. Baur went over important key things that she felt were missing and briefly addressed some typographical errors she had found in the documents. She suggested some additions andall Commissioners’ were in agreement.

Mr. Coel said he would input the typographical errors, and over the next couple of business dayshe will get the project to the Board of Supervisors. He said staff will send legal notices out to get it on the August 19th Board of Supervisors hearing at 6:00 p.m.

Comm. Rosenthal commented on the Ag. Element section and pointed out her concerns with buffers and soil classifications.

Comm. Swetnam moved, 2nd by Comm. Briggs that the Planning Commission Certify the Final Environmental Impact Report, and recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve the Lake County General Plan, 2008.


ADJOURNED 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gil Schoux, Chair By: ______

LakeCounty Planning CommissionDanae Bowen,

Office Assistant III