JVQ-R2, Abbreviated Interview Version, Adult Retrospective Form

These are questions about some things that might have happened during your childhood. Your “childhood” begins when you are born and continues through age 17. It might help to take a minute and think about the different schools you attended, different places you might have lived, or different people who took care of you during your childhood. Try your best to think about your entire childhood as you answer these questions.


Notes to interviewer: a) Do not read Module labels (“Conventional Crime” etc). These are for your info only.

b) If it’s apparent there was more than one incident, say, “Answer the next questions about the last time this happened.”

c) Try to complete follow-ups from open-ended response to questions. Read response categories only if youth needs help.

d) For multiple perpetrators, collect information for up to 5 perpetrators.

C1)When you were a child, did anyone use force to take something away from you that you were carrying or wearing?

1YESGo to C1a

2NOGo to C2

C1a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition] “Hurt means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.”



C1b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relative who lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C1c) Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C2)When you were a child, did anyone steal something from you and never give it back? Things like a backpack, money, watch, clothing, bike, stereo, or anything else?

1YESGo to C1a

2NOGo to C2

C2a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition] “Hurt means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.”



C2b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relative who lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C2c) Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C3)When you were a child, did anyone break or ruin any of your things on purpose?

1YESGo to C3a

2NOGo to C4

C3a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



C3b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relative who lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C3c) Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C4)Sometimes people are attacked with sticks, rocks, guns, knives, or other things that would hurt. When you were a child, did anyone hit or attack you on purpose with an object or weapon? Somewhere like: at home, at school, at a store, in a car, on the street, or anywhere else?

1YESGo to C4a

2NOGo to C5

C4a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day, you had a bruise, you had a cut that bled, or anything more serious like a broken bone.



C4b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relativewho lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C4c) Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C4d) Did the person who did this use any of these?



3Stick, rock, bottle, pipe, or tool such as a hammer or wrench

4Other (Specify ______)

5No weapon used

C5)When you were a child, did anyone hit or attack you without using an object or weapon?

1YESGo to C5a

2NOGo to C6

C5a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



C5b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relative who lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C5c)Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C6)When you were a child, did someone start to attack you, but for some reason, it didn’t happen? For example, someone helped you or you got away?

1YESGo to C6a

2NOGo to C7

C6a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



C6b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relativewho lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C6c) Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C7) When you were a child, did someone threaten to hurt you when you thought they might really do it?

1YESGo to C7a

2NOGo to C8

C7a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



C7b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relativewho lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C7c) Was this person a man, woman, boy, or girl?





C8)When a person is kidnapped, it means they were made to go somewhere, like into a car, by someone who they thought might hurt them. When you were a child, did anyone try to kidnap you?

1YESGo to C8a

2NOGo to C9

C8a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain the next day, you had a bruise, a cut that bled, or anything more serious like a broken bone.



C8b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relativewho lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C8c) Was this person a man, woman, boy or girl?





C8d) Were you actually kidnapped or did you get away before it happened?


2Got away (Note to interviewer: This includes with any help)

C9) When you were a child, have you been hit or attacked because of your skin color, religion, or where your family comes from? Because of a physical problem you have? Or because someone said you were gay?

1YESGo to C9a

2NOGo to Module B, M1

C9a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain the next day, you had a bruise, a cut that bled, or anything more serious like a broken bone.



C9b) Who did this?

1Brother, sister, or other child who lived with you (cousin, foster sibling, etc.)

2Father (including step-father, foster father, or live-in boyfriend)

3Mother (including step-mother, foster mother, or live-in girlfriend)

4A relativewho lived in your home (uncle, grandparent, etc.)

5A relative who didnot live with you

6Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

7Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, teacher, or someone from school

8Stranger (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

9Other ______(write in who it was)

C9c) Was this person a man, woman, boy or girl?





C9d) What was the reason? Was it because of:

1Your skin color

2Your religion

3Where your family comes from

4Because of some physical problem you have

5Because someone said you were gay


Next, we are going to ask about grown-ups who take care of you. This means parents, babysitters, adults who live with you, or others who watch you. Before we begin, I want to remind you that your answers will be kept totally private. If there is a particular question that you don't want to answer, that's O.K. But it is important that you be as honest as you can, so that the researchers can get a better idea of the kinds of things that kids your age sometimes face.

M1)Not including spanking on your bottom, When you were a child, did a grown-up in your life hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way?

1YESGo to M1a

2NOGo to M2

M1a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



M1b) Who did this?



3Foster father



6Foster mother

7Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who lived with you

8Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who didnot live with you

9Uncle, aunt, grandparent, or other adult relative who lived in your home

10Grown-up relative, such as uncle, aunt, grandparent, who didnot live with you

11Grown-up you know but do not live with, such as teacher, coach, neighbor, or babysitter

12Other ______(write in who it was, recode if none in caregiving role)

M1c) Was this person a man, or a woman?





M1d) Did the person who did this use any of these?



3Stick, rock, bottle, pipe, or tool such as a hammer or wrench

4Other (Specify ______)

5No weapon used

M2)When you were a child, did you get scared or feel really bad because grown-ups in your life called you names, said mean things to you, or said they didn’t want you?

1YESGo to M2a

2NOGo to M3

M2a) Who did this?



3Foster father



6Foster mother

7Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who lived with you

8Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who didnot live with you

9Uncle, aunt, grandparent, or other adult relative who lived in your home

10Grown-up relative, such as uncle, aunt, grandparent, who didnot live with you

11Grown-up you know but do not live with, such as teacher, coach, neighbor, or babysitter

12Other ______(write in who it was, recode if none in caregiving role)

M2b) Was this person a man, or a woman?





M3)When someone is neglected, it means that the grown-ups in their life didn’t take care of them the way they should. They might not get them enough food, take them to the doctor when they are sick, or make sure they have a safe place to stay. When you were a child, did you get neglected?

1YESGo to M3a

2NOGo to M4

M3a) Who did this?



3Foster father



6Foster mother

7Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who lived with you

8Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who didnot live with you

9Uncle, aunt, grandparent, or other adult relative who lived in your home

10Grown-up relative, such as uncle, aunt, grandparent, who didnot live with you

11Grown-up you know but do not live with, such as teacher, coach, neighbor, or babysitter

12Other ______(write in who it was, recode if none in caregiving role)

M3b) Was this person a man, or a woman?





M3c) Did you get sick when this happened?

1 Yes

2 No

M4)Sometimes a family fights over where a child should live. When you were a child, did a parent take, keep, or hide you to stop you from being with another parent?

1YESGo to M4a

2NOGo to Module C, P1

M4a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



M4b) Who did this?



3Foster father



6Foster mother

7Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who lived with you

8Parent’s boyfriend or girlfriend who didnot live with you

9Uncle, aunt, grandparent, or other adult relative who lived in your home

10Grown-up relative, such as uncle, aunt, grandparent, who didnot live with you

11Grown-up you know but do not live with, such as teacher, coach, neighbor, or babysitter

12Other ______(write in who it was, recode if none in caregiving role)

M4c) Was this person a man, or a woman?





M4d) Did this person take, keep or hide you to try to keep you from ever living with this other parent?




Notes to interviewer:

a) If it’s apparent there was more than one incident, say, “Answer the next questions about the last time this happened.”]

b) Try to complete follow-ups from open-ended response to questions. Read response categories only if youth needs help.

P1)Sometimes groups of kids or gangs attack people. When you were a child, did a group of kids or a gang hit, jump, or attack you?

1YESGo to P1a

2NOGo to P2

P1a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



P1b) Did the people who did this use any of these?



3Stick, rock, bottle, pipe, or tool such as a hammer or wrench

4Other (Specify ______)

5No weapon used

P2)(If Yes to P1, say: “Other than what you just told me about…..”) When you were a child, did any kid, even a brother or sister, hit you? Somewhere like: at home, at school, out playing, in a store, or anywhere else?

1YESGo to P2a

2NOGo to P3

P2a) Were you physically hurt when this happened? [If this is first time injury question is asked, read definition:] “Hurt means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone.



P2b) Who did this?

1Brother (including step-brother and foster brother)

2Sister (including step-sister and foster sister)

3Other child who lived with you (such as cousin)

4Relative under 18 years old who didnot live with you (such as cousin, young uncle)

5Your boyfriend, girlfriend, date, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend

6Someone else you know such as a friend, neighbor, or someone from school (under 18)

7Stranger under 18 years old (a stranger is someone you don’t know)

8Other ______(write in who it was, recode if not juvenile)

P2c) Was this person a boy or a girl?



P2d) Did the person who did this use any of these?



3Stick, rock, bottle, pipe, or tool such as a hammer or wrench

4Other (Specify ______)

5No weapon used

P3)When you were a child, did any kids try to hurt your private parts on purpose by hitting or kicking you there?

1YESGo to P3a