If something goes wrong with NHS care or treatment, you have the right to free and independent support from an Advocate to make a complaint.
NHS Complaints Advocatesare available to givepractical one-to-one support if you need it, to help you make your complaint.
Advocacy support to make a complaint helpedEmi* to get a referral to a specialist team for her daughter.
Emi got in touch with VoiceAbility’s NHS Complaint Advocacy team after a lack of joined-up services meant her daughter was left with an undiagnosed condition and no sign of any further support.
Emi’s daughterwas seen several times by the hospital’s Children’s neurological team but felt that they weren’t getting anywhere and was sent home despite asking for a second opinion.
An NHS Complaints Advocate helped Emi to understand how the complaints process worked and what to expect. The advocate worked with her to gather all the information needed to write a letter of complaint to the NHS Trust, clearly setting out what her expectations were to get the right referral and diagnosis for her daughter.
Emi said that having an advocate there to back her up helped her to feel empowered and confident in making her complaint to a major NHS Trust. Her daughter now has the referral she needs to see a specialist team.
*We have changed names to maintain confidentiality.
The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service is there to give you the support you need to speak up and make your complaint. This may be giving you the information and tools you need to pursue the complaint yourself. Or, an advocate can support you individually to write a letter or attend a meeting. We also have interpreters for people who English is not their first language and information is provided different languages.
NHS Complaints Advocates:
- Give you an opportunity to speak confidentially to someone who is independent of the NHS
- take time to listen to your experiences
- give you information about the complaints process and your rights so you can decide what you want to do
- talk with you about how you want us to support you, including any practical support you might want
- help you to monitor the progress of your complaint with the organisation or person responsible
If you want to speak confidentially to us about making a complaint about a hospital, GP, Dentist or any NHS-funded service, call our
Helpline on 0300 330 5454, email us at or visit for more information and a range of self-help tools.