Advent dramas

The dramas presented here are simple and whimsical. The two characters, who show up each Sunday, are named Wisdom and Wonder. They are perhaps played by an older person and a younger person. Wisdom and Wonder reflect on each Sunday’s theme in conversations that arelight-hearted yet insightful. Minimal costuming is needed, if atall.

Advent 1Let it be . . .December 3, 2017

Wonder:Wisdom, are you there?

Wisdom: I’m right here, Wonder.

Wonder: It’s so dark! I’m scared!

Wisdom: You’re right, sometimes darkness is a little scary. Sometimes it’s hopeful.

Wonder: Darkness? Hopeful? That makes absolutely no sense!

Wisdom: Oh, so you’re content to stay in the dark?

Wonder: No! I hope the light gets here soon. I want it right ... oh, wait ... you!

Wisdom: Shh . . .

Wonder: What?

Wisdom: I thought I heard something!

Wonder: Are you afraid?

Wisdom:No! Well, maybe.

Wonder:Maybe it’s God, with handfuls of light! And that’s hopeful, right?

Wisdom:Ohyes! Yes it is!

Wonder:Can we yell at God to hurry up?

Wisdom:Absolutely. Here, take my hand. Nowgo ahead and yell!

Wonder: God! Bring the light! Tear open the heavens right now!

Wisdom: Let it be.

Advent 2Let it be soDecember 10, 2017

Wisdom: Wonder, what’s wrong?

Wonder: I think I’m lost. I don’t think I can get there from here.

Wisdom: What? Where’s there?

Wonder: Not here!

Wisdom: Okay . . . say more.

Wonder:I thought I heard God say, “Let’s go! It’s time to move! We’re going places!” But I look all around and I don’t see any roads. So, like I said, I don’t think I can get there from here. There’s no way.

Wisdom: Sometimes you have to look beyond roads to see the way.

Wonder: Sometimes you don’t make sense!

Wisdom: Where you see a wilderness, God sees a way. Where you see a desert, Godsees a highway. Where you see hills and valleys, God sees a smooth, level road.

Wonder: So God is in the road construction business?

Wisdom: Let it be so.

Advent 3Let it be whole December 17, 2017

Wonder: Wisdom?

Wisdom: Yes?

Wonder: Does God always have good ideas?

Wisdom: Well, yes, I would say that God’s ideas are always good. Why?

Wonder:Do you know all of God’s good ideas?

Wisdom: Probably not all of them, but I’m learning.

Wonder: Do they (pointing to the congregation) know God’s other good ideas? The ones you don’t know?

Wisdom: That’s a really good question!

Wonder: That’s what you say when you don’t know the answer.

Wisdom: Well, I do think that we can learn from each other what God wants to do.

Wonder: I know one of God’s good ideas!

Wisdom: You do?

Wonder: Yes! God likes to fix things!

Wisdom: Ah, yes! And, you know, sometimes God is fixing things before we realize they’re broken.

Wonder: Wait, what? Is that some of your “look beyond the road to see the way” bits of wisdom like from last Sunday?So how do we catch up with God?

Wisdom: We ask God to open our eyes so that we can see the wholeness that Godsees.

Wonder:That’s sounds like a really good idea!



Wonder:Let it be whole!

Advent 4 Yes! Let it be nowDecember 24, 2017

Wonder:Wisdom! Wisdom! Guess what?

Wisdom: What? What?

Wonder: I got new glasses!

Wisdom: I see! They’re very nice.

Wonder:Now I can see where I am going!

Wisdom: So you can get there from here?

Wonder: What? Oh, haha, yes, and I can even look beyond the road to see the way.

Wisdom: Imagine that!

Wonder:Does God know I got new glasses?

Wisdom: I’m quite sure God’s as happy as you are about your new glasses.

Wonder: I thought so too! Hey, do you remember last week when we talked about God fixing things and stuff? And seeing the wholeness that God sees?

Wisdom: I do. Why?

Wonder: ’Cause I think that when I put on my glasses, it’s like me telling God,“Yes! I’m ready to see what you see! Let it be!”

Wisdom: A kind of prayer, right?

Wonder: Yes!

Wisdom: Let it be now, God!

Christmas 1Yes! Let it be newDecember 31, 2017

Wisdom: Wonder! Where are you?

Wonder:(comes running in) I was out listening to the stars.

Wisdom:You mean, you were looking at the stars, right?

Wonder: For being such a wise person, sometimes you don’t get it. No, I was listening to the stars!

Wisdom: Well, okay. What were the stars saying?

Wonder: (in a rapturous voice) Oh, they were singing! In harmony, in the key of E-flat!

Wisdom: Did you recognize the tune?

Wonder; No, it was a new song. But it was a happy song, I could tell that much.

Wisdom: Can you sing it for us?

Wonder: No! I’m not a star!

Wisdom: What do you think the song means?

Wonder: I think it means that we always need to be ready for new things, even when they’re different from the old things. And that the new things will be better than the old things.

Wisdom: So the old stars were singing a new song, huh?

Wonder: Yes! Hmm . . . can you sing a new song, even though you’re really old?

Wisdom: Yes! Let it be new!

Epiphany Yes! Let it be declaredJanuary 7, 2017

Wonder:Wisdom, I’m a little sad this morning!

Wisdom: Why is that, Wonder?

Wonder: This is the last Sunday we get to have these conversations.

Wisdom: I’ve enjoyed them too. But maybe it’s time to move on.

Wonder: I wonder . . .

Wisdom: What do you wonder, Wonder?

Wonder: I wonder if I will ever find anyone as wise as you to talk to.

Wisdom: Oh, just think of all you learned! I just know there’s someone out there who’s waiting to hear from you.

Wonder: Really? I have something to say?

Wisdom: Do you ever! So you see, you need to move on too.

Wonder: Yes! Then I can talk about darkness, and hope, and new ways beyond the roads, and God fixing things, and good ideas, and new glasses, and new songs, and all that! And I can be the wise one!

Wisdom: (with a big smile) Yes! Let it be declared!