Name ______
Sacred Scripture (Gospels) Study Guide
Quiz W 3/5
Draw a timeline showing the three stages of development of the New Testament (include dates, name of period, description)
Fill in the chart about the Gospel writers
Mark / Matthew / Luke / JohnWhen written
Portrayal of Jesus
Symbol of writer
Why that symbol?
Define Gospel:
Why is the Gospel “Good News”?
Characteristics of Synoptic vs. John’s Gospels
Synoptic John
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Sacred Scripture (Gospels and Jesus’ Life) Study Guide KEY
Draw a timeline showing the three stages of development of the New Testament (include dates, name of period, description)
Stages / Life & teaching of Jesus / Oral Tradition / Written GospelsTimeframe / 6 BC – 30 AD / 30 AD – 65 AD / 65 AD – 100 AD
Description / Jesus traveled through Israel to tell the good news. / Disciples told stories about Jesus’ miracles, his death, and resurrection. / Gospel writers decided to write down Jesus’ stories.
Fill in the chart about the Gospel writers
Mark / Matthew / Luke / JohnWhen written / 5-90 AD / 85-90 AD / 80-90 AD / 95-100 AD
Audience / Persecuted people / Jewish Christians / Greek converts to Christianity / Greek people
Portrayal of Jesus / suffering Messiah and Son of God / promised Messiah / Savior of all people / eternal Word of God
Symbol of writer / lion with wings / human with wings / ox with wings / eagle
Why that symbol? / God’s messenger in the desert during Christian persecution / begins with genealogy of Jesus / ox offered as sacrifice by John the Baptist’s father / majesty of his words
Define Gospel: an account of the Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
Why is the Gospel “Good News”? God promised the Jewish people a savior in the OT. Jesus is that savior, and all people will be saved (NT). That is GOOD!
Synoptic Gospels
· Jesus baptized by John the Baptist
· Institution of Eucharist at Last Supper
· Parables
· Simple, clear, straight-forward
John's Gospel
· The Wedding at Cana
· The Raising of Lazarus
· The Washing of the Feet
· Speaks in difficult, lofty language