Sunday, August 7, 2016


NURSERY:AM Cinda Faber, Erin Miedema Nicki Weida, Connor Weida

PMMarlene De Weerd, Lexi Zomermaand Pamela Fedders, Cassady Dekkers

USHERS: Kelly Noteboom, Gerald Postma, Joey S. Marlin S., Randy Sieck, Dave Statema


Brandon & Kayla Dekkers(4 doz cookies) Justin & Raelle Dekkers

Jim & Angela Dekkers (4 doz cookies) Arlin & Marlene De Weerd

ORGANIST / PIANIST: AM Tammy SieckMikayla Vos

PM Tammy SieckShirley Ten Napel

LIBRARIAN:AM Jan FeddersPatsy Bootsma

OFFERING:AM Christian EducationSiouxland Habitat for Humanity

PM Christian EducationSiouxland Habitat for Humanity


• Calvin Bootsma as he is gaining strength physically, is starting to eat a little, and is anticipating the feeding out this week some time. He goes toSioux Centerfor PT and speech therapy so he likes getting out a little. He likes company for short amount of time. He can't talk real good yet but he is trying. Please keep praying for mental health as he still struggles with that.He has anappointment with Bethesda in OrangeCity at the end of month. Thanks for cards and prayers he appreciates them a lot. "'We don't know what the future holds but we know who holds our future"

• Gilbert, Jason, Tim and Sylvia, Kory, Megan, Deb andall who are struggling with health issues.


to Winnifred De Jong who will be celebrating her

87th birthday on Friday, August 12.

May God continue to care for and bless you in the coming year.

PROFESSION OF FAITH will take place this morning for

Tessa Schoonhoven and Kennedy Vander Windt

Thank God for the work He has done

and is doing in the lives of these young gals.


--OUR EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE we will be a combined worship service at Ireton CRC with

Hawarden and Lebanon.

--IRETON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL’SSociety Meeting and Registration night will be on Monday, August 8at 6:30pm. Society meeting will begin at 6:30 with registration to follow.All needed information for the upcoming school year will be available that evening, so please try to attend.We will also be voting on board nominations to fill two open positions. Nominees are: Dean Bos, Jeremy Koopmans, Jayson Pullman,

Scott Miedema, Travis Waterman, & Dave Van Klompenburg.


August 8 and 9 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration forms are available on the website under Forms and Documents. We strongly encourage you to download these forms and complete them before you come to registration - it saves a lot of time in the registration lines. All parents are asked to come one of these evenings.

--SUNDAY SCHOOL SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS STILL NEEDED – Please contact Tammy Sieck if interested in helping out when one of our teachers will be gone.

--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email () by NOON on Thursday, August 11. Thank You.

--HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HELP:There is a signup sheet on the table in the fellowship hall for volunteers to help with the Siouxland Habitat for Humanity home in Ireton. There will be a variety of tasks to help with, so please sign up. The home will be located at 703 5thSt. Call Kurt Franje at 712-476-2804 if you have questions.


--NO PM WORSHIP SERVICE on Sunday, August 14.

--COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday, August 16 at 7:00 pm.

--HOPE HAVEN ANNUAL TRACTOR RIDE will be on Thursday, August 18. Registration for this event will be held at Town and Country Implement in Rock Valley. Registration times are from 4-5:00PM. Tractors will depart at 5:00PM for Rock River Jersey east of Inwood. Supper will be provided at Town and Country Implement after the ride. There will be a freewill donation for this event. For more information, contact Scott Koedam at 712-476-2820 or email

--4TH ANNUAL BEATING HEARTS SUPPORT LIFE 5 K FUN RUN & MILE WALK Do you enjoy going for a walk? Or a run? Do you desire to support & care for the orphan & the unborn? Come join us

August 20 at 8:30 am at Children's Park in Sioux Center for the 4th annual Beating Hearts Support Life 5k fun run & 1 mile walk. All proceeds benefit Katelyn's Fund Orphan Ministry! Register at And any questions can be directed to or feel free to Angela Dekkers.

--THE TAYLORS, an award winning brother / sister trio from the heart of North Carolina will be performing at Hull First Reformed Church on Thursday, August 25 at 7:00 pm. Come for a wonderful night of fellowship, music and worship. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and free will offering will be taken.

--CLASSIS HEARTLAND will meet Saturday, September 10 at 8:00 a.m. in Ireton CRC

--2016 MINN-IA-KOTA RETREAT, hosted by Bible League International Volunteers, will be on

Tuesday, September 13 at Carmel Reformed Church at 9:30 AM. Featured international speaker, Adelle Campbell Dickie, will share how her faith has led her through some incredible challenges. You do not need to be a member of Bible League International Volunteers to come and enjoy this retreat. It is a unique experience open to anyone looking for a great spiritual experience. Everyone is encouraged to come to the evening concert with Captivating Keyboards. This team has performed at Bill Gaither’s Fall Family Festival and the Maranatha Bible Conference. Invite a friend and plan to come.


Sept 11 & Nov 27 (1st Sunday of Advent)


August 79:30AMPastor Wick Hubers

6:00PMPastor Doug Van Aartsen / Combined service at Ireton CRC

August 149:30AMPastor Wick Hubers

6:00PMNo Worship Service

August 219:30AMInstallation of Pastor Nate Kuperus

6:00PMGale Tien

August 289:30AMGale Tien

9:30 AMGale Tien

6:00PMGale Tien

September 119:30AMPastor Nate Kuperus (First Sermon)


Sunday, August 79:30 AMWorship Service

6:00 PMCombined Worship Service at Ireton CRC