Dear [First Name]:
As we work to recruit, enroll and help incoming students, to ensure access and opportunity, it’s important that we continue to explore tools, best practices and strategies to help address our students’ needs and give them opportunities to succeed. It is also important that we maintain critical connections with K–12 staff.
For this reason, I’m interested in attending the College Board’s ACCUPLACER National Conference, being held on June 12-13, 2014 in Indianapolis. The sessions that I’ll have the opportunity to attend will provide me with the knowledge, perspective and materials I need to make a positive impact at [institution] and to help us achieve our goals.
The ACCUPLACER National Conference brings together K-12 and Higher Ed professionals from across the nation to address issues around access and remediation, and offer effective strategies, best practices and tools via sessions, workshops and networking opportunities. Below are a few ways my attendance will pay off for [institution]:
· I will contribute to strengthening the connection/alignment between K-12 and Higher Education
· I will explore effective placement, diagnostics and intervention tools that can aid students get to the appropriate courses that align to their academic skill level
· I will discover best practices on how to successfully use ACCUPLACER as a recruitment or retention tool
· I will have the opportunity to engage in deeper discussions with my peers around how to effectively address issues facing education today, and how to strengthen K-12 and Higher Ed alignment
· I will learn about ways to turn our commitment into action and results through collaboration and access to programs, insights and approaches that work
The cost breakdown of sending me to the ACCUPLACER National Conference is as follows:
• Registration: $
• Airfare: $
• Hotel: $
• Meals: $
The total travel costs are: $
The total conference costs are: $
To learn more about the conference, visit the ACCUPLACER National Conference Website at I hope you find that this is a good investment of time and resources that will deliver real value to our school.
Thank you for your consideration.