Summer holiday’s…… are fast approaching, have you thought about how to keep the children occupied and happy? Why not come along to our Summer Holiday Club at Deans Community High School. Our Summerprogramme is now available to view on our website or at the club, please speak to a member of staff.
Please can we remind parents/carers to provide sun cream for your child, if you do not wish to use the clubs sun cream (Nivea). We recommend that hats, sunglasses and clothes covering shoulders be worn to ensure proper protection from the sun.
If children wish to bring their bikes or scooters during the holiday periods they may do so. Provided they have a helmetand they are chained up outside at the bicycle shed.
May we please ask that children refrain from bringing foods containing nuts to the club, as we have children with a severe nut allergy. Any concerns, please speak to a member of staff. Thank you.
Staff have been attending Deans club catchment schools (Carmondean, St. John Ogilvie, Meldrum & Deans) Primary one induction meetings to promote Simply Play @ Deans. They have also been attending school Fayres and Gala days.
Club Improvement
We have introduced a new reward system to improve on children’s positive thinking. This has been developed through child observations and consultation with the children. As all children are allocated a keyworker on starting at Deans club it was suggested to use these groups and allow the children to work as a team instead of individually. Lists of keyworker groups are on display within the club for children, parents/carers to view. If a child does something positive they will be praised and asked to place a coloured cube into their keyworker group jar (as displayed on signing out table). Jars will be checked at the end of a month and group with most cubes is the winner! Rewards will be discussed with keyworker group and put in place.
As from the 28th June we will no longer be able to accommodate taking children to activities out with Deans club eg. Swimming, gymnastics. We hope you can understand that we legally have to stay within our ratios. Any questions please speak to staff.
Thank you
Michelle,Gillian, Eileen, Deborah, Janice & Angie
Deans Club Team
Contact: Deans Club - 07753 471948 email:
Head Office - 01506 856444