PRESENT :Annette Dickinson-Flint; Chris Flint;Graham Jackson;Gary Nolan; Lee Picken; Lorna Rogers;
Guy Scott; Don Wallington.
APOLOGIES:- Mal Brown;Mark Fone; Max Lloyd; Cyril Nolan.
a. The revised ground lease from the Rugby Club is expected soon.
b. Planning Application approval expected by 17th May
c. Initial Grant Application has been lodged with the Sport England Community Asset Fund.
d. Nomination papers for the election of Officers & Committee etc have been issued.
f. Octoplumb Ltd have serviced and repaired the boiler.
g. Lee Picken offered to find out more detailed information on "squash cannons".
h. GSJ has yet to attend to lights on Courts 1 & 2.
a. Both the Current and Savings accounts remain strong although the annual surplus was likely to be down
on the previous year because of increased spending on maintenance.
b. A broadcast emailwill be issued this month reviewing court fee payment systems.
a. 206members have renewed their membership including 46subscription free juniors.
b. Unfortunately, Jacky does not wish to continue as Membership Secretary. Volunteer[s] required.
a. The Club Squash 57 [Racketball] team of JA; MD; CM and CW were runners up in the
NationalClub Finals at Edgbaston on 22nd/23rd April.
b. New member, Neil Morgan, won the Nolan Downing Trophy and Scott Baileywon the Squash
competition. Both finals matches were exceptionally well contested to within two points in the fifth set.
[See 'U' Tube video thanks to Paul Mathieson].
a. Cyril & Terry J to arrange a date for the Safegaurding meeting to follow a Saturday session.
Ideas & volunteers required for "occupying" 20 children!!
a. Shropshire County "end of Season Review Meeting" on 9th May and the AGM on 7th September.
b. Club Closed Racketball final 18th May
c. The Club "D" team social/friendly match v Kingsland "F" on 25th May.
d. County Closed Squash 57 [Racketball] Championships at our Club: 24th & 31st May :: Final rounds 10th/11th June.
d. Metafit goes to the dogs 8th July.
e. Gary, Cyril and Ryan have agreed to mastermind and arrange a fun "It's a Knockout" Summer Event
in August. Date to be agreed :: Max Lloyd has offered to operate the barbecue.
a. Membership "programme for the future" and""retention" review to be instigated.
b. Lee Picken to host Oakwood School Girls squash sessions; to attempt to provide some squash buddies and, in
association with Cyril, to institute some Squash 57 [Racketball] improvers clinics to bridge the gap between elite
and some better players.
c. Guy agreed to email team Captains to invite attendance at the Wolverhampton Club markers session on 18th May;
our own proposed Club session would still need to be arranged.
d. Don Wallington agreed to continue with the existing website.
e. GSJ to issue a "mycourts" broadcast in a probably vain attempt to motivate people to accept a Committee nomination.
Date of next Meeting
AGM MONDAY 5thJUNE 2017 at 1940 hours
Free light Buffet