DP unit planner – English A1 Language & Literature

Unit title / Language and Mass communications (The language of persuasion) (Part 2)
Teacher(s) and Examination session / Dr. Jonathan Bates, Eniko Kiss, Michelle Liew, Victoria Sargent, Nehemiah
Subject and level / Year 5 HL and SL
Time frame and duration / 8 Weeks, 1st October 2012 to November 26, 2012
Section of DP course:
Core, option, prescribed topic, part …. / Part 2: Language and Mass communications

Stage 1: Framework for learning

Significant concept(s)
What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?
The role of the media. How English Language is used by the media to influence and persuade its readers. How advertisements make use of language to advertise/ counter-advertise with attention paid to advertising techniques that have been employed. Advertisements as discriminatory tools highlighting gender roles and differences.
Which specific DP aims and objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Aims being addressed:
1. For students to identify advertising techniques such as the use of the bandwagon effect, problem and benefit and testimonials as part of advertising tactics.
2. To deconstruct an advertisement, looking at structural elements that define an ad.
3. To understand and evaluate the success of counter-advertising with the use of parody and pastiche.
Objectives being addressed:
There are four assessment objectives at SL and at HL for the languageA: language and literature course.
1.  Knowledge and understanding
o  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of texts
o  Demonstrate an understanding of the use of language, structure, technique and style
o  Demonstrate a critical understanding of the various ways in which the reader constructs meaning and of how context influences this constructed meaning
o  Demonstrate an understanding of how different perspectives influence the reading of a text
2.  Application and analysis
o  Demonstrate an ability to choose a text type appropriate to the purpose required
o  Demonstrate an ability to use terminology relevant to the various text types studied
o  Demonstrate an ability to analyse the effects of language, structure, technique and style on the reader
o  Demonstrate an awareness of the ways in which the production and reception of texts contribute to their meanings
o  Demonstrate an ability to substantiate and justify ideas with relevant examples
3.  Synthesis and evaluation
o  Demonstrate an ability to compare and contrast the formal elements, content and context of texts
o  Discuss the different ways in which language and image may be used in a range of texts
o  Demonstrate an ability to evaluate conflicting viewpoints within and about a text
o  At HL only: Produce a critical response evaluating some aspects of text, context and meaning
4.  Selection and use of appropriate presentation and language skills
o  Demonstrate an ability to express ideas clearly and with fluency in both written and oral communication
o  Demonstrate an ability to use the oral and written forms of the language, in a range of styles, registers and situations
o  Demonstrate an ability to discuss and analyse texts in a focused and logical manner
o  At HL only: Demonstrate an ability to write a balanced, comparative analysis
Theory of Knowledge
How will this unit contribute to the student’s understanding of Theory of Knowledge?
Ways of Knowing: Language, perception; Areas of Knowledge: Ethics, history;
Interdisciplinary Links
How can the broader curriculum goals of the DP be developed in this unit: International Mindedness, the Learner Profile, and links to other subjects?
The IB learner profile: Inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, open-minded, risk-takers, balanced, reflective
Links to other subjects Literature, history
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry
What assessment task(s) will be undertaken during this unit? Indicate if these are for IB Internal Assessment, IB External Assessment or for ISIS formative feedback
IB External assessment Written Task 1
IB Internal assessment Further Oral Activity
Formative feedback Various in-class oral practice activities for the Further Oral Activity and pre-writing for Written Task
Which DP assessment requirements are being addressed by this unit?
Written Task 1 and Further Oral Activity
How will tasks and/or assessments be modified to allow students to be assessed at a grade appropriate standard? (For units taught in Year 5 only)
ContentWhat content and/or skills will be taught in this unit? Are there any specific MOE requirements that need to be addressed in this unit?
Content: Students will gain an understanding of how the media and their use of linguistic devices consciously shape public opinion. Students will gain an understanding of advertising techniques used, counter advertising techniques used and how successful these techniques have been.
Skills: Students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills; students will develop oral presentation skills including preparation, planning and presentation; students will develop writing skills including pre-writing, drafting, revising and finalizing for external submission
Learning experiencesHow will students know what is expected of them? Will they see examples, rubrics, and templates?
How will students acquire the knowledge and practice the skills required? How will they practice applying these?
Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will we know? / Teaching strategiesWhat different teaching methodologies will we employ? What activities will the student undertake?
How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? How have we made provision for those learning in a language other than their mother tongue? How have we considered those with special educational needs?
How are we developing information literacy and the use of ICT?
~Introduction to Advertising. Watch the TED talk on Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man (20mins long)
-Students to first read transcript before watching the video
-Answer the questions on the Power point slides related to the video in pairs.
-Read Pg 98 and Pg100of Brad Philport (Advertising and Buyology) before doing Activity 4.4 on Pg 99. This exercise deals with fundamental questions on advertising and how it affects human behavior. Makes us think of how advertising affects us psychologically, emotionally. Teacher discusses these questions with the class/ individual or pair work. They are to give as many examples as possible in answering the questions. (Key terms: Brands, marketing, Buyology, focus groups and brand loyalty.)
-Read pg 165-168 (to have an understanding of register, style and tone) before doing the exercise on 168,Rob Allison, Ad analysis on Product Recall Volkswagon and answer the questions. Questions on style, register and tone of the advertisement is addressed.
David Beckham - Burger King 2012 Commercial and
(Get students to first watch two Burger King advertisements starring David Beckham before they read advertising techniques) Discuss what makes this advertisement so appealing to audiences. They might have already touched on some aspects of advertising techniques mentioned in the book. The use of celebrities, the bandwagon effect etc.
- After watching the Burger King youtube video, Read Pg 100-102 Philpot, on Advertising techniques. They can discuss and summarise what each of these techniques are.
- (Watch a you tube video on Advertising techniques which have some additional techniques not mentioned in the book) Ask them to list down the advertising techniques used in the video and explain what these techniques are. (Use of celebrities, Bandwagon effect, Glittering generalities, Emotional appeal, Plain folks appeal, Scientific appeal)
-Student’s task: To find a youtube advertisement that they really like, share it with the class and say what sort of advertising techniques are being used in the advertisement and why it is so effective. They must name at least 3 advertising techniques used in the advertisement and state the effectiveness of those techniques. (Application of advertising techniques learnt)
The power of narrative in Advertising:
Rob Allison, pg 173-175
Do the Ad analysis question on Pg 174. Students to come up with their own advertisement. They can cut up pictures from magazines, newspapers and construct their own advertisement and write a story (narrative) that goes with it. Students can rate each other on how effective the advertisement was.
-Read Pg 102-104 from Philpot, A deconstructed ad.
-Students will deconstruct an ad in pairs by applying the knowledge from the textbook and using the worksheet provided. They have to bring an advertisement from the magazines or newspapers to do this assignment. Pair work presentation of their work after. To be graded out of 30 marks.
-Introduction to Counter- Advertising: Anti-ads, Philanthropic ads, culture jamming, parody and pastiche. Pg 105-107
-Focus on Parody and Pastiche as these are important and new terms that can help with part 3 of the course –powerpoint slides provided.
-Teachers, please look through the advertisements on utube in the Powerpoint slides on parody and pastiche before embarking on the activity. Students may have to watch the Mac video and T mobile videos at least twice before they can draw the comparisons.
-Gender discrimination in advertising
-Potrayal of gender roles in ads:
- ( Funny video that shows the differences between ads that target females and males)
-Powerpoint slides provided to discuss some questions on gender discrimination in advertising. Students should pay particular attention to the language used in these adverts. They can work in pairs or threes when discussing the questions. Present answers to the class.
-Racial discrimination in advertising: (If we have time)
-End off with a class debate on whether advertising makes the world a better place to live in.
-To read 1984 George Orwell as Part 3 of the course for next year? / ~Methodologies employed include: minilessons, video viewing, whole class discussion, small group discussion, mini-debates, jigsaw of reading tasks, small group presentations, writing assignments of various styles, sharing of textual and non-textual resources, pre-writing, peer editing, etc.
~Teaching activities are detailed in the column at left
~ICT used include: TED talks, podcasts, online copies of documents displayed on screen, students research online, use of computer-generated documents displayed on screen, use of visualizer for various purposes
What resources are available to us?
How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate
Students’ experiences during the unit?
Video Resources / 1. The TED talk on Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man (20mins long)
2. Burger King Advertisement
3. Advertising Techniques
4. Potrayal of Gender Roles in ads
Visual Resources / (1)  Introductory power point questions on Rory Sutherland’s Ted Talk.
(2)  Worksheet for deconstructed advertisement activity.
(3)  Powerpoint slides on Parody and Pastiche.

(4) Power point slides on Gender roles.

Text Resources / Mainly from Brad Philpot and Rob Allison
1.  Read Pg 98 and Pg100of Brad Philport (Advertising and Buyology)
2.  Read pg 168,Rob Allison, Ad analysis on Product Recall Volkswagon and answer the questions.
3.  Read Pg 100-102 Philpot, on Advertising techniques.
4.  The power of narrative in Advertising:
Rob Allison, pg 173-175
5.  Introduction to counter advertising Pg 105-107, Brad Philpot

Stage 3: Ongoing reflections and evaluation

In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions.
Students and teachersWhat inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?
How did we reflect—both on the unit and on our own learning?
What methodologies and activities were particularly successful? Which were not?
Possible connectionsHow successfully were TOK ideas introduced during the unit?
Were students able to demonstrate their learning?
1.  How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit?
2.  Are they ready for final assessment involving this unit? What additional support may be needed?
Data collection
How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?
Prior knowledge
Did the students have enough prior knowledge? What implications are there for future teaching and learning?
What suggestions would you make for future teaching of this unit?
Review Cycle
When do you anticipate this unit will be reviewed? IB review? School review?