General UNICEF Meeting- Oct.27th, 2010

Attendance: Aldrich, Natalie, Bill, Christina, Nancy, Saima, Debby, & Moses.

Meeting started at 5:10

Double-checked to see if everyone has signed up for Spooktacular on Doodle.

Mentioned dressing up in costumes for Saturday. Decided, it’s going to be way too cold, so dress warm! Nat and Kris mentioned that they are bringing candy for Spooktacular as it was a big attraction at Boo @ The Zoo.


Nat: “Any questions regarding this weekend?”

Debrief of Boo @ The Zoo:

-Candy was given out- big attraction. Ran out fast! Drew kids in.

-Decided we are going to have candy at Spooktacular as well.

-Told ppl that approached us to, “Help yourself to a bag, but leaving a donation is welcome”.

Mentioned that an email of where we will be meeting will be sent out.


Debby brought up a question: Should we put up a sign at our table for Spooktacular this time? Decision was that it would be a good idea so that people who walked by and were to shy to ask about the bags could just read the sign.

Grant money available now! ~$500. This is just a start up grant however. Nat mentioned that it should be used for advertising and promotion of the group. She also mentioned to keep track of ALL your spending for the group. It is important to keep your receipts to give to Mo. Anything over the price of $25 must be approved by Moses. He will then reimburse the money that you spent through cash or cheque.

Nat mentioned that we are trying to sort out the previous bank account.

Mo mentioned that he will keep an eye out for future grants to help the group out.


Talked about location of next fundraiser (Fort Edmonton Park) and sorted out rides.

Nat and Mo will have UNICEF t-shirts that will be worn on Saturday; Kris will have the t-shirts for Friday.

Any questions?

Aldrich brought up an important point when asking for volunteers: make sure that who signs up for volunteering ACTUALLY shows up. No-shows are an inconvenience.

Nat indicated that if anyone needs a reference letter, she will gladly write one.

Open position for special events coordinator. Bill Xia volunteered for this position.


Nat: “Any other ideas for future events? Would we like to plan for another fundraiser or a fun event just for us? “

Responses/Ideas discussed:

-Recruiting and advertising for next month. Combining advertising with awareness.

-Break for next 2 months then start up again in January.

-Advertising for next month is important however, so that people know that there is still a UNICEF on campus.

-Free hot chocolate? Or cupcakes by donation?

-While getting things ready for next semester, lets not take too big of steps. Instead, take one step at a time. We want our group to get bigger gradually. So promotion and awareness is vital.

Meeting ended at ~5:35