Miscellaneous Terms – World War One / Fin de Siècle / 20th Century

World War I / Causes

1.  (K) Otto von Bismarck

2.  (F) Reichstag

3.  (K) Kaiser Wilhelm II

4.  (F) The Dreyfus Affair

5.  (F) Bosnian Crisis (1908)

6.  (F) 2nd Moroccan Crisis (1911)

7.  (B) Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

8.  (B) Dual Alliance

9.  (K)Triple Alliance

10.  (F) Triple Entente

World War I

11.  (F) Schlieffen Plan

12.  (K) Trench Warfare

13.  (K) No Man’s Land

14.  (K) Over The Top

15.  (K)Western Front

16.  (F) Battle of Verdun

17.  (F) Battle of the Somme


18.  (F) Georges Clemenceau

19.  (F) Lloyd George

20.  (K) Woodrow Wilson

21.  (B) Armistice – November 11, 1918

22.  (B) Capitulation

23.  (B) Paris Peace Conference of 1919

24.  (F) Treaty of Versailles – January 1920

25.  (F) Wilson’s 14 Points

26.  (F) League of Nations

27.  (F) Alsace-Loraine

28.  (B) Reparations

29.  (F) The War Guilt Clause (Clause 231) – Treaty of Versailles

30.  (B) The Great War / The War To End All Wars

31.  (K) The Lost Generation

32.  (F) Weimar Republic


33.  (F) Fin de Siècle Europe

34.  (F) Crystal Palace / Eiffel Tower

35.  (B) James Joyce

36.  (B)Charles Baudelaire

37.  (F) Erich Maria Remarque – All Quiet on the Western Front

38.  (B) Thomas Mann

39.  (F) Sigmund Freud

40.  (F) Friedrich Nietzsche

41.  (F) Max Weber

42.  (F) Emile Durkheim

43.  (F) Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister

44.  (F) Leo Tolstoi (Tolstoy)

45.  (F) Dada

46.  (F) Surrealism

47.  (F) Cubism

48.  (F) Gustave Klimt

49.  (F) Mass Politics

50.  (F) Eduard Bernstein

51.  (F) Theodor Herzl