(From TMA 123/128)

Here are some things to think about when beginning a character analysis for your monologue/scene work. Think about personal history of character and relationship with other characters; evidence of historical, political background; literature, theatre, visual arts, music; religion, philosophy, learning; growth in science and technology; daily life, human rights and living conditions that might have influenced the development of your character.


·  What does my diet consist of?

·  Height/Weight/Build?

·  Hair color/Eye color/Nationality?

·  Deformities, diseases or handicaps?

·  On any medications?

·  Do you have any addictions (drug or alcohol)?

·  How much sleep do you get each night on average?

·  Do you worry about your health?

·  Do you exercise regularly?

·  What types of exercise do you do, if any?

·  What parts of your physical self do you love/hate?

·  Overall are you pleased with your appearance?

·  What style of clothing do you wear?

·  What kind of accessories do you wear?

·  Are you a bargain shopper or big spender?

·  When people first see you what are there perceptions of you based on your physical appearance?

·  What kind of physical tics or habits do you have (nail chewing, scratching, twitch, etc.)?

Interesting facts or important ideas to consider

·  Right now in life what I want more thank anything else is…

·  I would be able to do the following to get what I want…

·  Six words I’d use to describe myself are…

·  When people first meet me they think I’m______

·  But actually I’m ______

·  What has your day been like before this scene takes place?

·  Where did you come from and where are you going afterward?

·  What would your life be like ideally?